Small Writers… Enormous Possibilities:
Effective Writing Instruction in the Kindergarten Classroom
Kelly Boswell
Oregon Kindergarten Summit
March 19, 2008
• Mini-lesson or Community Meeting
• Independent Writing Time
• Mid-workshop Mini-lesson
• Conferring
• Whole-Class Share and Reflection
Elements of a Conference
An effective conference can reinforce a minilesson or previous teaching point (compliment) and always moves the student forward as a writer by teaching him/her something specific. Remember the purpose is to improve the writer not just the current piece of writing.
* Look over student’s writing
* Ask, “So what are you working on today as a writer?”
* Check previous notes
* Let me compliment you on….
* Can I tell you something I really like that you’ve done?
* I notice that you…
* Check previous teaching point
* Today what I’d like to teach you is…
* Let me teach you something that good writer’s do…
* Today I’d like to show you how to…
* Let me watch you try that…
* Let’s find a place in your writing where you can try (or add) that…
* Can you add that (or try that) now?
* Go ahead and try that and I will check back with you in a few minutes…
* So remember, from now on you can…
* Not just today, but every time you write…
* So remember, good writers always…
Created by April Willard
Conference Record
Child’s Name: ______
Date / Research / ComplimentWhat strategies did I notice the child using independently? / Teaching Point
What’s the strategy I taught the child in today’s conference? / What is next?
What strategies could I teach the child in the future?
Created by April Willard
Teacher Resources
Calkins, Lucy. Units of Study for Primary Writing: A Yearlong Curriculum, Portsmouth, NH. Heinemann, 2003.
Fletcher, Ralph and Portalupi, JoAnn. Writing Workshop: The Essential Guide, Portsmouth, NH. Heinemann, 2001.
Fletcher, Ralph and Portalupi, JoAnn. Craft Lessons: Teaching Writing K-8., Portsmouth, NH. Heinemann, 1998.
Fletcher, Ralph and Portalupi, JoAnn. Nonfiction Craft Lessons. Portsmouth, NH. Heinemann, 2001.
Ray, Katie Wood. About the Authors: Writing Workshop with our Youngest Writers. Portsmouth, NH. Heinemann, 2004.
Reid, Janine & Shultze, Betty. What's Next for This Beginning Writer?: Minil-lessons that take writing from scribbles to script. Markham, Ontario. Pembroke. 2005.
Routman,Regie.Writing Essentials: Raising Expectations While Simplifying Teaching.Portsmouth, NH:Heinemann,2005.
Spandel, Vicki. Creating Young Writers: Using the Six Traits to Enrich Writing Process in Primary Classrooms. Pearson Education, Inc. 2004.
Spandel, Vicki. Seeing With New Eyes: A Guidebook on Teaching and Assessing Beginning Writers. Portland, OR. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, 1996.