Bruce Fraser
May 2005
General References on Discourse Markers
Below are general references on discourse markers, mostly written in English, that deal with major issues but not with specific details of particular discourse markers (DMs). I have included work that uses the labels of discourse connective, discourse relation, cue phrases, pragmatic markers, pragmatic particles, discourse particles, etc., but I have excluded references to focus or modal particles. Note: I have not read all of the articles so there may be some that were chosen because of their title but are not relevant.
Abraham, W. (ed.). 1991. Discourse particles. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Abraham, W. 1991. Modal particle research: the state of the art. Multilingua 10(1/2):9-15.
Aijmer, K. 2002. English Discourse Particles. Evidence from a Corpus. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Aijmer, K., A. Foolen & Anne-Marie Simon-Vanderbergen. 2005. Discourse particles in the perspective of heteroglossia. In Fischer, 2005.
Ameka, F. 1990-91. How discourse particles mean: The case of the Ewe "terminal" particles. J.
of African Languages and Linguistics 12(2):143-70.
Andersen, G. & T. Fretheim (eds.). 2000. Pragmatic markers and propositional attitude. [Pragmatics & Beyond. New Series 79]. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Jucker, A. & Y. Ziv. 1998. Discourse markers: Introduction. In: A Jucker &and Yael Ziv (eds.). Discourse Markers: Description and Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins,1-12.
Ariel, Mira 1998 “Discourse markers and form-function correlations”. Discourse Markers. Descriptions and Theory, A. Jucker and Y. Ziv (eds.), 223-259. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bateman, J. & Rondhuis, K.J. 1997. "Coherence relations: Towards a general specification". Discourse Processes 24: 3-49.
Bell, D. 1998. “Cancellative Discourse Markers: a Core/Periphery Approach”. Pragmatics 8, 4, 515-541.
Bestgen, Y. 1998 “Segmentation markers as trace and signal of discourse structure”. Journal of Pragmatics 29: 753-763.
Birner, B. 1988. But as conventional implicature: Identifying the source of contrast. In Northwestern University Working Papers in Linguistics 1:16-28.
Blakemaore, D. 1989. Denial and contrast: A relevance theoretic analysis of but. Linguistics and Philosophy 12:15-37.
Blakemore 1996“Are apposition markers discourse markers?” Journal of Linguistics 32: 325-347.
Blakemore, D & R. Carston. 1999. The interpretation of and-conjunctions. In Iten, C. & A Neelman (eds.), University College Working Papers in Linguistics 11:1-20. London: UCL.
Blakemore, D. 1987 Semantic Constraints on Relevance. Blackwell, Oxford.
Blakemore, D. 1988. ‘So’ as a constraint on relevance. In R. Kempson (ed.) Mental Representations. The interface between language and reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Blakemore, D. 1989. Denial and contrast: a Relevance theoretic analysis of ‘but”. Linguistics and Philosphy 12:15-37.
Blakemore, D. 1992. Understanding utterances. Blackwell.
Blakemore, D. 1993. The relevance of reformulations. Language and Literature 2.2:101-120.
Blakemore, D. 1996. Are apposition markers discourse markers? J. of Linguistics 32;325-347.
Blakemore, D. 2000. Indicators and procedures: nevertheless and but. J. Linguistics 36:463-486.
Blakemore, D. 2002 Relevance and Linguistic Meaning: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Markers. CUP.
Brinton, L. 1990. The development of discourse markers in English. Historical lingustics and philology, ed. by J Fisiak, 45-71. Walter de Gruyter.
Brinton, L. 1996 Pragmatic Markers in English. Grammaticalization and Discourse Functions. Berlin: Mouton.
Briz Gómez, A 1993 "Los conectores pragmáticos en español coloquial (I: su papel argumentativo)". Contextos XI 21/22: 145-188.
Burton-Roberts. N. 1975. Nominal apposition. Foundations of Language 13, 391-419.
Carranza, I. 1994. A mechanism for contextualization: Discourse markers as cues oriented to conversational maxims.
Carston, R. 1993. Conjunction, explanation and relevance. Linguistics 90(1/2):27-48.
Christidis, A.-Ph. 19XX. On the categorical status of particles: The case for holophrasis. Lingua 82:53-82.
Cuenca, Maria Josepa 2000 “Defining the indefinable? Interjections.” Syntaxis 3: 29-44.
Cuenca, Maria Josepa 2001 “Los conectores parentéticos como categoría gramatical.” Lingüística Española Actual, XXIII/2: 211-235.
Culpeper, J. 1994. Why relevance theory does not explain the relevance of reformulations. Language and Literature 3: 43-48.
Diewald, G. 2005. Discourse particles and modal particles as grammatical elements. In Fischer 2005.
Ducrot, O. 1995 "Les modificateurs déréalisants." Journal of Pragmatics 24, 145-165.
Ducrot, Oswald 1980 “Analyses pragmatiques”. Communications 32: 11–60.
Elhadad, M. and McKeown, K. 1990. Generating Connectives. In Proceedings of the
Espinal, T. 1991. The representation of disjunct constituents. Language 67(4):726-62.
Faerch, C. & G. Kasper. 1982. “Phatic, metalingual and metacommunicative functions in discourse: Gambits and repairs”. In N.E. Enkvist (ed). Impromptu speech: A symposium. Abo, Abo Akademi, 71-103.
Fischer, K. 1998. Validating semantic analysis of discourse particles. JP 29, 111-127.
Fischer, K. 2005. Frames, constructions, and invariant meanings: The functional polysemy of discourse particles. In Fischer, 2005.
Fischer, K. 2000. From Cognitive Semantics to Lexical Pragmatics: The Functional Polysemy of Discourse Particles. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Fischer, Kerstin 2000. Discourse particles, turn-taking, and the semantics-pragmatics interface". Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique 8: 111-137.
Fischer, Kerstin and Martina Drescher 1996 “Methods for the description of discourse particles: Contrastive analysis”. Language Sciences 18 (3-4), 853-861.
Foolen, A. 1991. Polyfunctionality and the samantics of adversative conjunctions. Multilinguia 10:79-92.
Foolen, A. 1996 “Pragmatic Particles”. In Handbook of Pragmatics, Verschueren J. et al. (eds.), Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Foolen, A. 2001. "Review of Hansen (1998)". Studies in Language 25: 349-356.
Foolen, A. & T. Van der Wouden. 2002. “Introduction”. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 16 (Special issue on 'Particles', T. van der Wouden, A. Foolen, and P. van de Craen (eds.)).
Frank-Job, B. 2005. A diachronic-functional approach to discourse particles. In Fischer, 2005
Fraser, B. 1990. An approach to discourse markers. JP 14: 383-95.
Fraser, B. 1987. Pragmatic Formatives. The pragmatic perspective, ed. by Jef Verschueren & Marcella Bertucelli-Papi. John Benjamins.
Fraser, B. 1988. Types of English discourse markers. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 38:19-33.
Fraser, B. 1990. An Approach to Discourse Markers. Journal of Pragmatics, 14:383-
Fraser, B. 1995. Types of English discourse markers. Acta Linguistica Hungarica. 38 (1-4) 19-33.
Fraser, B. 1996 “Pragmatic markers”. Pragmatics 6(2), 167-90.
Fraser, B. 1998. Contrastive discourse markers in English. In Discourse Markers: Descriptions and Theory edited by Jucker and Ziv. Pragmatics and Beyond, John Benjamins.
Fraser, B. 1998. Contrastive Discourse Markers in English. In Jucker, A.H. and Ziv, Y.,
Fraser, B. 1999 "What are discourse markers?" Journal of Pragmatics 31: 931-952.
Fraser, B. 2001. “The case of the empty S1”. Journal of pragmatics 33, 1625-1630.
Fraser, B. 2005. Towards a theory of discourse markers. In Approaches to Discourse Particles edited by K. Fischer. Elsevier Press.
Fraser, B. Forthcoming b. “Sequences of DMs in English”. Unpublished ms.
Fraser, B. Forthcoming c. “Review of Blakemore, Relevance and Linguistic Meaning”. Journal of Pragmatics.
Fraser, B. this volume "Towards a theory of discourse markers".
Fraser, Bruce 1988 "Types of English discourse markers". Acta Linguistica Hungarica 38: 19-33.
Fuentes Rodríguez, Catalina 1993c "Conectores 'pragmáticos'". In Esperanza Alcaide; María del Mar Ramos; and Francisco Salguero (eds.). Estudios lingüísticos en torno a la palabra, 71-104. Sevilla: Kronos.
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra and Goutsos, Dionysis 1998 “Conjunctions versus discourse markers in Greek: the interaction of frequency, position, and functions in context”. Linguistics 36: 887-917.
Goddard. C. 1979. Particles and illocutionary semantics. Papers in Linguistics 12:185-227.
Halliday, M. 1985. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London, Edward Arnold.
Halliday, M. 1990. Functional Grammar. London, Edward Arnold.
Hansen , M.-B. Mosegaard this volume "A dynamic polysemy approach to the lexical semantics of discourse markers (with an exemplary analysis of French toujours)".
Hansen, M.-B. Mosegaard. 1998 "The semantic status of discourse markers." Lingua 104: 235-260.
Hansen, Maj-Britt 1998 The function of Discourse Particles. A study with special reference to spoken standard French. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Hansen, Maj-Britt Mosegaard and Corinne Rossari, eds. 2005 The evolution of pragmatic markers. Special issue of Journal of historical pragmatics 6(2).
Hansen, M-B. M. 1998. The Function of Discourse Particles. John Benjamins.
Hansen, M-B. M. 1998. The semantic status of discourse markers. Lingua 104, 235-260.
Hovy, E. 1995. The Multifunctionality of discourse markers. Paper presented at Workshop on DM, Egmond-am-Zee, Holland.
Infantidou-Trouky, E. 1993. Sentential adverbs and relevance. Lingua 90 1/2, 69-90.
Iten, C. 2000. The relevance of Argumentation Theory. Lingua, 110: 665-699.
Jayez, Jacques & Corinne Rossari 1998 “Discourse relations vs. discourse marker relations”. ACL'98 Workshop on Discourse Relations and Discourse Markers, 72-78.
Jayez, Jacques & Corinne Rossari 2000 “The semantics of pragmatic connectives. The French donc example”. In Anne Abeillé & Owen Rambow (eds.): Tree Adjoining Grammars: Formalisms, Linguistic Analysis and Processing. Stanford, CSLI.
Jucker Andreas H. and Y. Ziv, (eds.) 1998 Discourse Markers. Descriptions and Theory. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Jucker, A. & Y. Ziv. 1998. Discourse markers: Introduction. In: A. H. Jucker & Y. Ziv. (eds.). Discourse markers: Description and theory. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1-12.
Katriel, T. & M. Dascal. 1984. What do indicating devices indicate? Philosophy and Rhetoric 17(1):1-15.
Keller, E. 1981. Gambits: Conversational strategy signals. In Coulmas (ed.), 1981.
King, B. 1992. On the meaning of empty words. Semiotica 89(1-3):257-65.
Kitis, Eliza. 1987. Discourse connectors and language learning materials. Journal of Applied Linguistics 3:30-50.
Knott A. & R. Dale. 1994. Using Linguistic Phenomena to Motivate Coherence Relations. Discourse Processes 18,1: 35-62.
Knott, A. & C. Mellish. 1996. A Feature-Based account of the relations signalled by Sentence and Clause Connectives. J of Language and Speech 39 (2-3), 143-183.
Knott, A. & Sanders, T. 1998 "The classification of coherence relations and their linguistic markers: An exploration in two languages.” Journal of Pragmatics 30: 135-175.
Knott, A. 1993. Using Cue Phrases to Determine a Set of Rhetorical Relations. In O. Rambow (ed). Intentionality and Structure in Discourse Relations. Proceedings of the ACL SIGGEN Workshop.
Knott, A. 1996. A Data-Driven Methodology for Motivating a Set of Coherence Relations. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh.
Knott, A. 2001. “Semantic and Pragmatic relations and their intended effects”. In T. Sanders, J. Schildperoord & W. Spooren (eds.). Text Representation: linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects. Benjamins, 181-196.
Knott, Alistair & Ted Sanders. 1998 “The classification of coherence relations and their linguistic markers: An exploration of two languages”. JoP 30:135-175.
König, E. 1985. On the history of concessive connectives in English. Diachronic and synchronic evidence. Lingua 66: 1-19.
König, E. 1986. Conditionals, concessive conditionals and concessives: Areas of contrast, overlap and neutralization. In Traugott 1986: 229-246.
Lakoff, R. 1971. Ifs, ands, and buts about conjunction. Studies in linguistic semantics, ed. by C.Fillmore & T. Langendoen. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
Lehmann, C. 1988. Towards a typology of clause linkage. In J. Haiman and S.A. Thompson (eds.), Clause combining in grammar and discourse. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Lenk, U. 1998. “Discourse markers and global coherence in conversation”. JP 30, 245-257.
Lenk, Uta 1998 Marking Discourse Coherence: Functions of Discourse Markers in Spoken English. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.
Lenk, Ute 1995 “Discourse markers and conversational coherence”. In Organization in Discourse. Proceedings from the Turku Conference, B. Wårvik, S.-T. Tanskanen and R. Hiltunen (eds), 341-352. Turku: University of Turku.
Lewis, Diana this volume “Discourse markers: A discourse-pragmatic view”.
Louwerse, Max 2001 "An analytic and cognitive parameterization of coherence relations". Cognitive Linguistics 12(3), 291-315.
Mann, W. & Thompson, S. 1988. Rhetorical structure theory: toward a functional theory of text organization. Text 8:243-281.
Maschler, Y. 1994. Meta-language and discourse markers in bilingual conversation. Language in Society 23:325-366.
Meyer, C. 1992. Apposition in Contemporary English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Millis, K., K., Golding, J. M., and Barker, G. (1995) Causal Connectives Increase ???
Moeschler, J. 1989. Pragmatic connectives, argumentative coherence, and relevance. Arguentation 3(3):321-39.
Mosegaard Hansen, M.-B. this volume “A dynamic polysemy approach to the lexical semantics of discourse markers (with an exemplary analysis of French toujours)”.
Mosegaard-Hansen, M. 1998 “The semantic status of discourse markers”. Lingua 104:235-260.
Mosegaard-Hansen, M. this volume "A dynamic polysemy approach to the lexical semantics of discourse markers (with an exemplary analysis of French toujours)".
Murphy, L. 1993. Discourse markers and sentential syntax. Studies in the linguistic sciences, 23:163-7.
Oates, S. L. (2000) Multiple Discourse Marker Occurrence: Creating Hierarchies for
of Coherence Relations in Context. Discourse Processes, 24(1):119-147.
Östman, J-O. 1989. On the Language-interval interaction of prosody and pragmatic particles. Levels of Linguistic Adaption, ed. bu J Verschueren. John Benjamins.
Östman, J-O. 1995. Pragmatic particles twenty years after. Proceedings from the Turku conference, ed. by B. Wårvik et. al. Anglicana Turkuensia 14:95-108.
Owen, M. (1989) Review of Deborah Schiffrin, Discourse Markers. Journal of ????
Pons Bordería, S. 1998 Conexión y conectores: estudio de su relación en el registro informal de la lengua. Valencia: Cuadernos de Filología.
Pons Bordería, S. 2000 "Los conectores". In ¿Cómo se comenta un texto coloquial? E. Briz and Grupo Valesco (eds.). Barcelona: Ariel: 198-230.
Pons Bordería, S. 2001. Connective/Discourse Markers. An Overview. Quaderns de Filología. Estudis Lingüístics VI, 219-243.
Pons Bordería, S.this volume “A functional approach for the study of discourse markers”.
Portolés Lázaro, J. 1998 Marcadores del discurso. Barcelona: Ariel.
Posner, Roland. 1980. Semantics and pragmatics of sentence connective in natural language. In Speech act theory and pragmatics ed. by J. Searle et.al. Reidel, 169-203.
Power, R., Scott, D. and Doran, C. (1999) Generating Embedded Discourse Markers. ???
Quirk, R. et. al. 1985. A comprehensive grammar of the English language. Longman.
Redeker, G. 1990. Ideational and pragmatic markers of discourse structure. JP 14(3):367-81.
Redeker, G. 1991. Review article: Linguistic markers of discourse structure. Linguistics, 29(6): 1139-72.
Redeker, Gisela 1991 "Linguistic markers of discourse structure" [review of Discourse Markers by Deborah Schiffrin]. Linguistics 29: 1139-1172.
Rossari 2000 Connecteurs et relations de discours: des liens entre cognition et signification. Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy.
Rossari 2001 "Les relations de discours: approches rhétoriques, approches pragmatiques et approches sémantiques". Verbum 23: 59-72.
Rossari 2001 "The discourse level sensitivity of consequence discourse markers in French". Cognitive Linguistics 12-3: 275-290.
Rouchota, V. 1995. Discourse connectives: what do they link?. In. J. Harris & P. Backley (eds.). UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 7, 199-212.
Rouchota, V. 1998. Connectives, coherence and relevance. In Rouchota & Jucker (1998). 11-57.
Rouchota, V. 1998. Procedural Meaning and Parenthetical Discourse Markers. In A.H Jucker &
Y. Ziv (eds.). Discourse markers: Description and theory, 97-126.
Roulet E. 1999 La description de l'organisation du discours. Paris: Hatier.
Roulet, E. 1984. Speech acts, discourse structures, and pragmatic connectives. JP 8:31-47.
Roulet, E. this volume "The description of text relation markers in the Geneva model of discourse organization".
Rudolph, E. 1991. Relationship between particle occurence and text type. Multilingua, 10(1-2)203-23.
Rudolph, E. 1996. Contrast: Adversative and Concessive Expressions on Sentence and Text Level. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.