Prelim Revision Timetable 2015-16
The following table gives suggested dates for revising each of the key areas completed so far. You may find that you need to spend more time on areas that you find tricky, (or less time on areas that you find easy!) so you can change the dates/ order to suit yourself. Remember though that you will need to go over everything in the end!
Once you’ve learnt the notes try the relevant Practice Questions from your text bookswithout looking at your notes unless you really need to. If you do need to use your notes you should spend more time learning.
Tick the boxes as you go along!
(You only need to get help if you come across anything you don’t understand)
Week Commen-cing / Unit / Key Area / Read Notes / Learnt Notes / Practice
Done / Got Help / Parent/ Guardian signature
12/10/15 /
19/10/15 /Unit 1: The Structure of DNA
Unit 1: Replication of DNA26/10/15 / Unit 1: Control of Gene Expression
Unit 1: Cellular Differentiation
02/11/15 / Unit 1: The Structure of the Genome
Unit 1: Mutations
09/11/15 / Unit 1: Evolution
Unit 1: Genomic sequencing
16/11/15 /
Unit 2: Metab. Pathways and their Control
23/11/15 / Unit 2: Cell Respiration30/11/15 / Unit 2: Metabolic Rate
07/12/15 / Unit 2: Metab. in Conformers & Regulators
14/12/15 / Unit 2: Metabolism and Adverse Conditions
21/12/15- 04/01/16 / CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY
05/01/16 / Unit 2: Environmental Control of Metabolism
11/01/16 / Unit 2: Genetic Control of Metabolism
18/01/16 / Unit 2: Eth Considerations -use of Microbes
Prelims start on:
Thursday 28th January 2016
Prelim Revision Timetable 2015-16
The following table gives suggested dates for revising each of the key areas completed so far. You may find that you need to spend more time on areas that you find tricky, (or less time on areas that you find easy!) so you can change the dates/ order to suit yourself. Remember though that you will need to go over everything in the end!
Once you’ve learnt the notes try the relevant Practice Questions from your text books without looking at your notes unless you really need to. If you do need to use your notes you should spend more time learning.
Tick the boxes as you go along!
(You only need to get help if you come across anything you don’t understand)
Week Commen-cing / Unit / Key Area / Read Notes / Learnt Notes / Practice
Done / Got Help / Parent/ Guardian signature
12/10/15 /
19/10/15 /Unit 1: The Structure of DNA
Unit 1: Replication of DNA26/10/15 / Unit 1: Control of Gene Expression
Unit 1: Cellular Differentiation
02/11/15 / Unit 1: The Structure of the Genome
Unit 1: Mutations
09/11/15 / Unit 1: Evolution
Unit 1: Genomic sequencing
16/11/15 /
Unit 2: Metab. Pathways and their Control
23/11/15 / Unit 2: Cell Respiration30/11/15 / Unit 2: Metabolic Rate
07/12/15 / Unit 2: Metab. in Conformers & Regulators
14/12/15 / Unit 2: Metabolism and Adverse Conditions
21/12/15- 04/01/16 / CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY
05/01/16 / Unit 2: Environmental Control of Metabolism
11/01/16 / Unit 2: Genetic Control of Metabolism
18/01/16 / Unit 2: Eth Considerations -use of Microbes
Prelims start on:
Thursday 28th January 2016
Prelim Revision Timetable
The October holidays are nearly here but you already need to start thinking about revising for your HigherBiology prelim.
Overleaf you will find a revision timetable with a list of Units and Key Areas to be revised each week.
For each sub-topic you should:
Read the summary notes carefully, making sure that you understand it.
Learn the facts in the summary notes.
Do the relevant practice questions without the help of your notes, if possible. You can check your answers by using your notes and the marking scheme (available from your teacher)
Make a note of any questions or notes that you don’t understand and get help from your teacher. You can arrange time with him/her either during class or at lunchtime or after school.
Revision will have to be done in addition to your normal homework and there may be some weeks when you can’t meet your revision target. Just do as much as you can and try to fit in some extra time the following week.
Remember the more studying you do throughout the term the easier it will be in February.
Remember, you must also practise your problem solving skills such as calculating means (averages), calculating percentages, ratios, drawing graphs, data interpretation, etc.
If you need extra help with these skills, ask your teacher for a Problem Solving booklet so you can practice at home or use your ‘Applying Knowledge & Skills’ book .
Higher Biology
Prelim Revision Timetable
The October holidays are nearly here but you already need to start thinking about revising for your Higher Biology prelim.
Overleaf you will find a revision timetable with a list of Units and Key Areas to be revised each week.
For each sub-topic you should:
Read the summary notes carefully, making sure that you understand it.
Learn the facts in the summary notes.
Do the relevant practice questions without the help of your notes, if possible. You can check your answers by using your notes and the marking scheme (available from your teacher)
Make a note of any questions or notes that you don’t understand and get help from your teacher. You can arrange time with him/her either during class or at lunchtime or after school.
Revision will have to be done in addition to your normal homework and there may be some weeks when you can’t meet your revision target. Just do as much as you can and try to fit in some extra time the following week.
Remember the more studying you do throughout the term the easier it will be in February.
Remember, you must also practise your problem solving skills such as calculating means (averages), calculating percentages, ratios, drawing graphs, data interpretation, etc.
If you need extra help with these skills, ask your teacher for a Problem Solving booklet so you can practice at home or use your ‘Applying Knowledge & Skills’ book .