Date: / April 11, 2006
From: / Larry Steckler, Secretary
Reply-to: /
DoveMountain Civic Group Newsletter
April 10, 2006 Meeting
Meeting opened by President Steve Wacker at 7:05PM
WHAT AN EVENING! THE LIST OF GUESTS included State Representative Steve Huffman, Chuck Huckelberry Pima County Administrator,Tim Ahrens RTA Manager,Marana Mayor Ed Honea, Councilwoman Carol McGorray, Town Manager Mike Reuwsaat, and Jim DeGrood Assistant Town Manager for Community Services.
RTA ELECTION MAY 00. 2006. There will be four items on the ballot. The first two must both pass if the RTA Project list is going to happen. Item one is for approval of the plan. Item two is approval the 0.5% sales tax that will pay for the construction.
Item three is for approval to build a Psychiatric Urgent Care facility. The fourth isPsychiatric Inpatient Hospital FacilitiesItems 3 and 4 will be paid for out of current Pima County Property Taxes. These two items if approved will reduce the load on PimaCounty prisons and increase the availability of police by resulting in a major reduction in the amount of time that they currently spend after making a psychiatric arrest – 15 minutes as opposed to the 6-hours currently needed.
CHUCK HUCKELBERRY SPELLED OUT in great details the specific projects that are included in the plan, their anticipated costs and the schedule of construction. Full details are available are
THE PROJECTS OF MOST DIRECT INTEREST to DoveMountain residents are the Twin Peaks interchange being added to I10 and the connection from that interchange along Camino de Manana which will connect directed to Dove Mountain Boulevard. This will cut travel time to s Tucson downtown, the airport and all points south. While not a part of the current plan, some residents asked about alternate access to the mountain. We were informed that Moore Road will become one of those access points, perhaps as soon as late this year, and at a later date, a northern extension of Thornydale will loop around and also provide access to the mountain. In addition, the widening of Tangerine Road to 3 lanes is included in the package.
STATE REPRESENTATIVESTEVE HUFFMAN, a strong proponent of the RTA plan, pointed out that the $2.1 billion, 20-year package will provide 35 road-improvement projects that will include over 200 new lane miles to expand traffic capacity and reduce congestion. Features will include additional lanes, raised and landscaped medians, bus pullouts, bike lanes in each direction and more. Transit Improvements that are a part of the package will expand weekday and weekend bus service, extending hours and increasing frequency. Also on the list are safety improvements that include upgrading 200 intersections, 80 new and improved pedestrian crossings, 200 new bus pullouts and 10 new and improved railroad crossings. Last but not least are 500 miles of new bike lanes and paths, 250 miles of new sidewalks.
A detailed power-point presentation by Gary Hayes, Director, Pima Association of Governments rounded out a very informative evening.
A brief question and answer period concluded the meeting.
ELECTION MEETING MONDAY MAY 8, 2006. At 7:00PM The Dove Mountain Civic Group holds its Annual Business and Election Meeting at the Heritage Highlands Clubhouse. Incoming officers will be elected at this meeting for the 2006-2007 year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM
IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS AND CONTACT information for all Town of Marana agencies can be found on the Marana website at:
Here are some of the most important contacts for you:
DoveMountain Civic Group
Town of Marana382-1900
Marana Arts Council682-2303
Marana Chamber of Commerce682-2303
MaranaHealthCenter 682-4111
MaranaUnifiedSchool District682-3243
Arizona Connection
Pima Association of Govts792-1093
Regional Transportation Authority770-9410
Marana Food Bank682-3001
Marana Library682-4216
Marana Post Office682-3561
Marana Pool682-4456
Northwest Fire District682-4216
Pima CountyAnimal Control743-7550
Newsletter and minutes respectfully submitted by Larry Steckler, Secretary/Treasure