Music – Paul Wilbur (Lion of Judah) Adapted – Phyllis Williams
VERSE 1:You’re the Lion of Judah the Lamb who was slain
You ascended to Heaven and evermore will reign
At the end of the age when the earth You reclaim
You will gather the nations before You
VERSE 2:And the eyes of all men will be fixed on the Lamb
Who was crucified
With wisdom and mercy and justice You’ll reign
At Your Father’s side
CHORUS:And the angels will cry - Hail the Lamb
Who was slain for the world - Rule in power
And the earth will reply - You shall reign
BRIDGE:As the King of all Kings
And the L-rd of all L-rds
VERSE 3:As a shield in our hand and a sword in our sight
There’s a fire in our spirits that cannot be denied
`As the Father has told us for these You have died
For the nations that gather before You
VERSE 4:And the ears of all men need to hear of the Lamb
Who was crucified
Who descended to hell yet was raised up to reign
At His Father’s side
Musical Intro
½ of Team walk in holding tambourines in RH waving waist level LH on hip
Part 1, Verses (Miserlu)
1. Point LF into center, AST wave tambourines up
2. Swing LF back behind RF, AST still waving tambourines
3. Step to R on RF, Step onto LF & Pivot to face L, AST waving tambourines
4. Step onto RF, slide LF to meet RF, Repeat, AST tap tambourines 4x
5. Step BWD onto LF, slide RF BWD to meet LF, Repeat, AST tap tambourine 4x
Repeat 3x for a total of 4x
Part 2, Chorus
1. Back up LSTS, AST tapping tambourines 4x waist level
2. Move FWD R STS, L STS, R STS, AST waving and tapping tambourines praise
Repeat 2x for a total of 3x
Part 3, Bridge
1. FaceCenter, wave tambourines at sides
2. Place RF back, bowing at waist, AST wave tambourines at sides
3. Turn R to face out, place RF back, bowing at waist waving tambourines at sides
4. Turn R to face center, wave tambourines at sides
Musical Interlude
Each person does a box shape doing
Just after Musical Interlude other ½ of team come in w/one member carrying Lion of Judah Banner and the other members waving fringe tambourines.