
Student Handbook 2011-2012

Ms.N. Bennett


Mr. C. Watkins


3115 St. Johns Street

Port Moody, British Columbia

V3H 2C6

Telephone: 604-461-7384

Fax: 604-461-3793

This agenda belongs to:



Postal Code



POD Colour


The Community of Moody Middle provides a safe and caring environment that promotes personal, social, and academic excellence for all students through a variety of learning experiences.


Staff and parents have determined that we will continue to focus on the following school goal for the 2010-2011 school year:

To improve comprehension skills for reading non-fiction across the curriculum.



September 6 School opens—registration 9:00—10 am only

7—9 First day of classes; ‘MIGHTY’ days

9 Picture day

12 PAC meeting, 7:00 pm, library

15 Newsletter #1

22 School Based Non-Instructional Day – no classes

23 District Non-Instructional Day—no classes

26 Terry Fox Assembly, 9:00 am

28 Instrument rental night, 5:30 – 7 pm, cafeteria

28 Parent Orientation 7:00 pm, gym

30 Terry Fox Run & Spirit Assembly

October 10 Thanksgiving Day

13 Interim report card

13 Newsletter #2

13 Picture retakes, 1:00

19 2 pm early dismissal–2:30–8 gr 6/7 P/T interviews

20 3:15 – 6:00 P/T interviews – gr 6/7 only

21 Provincial Non-Instructional Day—no classes

November 7 PAC meeting, 7:00 pm, library

10 Newsletter #3

11 Remembrance Day

14 School not in session

17 “I” day – (not all students required to attend)

December 2 First Formal Report Card

7 Winter Concert – 7:00 pm

8 Newsletter #4

16 Last day of classes before Winter Vacation

19 -2 Winter Vacation

January 3 School opens

9 PAC meeting, 7:00 pm, library

19 Newsletter #5

27 School Based Non-Instructional Day—no classes

February 1 Winter Activity Day

9 2 pm early dismissal – 2:30–8 gr 8 P/T interviews

15 “I” day – (not all students required to attend)

16 Newsletter #6

17 District Non-Instructional Day – no classes

March 2 Second Formal Report Card

5 PAC meeting, 7:00 pm, library

8 Newsletter #7

9 Last day of classes before Spring Vacation

12 - 23 Spring Vacation

26 School opens

April 6 Good Friday

9 Easter Monday

19 Newsletter #8

20 District Non-Instructional Day—no classes

May 7 PAC meeting, 7:00 pm, library

17 Newsletter #9

17 Grade 5 parent & student information night

21 Victoria Day

June 6 Year End Concert, 7:00 pm

11 PAC meeting, 7:00 pm, library

15 Athletic Awards, 9:00-10:30 am

25 Awards Ceremony, 9:00-10:30 am

26 POD Activity Day

27 “I” day (not all students required to attend)

28 Report Card pick-up 8:45 – 9:30 am

28 Newsletter #10

29 Administration Day—School closes


7:55  – 7:56
Maverick Time
8:45  – 8:56
1 / 8:56 - 9:40
2 / 9:40 - 10:24 
Nutrition Break
10:24 - 10:34 
3 /  10:37 - 11:21
4 / 11:21 - 12:05 
12:05 – 12:43 
5 /  12:48 - 1:32
6 / 1:32 - 2:16
7 / 2:16 - 3:00 


At Moody Middle we all work hard to create and maintain

an environment that supports the right of every student to learn

and the right of every teacher to teach.


At Moody Middle, we expect all students to work hard in all courses. We understand that each student is unique and not every student will achieve to the same level in every course, however, we will do our best to meet the learning needs of each student in terms of varying teaching style, offering tutorials and learning assistance, designing adaptations or modifications and giving students opportunities to try again. In exchange, students, with their parents’ support, should be prepared to agree to assistance, and to commit to work completion.

Students will have homework most days, and if they want to do well at school, they will need to complete their homework on time. Parents should see to it that their child has a quiet place to work and a regular time for doing so. They may or may not be able to assist with the actual work, but their active support in seeing to it that the child takes the time to try on their own will pay off.

Students who regularly do not do their homework may be required to stay behind after school to prepare for the next day, so they are more successful. If this becomes necessary, a student who takes the bus to school may need to have a ride home, or they may need to wait for the activity bus which leaves the school around 4:40. We hope that parents will support the school in its efforts to ensure all students do their best.


Supervision and safety of students is paramount. Students are to remain on school property from the time they arrive until dismissed at the end of the day. They may not, at any time, leave the campus to purchase food, and there may be serious consequences for those caught doing so. A student who comes to school on the bus is considered to be “at school” as soon as they leave home, and until they return home or to a friend’s after school.

Any student who lives in the local area and wishes to go home for lunch must have a note of permission from a parent on file in the office. They then must sign in and out at the office each time they go home for lunch.

When school is out for the day, students are expected to be on their way home and off school property within 15 minutes unless they are in a supervised activity such as team practice, tutorials, homework club, detention, waiting for the bus, etc. Early & late activity buses are provided for only those students who are involved in a supervised activity that day.


It is difficult to maintain a satisfactory academic standard if absences occur. Therefore, students must attend every day. When a student is absent, a parent must phone the school (604-461-7384) or email . An answering machine will pick up after hours.

Tardy students, and those who have poor attendance, do poorly at school. Research has shown that academic success is directly related to attendance. Attendance is monitored and parents will be called if a student has been away more than a few times. If students develop a habit of being late for school even by a few minutes, they will eventually be detained after school to make up for the time, and as a deterrent for further lateness. Detentions can include community service in the school until the activity bus arrives (approximately 4:40).

Students are responsible for catching up on any missed work. If students are absent for two or more days parents are asked to contact teachers to request homework. All teachers at Moody Middle are on email. If you do not have email, please request work from the office.


If a student needs to leave school for an appointment, they must provide a note from a parent to the teacher in the morning during Maverick Time (8:45 – 8:56 a.m.). Students are to sign out at the office before leaving.


Students are responsible to dress appropriately for school. This means that their clothing should properly cover their bodies, and not contain suggestive, obscene or otherwise offensive messages.Students who repeatedly ignore this dress code will be sent home to change on those days when they arrive inappropriately dressed.

girls’ tops must be of sufficient size to cover cleavage, midriff & all underwear

shorts and skirts must not be excessively short, tight, and/or transparent

boys’ shirts must cover the shoulders (ie, short sleeves rather than “muscle” shirts)

Hats are not permitted to be worn within the buildings, by either girls or boys. This permits the school to readily identify strangers. Hats worn in the school will be confiscated for up to a week.


In the interests of general safety, the preservation of school property and the maintenance of a calm learning environment, students are not permitted to bring the following items to school: skateboards, lacrosse or hockey sticks, scooters, rollerblades, fireworks, pepper spray, laser pointers, walkie talkies, lighters or matches, and weapons of any kind, including replica weapons.


The use of electronic items at school is becoming more common as the costs of technology and its infrastructure become more affordable. However, while it may be educationally sound to use these tools to enhance the learning environment, these items sometimes get broken, lost or stolen. Students who wish to bring these items to school need to recognize that no staff member will spend any time looking for or dealing with it if the items are lost or stolen, and it is the sole responsibility of the students to ensure that they are stored and secured properly.Mobile electronic devices are to be kept secured in lockers between 8:45am and 3:00pm, unless requested for use under the supervision of a teacher during class time. Students violating this policy will have their phone removed until the end of the day. On a second offence the phone will be confiscated until a parent is able to pick it up outside of instructional hours.





Healthy & Safe

Team Player

You make a difference!

Mighty Moody Middle students take their responsibilities seriously, and exhibit the qualities expressed in M.I.G.H.T.Y. Our students helped create the acronym, and they live the qualities daily. Our Mighty students have also come together to establish the positive behaviour expectations we have in our school.

We have made posters to display the expectations around the school. You can see a miniature collage of these posters on pages 7 and 10, following.




Code of Conduct

MoodyMiddle School’s Code of Conduct outlines school expectations and acceptable student behaviour as directed by the School Act 85(2)(c). The Code of Conduct is communicated to students, parents, staff and other district staff (also to visitors if deemed necessary). The Code of Conduct is taught, reinforced and monitored. Each year the Code of Conduct is reviewed to reflect the school’s community needs, and to align with the district and provincial school safety initiatives.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to:
  • establish and maintain a safe, caring and orderly environment for a positive learning and teaching climate
  • outline and clarify school expectations and acceptable student conduct at school, on the way to and from school, and while attending any school function or activity at any location
  • ensure a positive human rights environment that cherishes openness, diversity, fairness, and equity
  • encourage thoughtful and reflective citizenship
Rising Expectations
MIGHTY Moody students are expected to learn and to mature and progress from grade 6 to 8. Students are expected to:
  • model positive behaviours for their peers and younger students
  • support and reinforce appropriate behaviours with themselves and others
  • assist in peaceful resolutions to problems and seek adult help regarding unacceptable conduct
  • demonstrate better personal restraint and implement conflict resolution strategies

Conduct Expectations

Acceptable conduct is demonstrated by (see also “Bus Code of Conduct”):
  • respecting oneself, others and the environment
  • cleaning up after yourself and others on the school property
  • dressing appropriately for a learning environment
  • treating others kindly
  • believing in yourself with an “I can do it” and ”I make a difference” attitude
  • engaging in responsible behaviour in all learning and school activities
  • attend class regularly
  • be prepared for class
  • complete all assignments
  • use good manners
  • use common sense
  • helping to ensure the school environment is a safe and caring place for all to learn
  • pay attention in class
  • work cooperatively with others
  • be accepting of others’ abilities and ideas
  • informing an adult of an unsafe individual or behaviour in a timely manner and in advance, if possible, for example, incidents of:
  • fighting
  • bullying (on or off school property)
  • harassment
  • intimidation
  • acting in a manner that brings credit to the school
In other words, a Moody Middle student should be a MIGHTY Moody student:
Motivated, Independent, Gracious, Healthy & Safe, Team player, with a “You Make a Difference!” attitude.
Unacceptable conduct is demonstrated by behaviours that:
  • interfere with the learning and teaching environment
  • create an unsafe or dangerous learning environment
  • demonstrate bullying, harassment, intimidation or exclusion(see also “Bus Code of Conduct”), such as:
  • physical or verbal bullying such as putdowns, name calling, gestures or actions
  • cyber bullying, such as harassing, insulting or intimidating others through the use of technology such as computers, the Internet, email, text messaging, cellular telephone, chat rooms or the like – students may be subject to discipline for on or off campus misuse of technology if it negatively impacts on the school environment
  • taking unauthorized photos or video is strictly prohibited at school
  • at no time are electronic items allowed in the washroom or change room areas
  • discriminatory behaviours such as verbal, written or gestured comments regarding a person’s race, colour, ancestry, religion, physical or mental disability, gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance or health; and
  • touching or teasing any person who does not want it (all people have the right not to be touched, teased or humiliated)
  • are acts of retribution towards someone who reported unsafe or violent incidents
  • are illegal, such as:
  • possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, fireworks of any kind, lighters, etc.)
  • possession or use of any weapons
  • theft of or damage to property
Consequences will be applied to unacceptable student conduct, and will be implemented based on the severity and frequency of the behaviour. Progressive discipline methods will be implemented to alter the inappropriate and/or unsafe behaviour. Consequences and support will be preventative and restorative. Some of these methods could include one or more of the following:
  • students participating in meaningful consequences for the unacceptable behaviour
  • school or community counseling
  • conflict resolution strategies
  • small group mediations
  • informal suspension or “time-outs” at school or at home
  • community service
  • partial day school programs
  • behaviour plans
  • formal suspension: District Code of Conduct suspension process – Level I, II or III (for serious or dangerous behaviours)
Parent Notification
Due to the nature of the unacceptable behaviour the school staff will contact the following people:
  • parents of student offenders in incidents of bullying, harassment or illegal activity
  • parents of student offenders who interfere with the learning of others, or who show disrespect to others (minor) and to the environment – as determined by individual staff member dealing with the situation, possibly after a warning or two
  • parents of student victims
  • school district officials – as required by school district policy
  • police and/or other agencies – as required by law
  • all parents – when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action to address it




General Information

Moody Middle is committed to working with our school and parent community to make bus transportation a positive experience for students, and to resolve any concerns that arise throughout the school year. Any concerns regarding buses, should be directed to the Vice-Principal.

  • A significant number of Moody Middle students have access to bus transportation to and from school, and each eligible student will be assigned to the relevant bus for their neighborhood. Students must only ride the bus that they register for to ensure we have available seats for all students.
  • In addition to the regular bus runs, morning and afternoon, students have access to “activity” run buses, which pick up earlier (around 7 a.m.) and later (around 4:40) each day. Students may choose these early and late runs to participate in a school supervised activity such as a team practice, band practice, or tutorial. Students who do not have a school supervised activity, must take their regular bus, as there is no adult supervision for them.
  • Students arriving on the early bus or departing on the late bus are expected to remain on school property at all times.
  • On bus routes that offer an early and late option, Grade 8’s are always to ride the early bus to and from school. After school Grade 6’s must line up and may ride the early bus if seats are available.
  • Moody staff supervise the loading of the buses everyday at 3:00 p.m. Busing students should never walk or take public transit home unless a parent has given permission through a phone call or note delivered to the school secretary.
  • If any student has any problemswith busing, they are to see an administrator or report to the office for assistance.


Riding the school bus is a privilege. Student First Bus Lines and Moody Middle have the right to suspend students from bus transportation. In the event a student’s behaviour threatens their own safety, or the safety of others, bus drivers have the right to return to the school.

  • Students are to ride the same bus each day after school, unless they are involved in an extracurricular activity. They should show their Go-Card as they enter the bus. Grade 8’s are encouraged to fill up the back of the bus, then Grade 7’s sit in the middle rows and the Grade 6’s sit near the front. If a special circumstance arises from home requiring the student to be on a different bus, a note or a call to the office is required.
  • The bus is an extension of the school community, and students are therefore expected to adhere to all school rules. In particular, they must:

-refrain from eating or drinking

-stay seated and keep hands and belongings inside

-use a normal speaking voice

-keep the aisles clear

-carry their litter out

-share a seat if necessary

Students who are unable to adhere to the above expectations will have their bus privileges suspended according to the following schedule:

1st offense:one-week bus suspension

2nd offenseone-month bus suspension

3rd offensestudents may lose the right to ride the school bus for the remainder of the school year



Textbooks are issued by the classroom teacher who will record the condition of the book. Some of the textbooks are issued for the duration of the course; others are issued on a rotation basis. The student is responsible for his or her textbooks. If a text is lost or damaged,a replacement cost charge will be levied. ENSURE TEXTBOOKS ARE COVERED ANDDO NOT WRITE IN TEXTBOOKS.