Configuration Guide for: System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Quantity / Date: 04/01/09
Settlements & Billing
BPM Configuration Guide:System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Quantity
Version 5.0
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 37Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Quantity / Date: 04/01/09
Table of Contents
1.Purpose of Document
3.Charge Code Requirements
3.1Business Rules
3.2Predecessor Charge Codes
3.3Successor Charge Codes
3.4Inputs - External Systems
3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations
3.6CAISO Formula
4.Charge Code Effective Dates
1.Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Pre-calculation in one document.
The Real-Time Deemed Delivered Energy from Interchange schedules has been recorded through the Interchange Transaction Scheduling System (BITS). A new interchange transaction scheduling system referred to as, the Control Area Scheduling Subsystem (CAS) will replace the existing BITS in early 2007 and be the system of record for Real-Time Interchange schedules when MRTU goes live. This System Resource Pre-calculation determines the Settlement Interval Real-Time Deemed Delivered MWh quantities for use by Billing & Settlements systems. The 10-minute MWh values are considered by Settlements as the “Deemed Delivered” quantities that actually flowed in Real-Time for an Interchange schedule (System Resource). The terms “Deemed Delivered” and “Real-Time Deemed Delivered” are used interchangeably in this document.
The System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Pre-calculation generates the Deemed Delivered Energy for hourly Day Ahead Schedules, HASP Schedules (pre-dispatched) and Real Time dispatched Interchange schedules for both Non-Dynamic and Dynamic System Resources. This Pre-calculation is a simplification of the BITS to SI post process that currently exists under the MRTU Phase 1B configuration. Currently, the post process generates both Dispatch Interval Instructed Imbalance Energy (IIE) quantities and Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered quantities by utilizing the Real Time Interchange schedules recorded in BITS considering any changes resulting from the control area check out process by CAISO that has occurred before the Settlements process. For MRTU, Dispatch Interval IIE quantities will be generated by the Market Quality System (MQS) based upon market results while the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered quantities will be calculated by Settlements using CAS data. Because MQS is using market results rather than the recorded quantities in CASthat are subject to a control area check-out process, the sum of the Dispatch Interval IIE quantities may differ from the hourly quantities recorded in CAS. This difference will be captured by a successor Settlements calculation, the RT Energy Quantity Pre-calculation, as an Operational Adjustment (OA).
The System Resource Deemed Delivered Energypre-calculation determines the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered MWh quantities for both Dynamic and Non-Dynamic System Resources. The Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered quantities for each Energy type expressed in MWh are derived from the Real Time scheduled quantity. Energy quantitiesare received either directly from CAS (in the case of Non-Dynamic System Resources) or after first being converted to 10-minute interval data by the OMAR (Operational Metering and Recording) subsystem (in the case of Dynamic System Resources). The System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy pre-calculation performs the following functions:
- For all non-Dynamic System Resource Energy, including Exceptional Dispatch Energy, for which CAS provides Real Time interchange schedules, theSettlement Interval Deemed Delivered quantity by Energy type for each 10-minute Settlement Interval of a Trading Hour is calculated from the MW quantity recorded inCAS for each 5-minute Dispatch Interval of the Settlement Interval.
- For dynamic Real Time Interchange schedules (related to resources known as Tie-Generators, TGs) the 10-minute Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered quantity for each 10-minute Settlement Interval of a Trading Hour is received from the OMAR subsystem. The OMAR subsystem generates the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered quantity input by converting CAS hourly schedule data for a TG into 10-minute interval data based on the relative metered Energy recorded for each 10-minute interval of the hour.
- The System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Pre-calculation generates a common output variable (in the form of a SaMC Charge Type) that expressesReal Time Interchange schedules for both dynamic Energy and non-dynamic Energy.
3.Charge Code Requirements
3.1Business Rules
Bus Req ID / Business Rule1.0 / This Charge Code shall be computed daily on a Settlement Interval basis.
2.0 / Deemed Delivered quantities where CAS OOM Type equal OOM as recorded in CAS includes all types of Exceptional Dispatches regardless of whether they have Energy Bids. (Fact)
3.0 / For an input (either HourlyDeemedDeliveredInterchangeEnergy or DispatchIntervalChecked OutInterchangeQuantity) having a CAS-reported Energy type = ‘OOM’, the Energy Type shall be translated to “EXCPDISP”.
4.0 / (Fact)
For an input (either HourlyDeemedDeliveredInterchangeEnergy or DispatchIntervalChecked OutInterchangeQuantity) having a CAS-reported Energy type = ‘OOM’, CAS is expected to identify an Exceptional Dispatch Energy type.
4.1 / (Fact)
The expected Exceptional Dispatch Energy types include:
(a) System Emergency Energy(‘SYSEMERG’),
(b) Emergency Energy (‘EMRENGY‘),
(c) non-bid Energy required to be dispatched due to a Transmission Modeling Limitation (‘TModelNoBid’),
(d) bid Energy required to be dispatched due to a Transmission Modeling Limitation (‘TModelBid’),
(e) exceptional dispatch Energy dispatched for a modeling reason other than a transmission model limitation(‘NonTModel’),
(f) Energy dispatched for the reason of Ancillary Service availability testing and performance testing (‘ASTest’),
(g) Energy for service pre-testingof a Generating Unit (‘PreTest’),
(h) Energy pertaining to Transmission Rights and Transmission Curtailment Instructions (‘TORETC’),
(i) Black Start Energy (‘BS’),
(j) Voltage Support Energy (‘VS’),
(k) Reliability-Must-Run Energy (‘RMR’), and
(l) Reliability-Must-Run Energy from a Substitute Generating Unit (‘RMRS’).
5.0 / (Fact)
The FIRM, NFRM and WHEEL Schedule Types are applicable to all Real-Time Interchange Schedules (including Self-Schedules).
6.0 / For Energy schedules of Energy types ‘FIRM’, ‘NFRM’, ‘DYN’, ‘WHEEL’ and ‘EXCPDISP’, the System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Pre-calculation shall calculate and present the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered MWh and hourly Deemed Delivered MWh quantities for a System Resource.
6.1 / The Pre-calculation process shall calculate the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered MWh quantities for each of the six (6) Settlement Intervals of a Trading Hour.
6.1.1 / Each calculated 10-minute value (in MWh) for non-TG resources shall be computed from CAS data to be 1/6 of the hourly scheduled Energy (in MW) for the Trading Hour added to 1/12 of thesum of the 5-minute scheduled MW for each Dispatch Interval of the Settlement Interval (where the multiplication allows for the conversion from MW to MWh). For TG resources, the System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Pre-calculation shall use the OMAR-provided data as the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered Energy value (in MWh) for each 10-minute Settlement Interval.
6.2 / The Pre-calculation process shall compute the hourly Deemed Delivered MWh output as the sum of
the HourlyDeemedDeliveredInterchangeEnergy input quantity (from CAS) and
the six (6) Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered MWh quantities (from either CAS or OMAR, depending upon Energy type) for the hour’s six (6) 10-minute settlement intervals.
7.0 / For CAS-reportedReal-Time Interchange Energy that is presented through the DispatchIntervalChecked OutInterchangeQuantity input, for a non-dynamic System Resource the System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Pre-calculation shall calculate for each Trading Hour the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered MWh quantities for the 6 Settlement Intervals of the hour as well as the Hourly Deemed Delivered MWh quantity.
7.1 / For the CAS-reported Real-Time Interchange Energy the pre-calculation process shall calculate the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered MWh quantities for each of the six (6) Settlement Intervals of a Trading Hour as the sum of the Energy for each of the two 5-minute dispatch intervals of the Settlement Interval.
7.1.1 / For the CAS-reported Real-Time Interchange Energy the pre-calculation process shall calculate the 5-minute dispatch interval deemed delivered MWh quantities by dividing by 12 the resource’s DispatchIntervalChecked OutInterchangeQuantity input (in MW) that is specific to each 5-minute interval (where the division allows for the conversion from MW to MWh).
7.2 / The Pre-calculation process shall calculate the Hourly Deemed Delivered MWh quantity for the Trading Hour as the sum of the Energy calculated for each of the hour’s six (6) Settlement Intervals
8.0 / For OMAR-reported Real-Time Interchange Energy that is presented through the SettlementIntervalChecked OutInterchangeQuantity input for a Dynamic System Resource, the System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Pre-calculation shall calculate for each Trading Hour the Hourly Deemed Delivered MWh quantity.
8.1 / For OMAR-reported Real-Time Interchange Energy (in MWh) that is presented by the SettlementIntervalChecked OutInterchangeQuantity input for a Dynamic System Resource, the System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Pre-calculation shall in turn present the same input value as the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered Energy output (in MWh) for each 10-minute Settlement Interval
8.2 / The Pre-calculation process shall calculate the Hourly Deemed Delivered MWh quantity of a Dynamic System Resource for the Trading Hour as the sum of the Energy for each of the hour’s six (6) Settlement Intervals
8.3 / For the OMAR-reported Real-Time Interchange Energy relating to a TG System Resource over a 10-minute Settlement Interval, the System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Pre-calculation shall calculate the deemed delivered MWh quantities for each 5-minute Dispatch Interval of the Settlement Interval by dividing the SettlementIntervalChecked OutInterchangeQuantity input for a Dynamic System Resource by 2 and applying the result to each of the two Dispatch Intervals.
9.0 / For cases of a System Resource that is associated with Transmission Losses determined and settled under Operating Agreements (for which the Pre-calculation “Allocation of Transmission Losses under Operating Agreements” allocates the Transmission Losses), the System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Pre-calculation shall output the Settlement Interval Deemed-Delivered MW quantity for the System Resource on a pair of dedicated outputs, one output for the case where the Transmission Losses are associated with the same intertie as the System Resource, and the other output for the case where the Transmission Losses are associated with another intertie.
9.1 / The pair of dedicated outputs that are associated with Transmission Losses subject to Operating Agreements concerning a System Resource shall be provided in addition to a single output on which the Settlement Interval Deemed Delivered Energy shall be presented for the System Resource.
3.2Predecessor Charge Codes
Charge Code/ Pre-calc NameNone
3.3Successor Charge Codes
Charge Code/ Pre-calc NamePre-calculation Allocation of Transmission Losses Under Operating Agreements
Pre-calculation Real Time Energy Quantity
Pre-calculation Measured Demand Over Control Area
Pre-calculation Measured Demand over Control Area Excluding MSS Energy
Pre-calculation Measured Demand Emissions over Control Area Excluding External Exports
Pre-calculation Measured Demand over Control Area Excluding Transmission Loss Adjustment
Pre-calculation MSS Netting
Pre-calculation Wheel Export Quantity
CC 6474 Real Time Unaccounted For Energy Settlement
Pre-calculation ETC/TOR/CVR Quantity
Pre-calculation Metered Energy Adjustment Factor
3.4Inputs - External Systems
Row # / Variable Name / Description1 / HourlyCheckedOutInterchangeQuantityBrtEuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’OVvHn’L’qq’mdh / For all non-dynamic Energy types (for which the Energy Type E > ‘DYN’) this input is obtained from the CAS subsystem.
The input represents the final (Real Time) Checked Out Hourly Interchange Schedule quantity (in MW) by Business Associate B, Resource IDr, Resource Type t, Load Following Resource Indicator L’, Energy Type E, UDC/MSS ID u, Entity Type T’, MSS Energy Settlement Election I’, External Control Area IDQ’, MSS LAP M’, APNode A, APNode Type A’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Pricing Node p, PTO ID P, MSS Emissions Pay Flag W’, Intertie ID Q, Dynamic Resource Type d’, Contract Reference ID N, Contract Type z’, Exceptional Dispatch Type O, RUC Participation Flag V, TAC area v, HVAC Payer ID H, Non-PTO Flag n’, Loss Intertie ID q, Loss Factor q’, Trading Month m, Trading Day d, and Trading Hour h, where (as a data mapping requirement) t equals ‘ITIE’ or ‘ETIE’. Only hourly deemed-delivered schedule data from CAS are mapped to this BD, conditional on the values of the Q attribute, mapped attribute q and the FlowTypeQq input. The data mapping process must generate and assign values for the input’s attributes q and q’ for combinations of Q and Loss Intertie Data (specified in as specified in input requirement 7 below), where
Q = Intertie ID (Q) And FlowTypeQq= ‘Direct’ or
there is nostanding data combination for a given Q (i.e., q and q’ are not defined in Standing Data for the given Q).
For OOM or No Bids, a different Resource ID (other than the IDs associated with FIRM, NFRM, WHEEL) is used/recorded in CAS.
The data mapping process shall apply the mapping rules for Energy Type E as defined in input row14.0 below. The current input shall be mapped only where E > ‘DYN’.
If OOM Type = ‘OOM’ (designating a RT OOM Schedule for an hourly Interval), the data mapping process shall set the Energy Type E to the value ‘EXCPDISP’. The data mapping process shall populate the Exceptional Dispatch Type O, if the exceptional dispatch type is designated by CAS.
Import schedule values are identified by Resource Type t, where t equals ‘ITIE’ and the MWH values are assumed to be positive quantities in the formulas of the document section “CAISO Formula” below.
Export schedule values are identified by Resource Type t, where t equals ‘ETIE’ and the MWH values are assumed to be negative quantities in the formulas of the document section “CAISO Formula” below.
`P` in this case relates to the PTO who holdstransmission capacity entitlement at the System Resource. For each `Q` that is designated as a High Voltage resource (i.e. = VoltageLevelIndicatorQ= High Voltage), the `P` attribute shall be null, as it is not required in downstream calculations and for the fact thattransmission capacity entitlement at a high voltage system resource can potentially be held by multiple PTO`s. For each `Q` that is designated as a Low Voltage resource (i.e. = VoltageLevelIndicatorQ = Low Voltage), the `P` attribute will contain the identifier of the single PTO who holds transmission capacity entitlement at that specific system resource. Note that more than one PTO never holds transmission capacity entitlement at a low voltage resource.
The data mapping process shall obtain the values for the Contract Reference ID (N) and its associated Contract Type (z’) attribute from the CAS subsystem and Master File, respectively, for the resource ID value (r) to which input HourlyCheckedOutInterchangeQuantityBrtEuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’OVvHn’L’qq’mdh is being mapped. CAS may present multiple N with a particular r value.
2 / HourlyCheckedOutInterchangeShadowQuantity BrtEuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’OVvHn’L’qq’mdh / For all non-dynamic Energy types (for which the Energy Type E > ‘DYN’) this input is obtained from the CAS subsystem.
The input represents the final (Real Time) Checked Out Hourly Interchange Schedule quantity (in MW) by Business Associate B, Resource r, Resource Type t, Load Following Resource Indicator L’, Energy Type E, UDC/MSS ID u, Entity Type T’, MSS Energy Settlement Election I’, External Control Area IDQ’, MSS LAP M’, APNode A, APNode Type A’, Penalty Resource ID R’, Pricing Node p, PTO ID P, MSS Emissions Pay Flag W’, Intertie ID Q, Dynamic Resource Type d’, Contract Reference ID N, Contract Type z’, Exceptional Dispatch Type O, RUC Participation Flag V, TAC area v, HVAC Payer ID H, Non-PTO Flag n’, Loss Intertie ID q, Loss Factor q’, Trading Month m, Trading Day d, and Trading Hour h, where (as a data mapping requirement)t equals ‘ITIE’ or ‘ETIE’. Only hourly deemed-delivered schedule data from CAS are mapped to this BD, conditional on the values of the Q attribute, mapped attribute q and the FlowTypeQqinput. The data mapping process must generate and assign values for the input’s attributes q and q’ for combinations of Q and Loss Intertie Data(as specified in input requirement7 below), where
Q = Intertie ID (Q) And
FlowTypeQq= ‘Shadow’.
For OOM or No Bids, a different Resource ID (other than the IDs associated with FIRM, NFRM, WHEEL) is used/recorded in CAS.
The data mapping process shall apply the mapping rules for Energy Type E as defined in input row14.0 below. The current input shall be mapped only where E > ‘DYN’.
If OOM Type = ‘OOM’ (designating a RT OOM Schedule for an hourly Interval), the data mapping process shall set the Energy Type E to the value ‘EXCPDISP’. The data mapping process shall populate the Exceptional Dispatch Type O, if the exceptional dispatch type is designated by CAS.
Import schedule values are identified by Resource Type t, where t equals ‘ITIE’ and the MWH values are assumed to be positive quantities in the formulas of the document section “CAISO Formula” below.
Export schedule values are identified by Resource Type t, where t equals ‘ETIE’ and the MWH values are assumed to be negative quantities in the formulas of the document section “CAISO Formula” below.
`P` in this case relates to the PTO who holdstransmission capacity entitlement at the System Resource. For each `Q` that is designated as a High Voltage resource (i.e. = VoltageLevelIndicatorQ= High Voltage), the `P` attribute will be null, as it is not required in downstream calculations and for the fact that transmissioncapacity entitlement at a high voltage system resource can potentially be held by multiple PTO`s. For each `Q` that is designated as a Low Voltage resource (i.e. = VoltageLevelIndicatorQ= Low Voltage), the `P` attribute will contain the identifier of the single PTO who holds transmission capacity entitlement at that specific system resource. Note that more than one PTO never holds transmission capacity entitlement at a low voltage resource.