Name: Jennifer Woodworth

Type of Lesson: Centers

Lesson Title: SLAG

Grade level:5th grade


  • Station 1
  • Food Coloring
  • Ice Cubes
  • Breaker
  • Marker
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Station 2
  • Ice Cubes
  • Water
  • Candle
  • Matches
  • Thermometer
  • Station 3
  • Vinegar
  • Bud Vase
  • Balloon
  • Baking Soda
  • Funnel
  • Station 4
  • ½ teaspoon of yeast
  • Large Test Tube
  • 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide
  • Balloon
  • Wooden Split
  • Match
  • Station 5
  • Balloon
  • Butter
  • Water a Dixie cup of this will be fine
  • Milk a Dixie cup will be fine for this
  • A Dixie cup of pop
  • Toys
  • Pencil
  • Paper clip
  • Chalk
  • Straw
  • Basically any object you have around your room will do for this as long as you have a variety of solids liquids and gases.
  • Station 6
  • Paper Towel or Hand Towel
  • Mirror
  • Water


Science Process Skills:

  • Predicting
  • Inferring
  • Formulating Hypothesis
  • Interrupting Data
  • Experimenting

MCF and Science Topic:

  • MCF IV, CS 1, E. 1: Classify common objects and substances according to observableattributes: color, size, shape,smell, hardness, texture, flexibility,length, weight, buoyancy, states ofmatter, or magnetic properties.
  • MCF IV, CS 1, E. 3: Identify properties of materialswhich make them useful.
  • MCF IV, CS 2, E. 1: Describe common physicalchanges in matter—size, shape,melting, freezing, dissolving.
  • MCF IV, CS 2, E. 2: Prepare mixtures and separatethem into their component parts.
  • MCF I, CS 1, E. 2: Develop solutions to unfamiliarproblems through reasoning,observation, and/or experiment.
  • MCF 2, CS 1, E. 1: Develop an awareness of theneed for evidence in makingdecisions scientifically.

Lesson Objective:

  • Students will examine the differences between a solid, liquid and gas
  • Students will demonstrate that gases are a state of matter.
  • Students will generate some gases within the centers
  • Students will determinewhat happens with a solid mixes with a liquid
  • Students will analysis how particulars of solids, liquids and gasses move

Key Question: What are Solids Liquids and Gases?

Setup Prior to Lesson:

  • Make sure each center is set up and ready for students once they come into the classroom. The best way for this is have all materials in a box and then hand out when you are ready to go. Make sure you also have all materials before you come to class that day.
  • Send out a letters asking if any parents would like to come in and supervisor during this time that we do the lesson to help assistant students


  • Gases are not matter because most are invisible
  • Gases don’t have mass
  • Air and Oxygen are the same gas
  • Particles of solids have no motion
  • Materials can only exhibit properties of one state of matter
  • Ice cannot change temperature

Engage Activity / For this I am going to have student’s first get up out of their seats and we are going to push the desk back so that we have an open area in the middle of the room. First I am going to tell students they need to be as close as possible to their other classmates, Then I am going to have students begin to move around but they need to be stuck to someone else at all times, they can move a little faster but not too fast yet and then finally I am going to tell students that they are free to move around the room at a fast pace but they need to be careful to not run into anyone or hit anything. After Activity is done have students return to their seats and then we are going to have a group discussion of what they discovered in the activity. /
  • Brain Based- getting students up and moving around to learn something. It also grabs students attentions
  • Choice Theory because its fun, students are up and moving around and it’s something different from the original.
  • Bodily Kinesthetic Learning Style- Students are up and moving around and trying to figure how solids, liquids and gasses move

Exploring Activities / See TQPDAC that will be attached. Each station should be set up prior to students arriving in class. The best way would be to have boxes and put materials in a box and have ready to hand out. Don’t hand out materials until you tell students just an overview what is going on. After students have had an overview hand out materials and let students go to work on their experiments. Make sure students are predicting first and then moving on the actually experiment and then have them predict why what happened did happen. When students need Ice for the stations have them go to the cooler to get the ice out. /
  • Visual Intelligence- students can to see first hand what is going on
  • Logical Intelligence: Students will be using their data to conclude of why things went the way they did
  • Brain- Based, students are working together at tables, they are in a safe place, they also have multiple resources with using the centers to learn about solids, liquids and gasses.

Processing Activity / I’m also going to have student listen to the song about matter and then hand them out a copy and were going to sing it together. I feel it’s a good way for students to retain the information through a song of what matter exactly is, Make sure to click link in resources so you can have music that goes along with it.
Song lyrics are attached in case internet is done. /
  • Higher Thinking- students are thinking of some reasons why some of the stuff occurred with in the stations
  • Cooperative Work- student are going to work in groups to come up with an explanation of why it happened.
  • Aural Learning Style, the song playing for kids they can hear the words being sung

Further Investigation / Here I am going to have students work together to design their own TQPDACabout other questions they have about solids, liquids and gases.First I am going to have students as a class brainstorm different questions they would like to experiment so I have an idea of what needs to be gotten for their experiments. After we have brainstormed I am going to have groups their questions and then get their procedure and material to me so that I can get them ready for them when they come in the next day so that they can jump right into their experiments when they come into science class.Students are to include a think first, a question, procedure data, analysis and conclusion. Make sure its something child can actually test. Also make sure it’s something that students want to know more about. Remind students they can try things even if nothing turns out or they made the wrong prediction. Hand out sample TQPDAC to students so they know exactly what is expected. /
  • Choice Theory- Students get to choose something they would like to know more about when it comes to solids, liquids and gases
  • Cooperative Learning- Students are going to work together to come up with their own TQPDAC about solids liquids and gases.
  • Higher Order Thinking- students have to analysis their own experimental design

Applications / Imagine that you are a water molecule living in the rainforest and in the Antarctica. As a water molecule describe how you are going to keep your environments very wet or very cold. Don’t be afraid to look back and see what a rainforest environment is like or what the Antarctica is like also. Make sure you also describe how the molecules are going to be like, Will they be close together or will they be far apart. Also in your description include the types of animals you are going to see in their environments. Also have students put in the paper things that shouldn’t be in the environment like for example salt shouldn’t be around the Antarctica environment. Hand out Rubric for paper /
  • Thematic Instruction incorporating English into science
  • Brain Based research, using prior knowledge to know what the environments are like and to know what animals are in each environment
  • Reading and Writing Style students are writing a description of what it’s like to be a water molecule in the rainforest and in the Antarctica.

Assessment / I am going to assess the students on their paper about water molecules and their completed TQPDAC from the explore part of the lesson plan and they also need to turn in their TQPDAC that they made up for credit. As long as students have made a TQPDAC that is complete with the 6 parts they will receive full credit. / Higher Order Thinking: There TQPDAC should include some higher order thinking in it.
Choice Theory: The papers they get to write are fun and interesting to them
Hand Outs and Visual Aids / Rubric for water molecule
Song lyrics
Blank TQPDAC for students to fill out within their groups.

Name: Jennifer Woodworth

Type of Lesson: Technology

Lesson Title: Journey of a Reptile

Grade level: 5th grade


  • Computers
  • Copies of World map
  • Copies of Venn Diagram
  • Colored Pencils or Markers or Crayons
  • Cut out of animals
  • Stuffed animals for exploratory activity, snake, alligator, crocodile, anaconda, boa constrictor, gecko, and turtle. If you can get live animals try to get some live animals
  • Sticky tack or tap
  • Rubrics
  • Construction paper


Science Process Skills:

  • Classifying
  • Communicating
  • Interpreting Data: Collects and Usable Data

MCF and Science Topic:

  • MCF III, CS 2, E 1 – Compare and classify familiar organism on the basis of observable physical characteristics.
  • MCF III, CS 2, E 2 – Describe vertebrates in terms of observable body parts and characteristics
  • MCF II, CS 1, E 1 – Develop an awareness of the need for evidence in making decisions scientifically

Lesson Objective:

  • Students will explore the physical characteristics of reptiles
  • Students will explore the habitats of reptiles
  • Students will explore different behaviors with animal

Key Question: What makes a reptile a reptile?

Setup Prior to Lesson:

  • Reserve computer lab for students.
  • Make copies of World Map and Venn diagram.
  • Have cut out of animals ready to go.
  • Bring in stuffed animals of reptiles and other animals. If you can get real animals try but just remember to be careful and let students know they have to be extra careful.
  • Book websites so it’s easier for students to get access.
  • Make back up copies of stuff on the internet in case the internet isn’t working.


  • Reptiles are both warm blooded and cold blood
  • Some students might think the animal is an amphibian but really it’s a reptile


Engage Activity
Cut out animals 10-15. Give students a worksheet to put them on. Have students tape cutouts to paper or use sticky tack / To begin my lesson I am going to have different cut outs of animals for each group and as a group they are going to try to guess which are reptiles and which are not reptiles. I amgoing to tell students that within their bag of animals there are some animals that are reptiles and some that aren’t animals. They are going to need to use prior knowledge to try to guess which animal goes where. I am going to have about 10-15 cut outs of animals and then they are going categorized them into reptiles or non reptiles. When students are doing this have them sticky tact the cut outs on the paper in case afterwards they want to switch. This activity will be done at student’s desk in the groups they are sitting in. We will go over the answers at the end of the lesson and I’m going to let students fix their answers or leave them as they are /
  • Visual/Spatial Intelligence because students are using the cuts outs
  • Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence students are using their hands to guess which one is a reptile and a non reptile
  • Brain-Based and stimulating environment

Exploring Activities
Stuffed animals and live animals remind students to be careful of live animals and to make sure to observe as much as possible
Have students write observations on separate piece of paper
Get live animals from pet store try to get a lizard, turtle and a small snake / See TQPDAC that is attached.
I want my students to explore what makes a reptile a reptile, so I have brought in stuffed and toy animals that some are reptiles and some are not reptiles but I am not going to let students know which are which. I want them to explore this on their own. Each table will get to observe the animals for about 5 minutes and then have students pass them counterclockwise. Make sure students are writing down their observations on their TQPDAC that is attached. /
  • Inquiry based, students are able to their five senses to figure out whether or not that is a reptile or not
  • Visual Intelligence students can see the animals and feel them and get a better sense of the animal
  • Synthesis students are coming up with their observations of what makes a reptile a reptile.

Processing Activity
Computer Lab
Venn Diagram
If computers are down reschedule time in lab or make sure you print off materials for students to look at. Also have books from the library so students can still look at the information / See TQPDAC that is attached. This is an individual assignment but students can feel free to talk to see what others are finding out. Students are to use the websites that are listed that will be in a folder for easy use. Make sure to hand out worksheet before going to the computer lab and explain directions to students so they know what they are supposed to be doing.
Make sure to go over characteristics with students in case they had trouble finding them. / Choice Theory
  • Choice Theory- I am letting the students decide on the reptile they want to do
research on
  • Higher Order Thinking with students using the Venn Diagrams
  • Reading/Writing Learning Style with students writing a journey in the day of a reptile.

Further Investigation / Here I am going to have students research on their own reptiles. Each student will pick a different reptile. They are to come to you and tell you their reptile and try to make sure there are no duplicates. Also hand out rubric so students know what to look for when they do the research. Research papers will then be shared with the classroom so students can get a wide range or reptiles. /
  • Choice Theory- students can pick their own reptile to research
  • Thematic Instruction- students are using their writing skills
  • Logical Intelligence by using a computer and doing a research project

Applications / Here I’m going to have student design their own reptile using the characteristics they leaned throughout the lesson. They need to draw the animal and it has to be creative. One example is they could have the animal have a head of a turtle and a body of a lizard and come up with a creative name for the animal. Make sure students include at least three characteristics of reptiles in their newly designed animal. Students need to write a few sentences of what characteristics their new animal has. Hand out rubric also to students. I want students to share their newly designed animal with the class and then hang it on the wall after they have described their new reptile. /
  • Choice Theory, students can make up their own animal and it doesn’t have to be a real animal
  • Reading/Writing Style, students have to write a few sentences of the characteristics the new animal has.
  • Higher Order Thinking, they are taking what they already know and designing their own reptile

Assessment / I am going to assess my students on the information they have in their Venn Diagram be either a check or a check minus. I am also going asses my students by their rubric form the drawing of the reptile. I will also be looking at their TQPDAC and making sure they are filled in completely. I am also going to assess their presentations to the class. /
  • Higher Order Thinking with the venn diagrams
  • Ingrating curriculum with having students draw a reptile
  • Choice Theory, students get to deisgn their own reptile to be graded.

Hand Outs and Visual Aids / Rubric for picture of new animal
Stuffed Animals
Live animals
Cut outs of animals
Rubric for group presentation

Name: Jennifer Woodworth

Type of Lesson: Children’s Book

Lesson Title: A Trip into the Rainforest Grade level:5th grade


  • KWL Worksheet
  • Look inside a Rainforest by Alexandra E. Fischer, copyrighted in 1993 by La Coccinella Editrice
  • Rain, Rain, Rain Forest by Brenda Z. Guiberson
  • Construction Paper
  • Blank White Paper
  • Colored Pencils
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Time Reserved in the computer lab
  • Rainforest Music and Compact Disc
  • A large, clear bowl
  • Plastic wrap
  • A weight
  • A small container (a cut down yogurt cup works well)
  • A rubber band or a piece of string
