załącznik 2.5

Course description

Code / POS-SI>
Course Title / Biological reclamation of difficult and degraded lands
optional in the area 1: Plant biology
Subject area /Field of study / Environmental protection
Study cycle (I, II)
(6 ,7) / I cycle
Profile / general
Type of course / optional
Semester of study / 3
ECTS / including contact hours / 3/2
Form of instruction (lectures, classes, seminar, other)
-Number of teaching hours / 15 lectures
30 classes
Teacher responsible for the course / dr hab. Magdalena Szymura, dr inż. Agnieszka Dradrach
Language of instruction / Polish
Prerequisites / Botanic, soil science, plant physiology
Short description of the course (max. 500 characters) / Selection of plants for planting on degraded habitats aimed at the proper development of the species composition of vegetation of reclaimed areas.
Content of the course unit (detailed description) / Reclamation toward the recreation. Selection of plants for the project. Life strategies of plants. Principles of design of recreation areas in degraded lands. Vegetation as a tool in landscape reclamation. Functions of greenery. Adjustment the plantings to the surrounding landscape. Recommendations for use of native species or foreign origin on land reclamation. Principles of installation and maintenance of vegetation used in reclamation. Plan of land reclamation.
Learning outcomes (max. 3)
No. / Subject-specific / Assessment method / No. LO specific for the degree course
3 / The student knows the main plant species of grassland and basic principles of management on grasslands.
He knows the rules of installation and maintenance of plants on the reclaimed areas.
He has knowledge of the impact of proper selection of species for planting in reclamation on the environment. / test
test / OŚ1_W04
2 / The student has the ability to recognize and appropriate select of species to habitat conditions and the land use.
Student is able to do the project of the fragment of greenery, as well as he can judge the correctness of the direction of development. / test
project / OŚ1_U02
Social competences
2 / Student understands the need to track changes in the approach to issues related to the use of plants in the environment.
Student is able to see the problems at the interface between agricultural production and environmental protection on respect for the principles of sustainable development / presence on classes
discussion / OŚ1_K01
OŚ1_K06, OŚ1_K08,
Literature (max. 8, including Youtube presentations, etc.)
- compulsory
- complementary/optional / - compulsory
Karczewska A. 2012. Ochrona gleb i rekultywacja terenów zdegradowanych. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu.
- complementary/optional
Bugała W., 2000, Drzewa i krzewy, PWRiL, Warszawa
Jankowski K., Ciepiela GA., Jodełka J., Kolczarek R. 2005. Tereny zadarnione. Wydawca Akademia Podlaska.
Lenard E., Wolski K, 2006, Dobór drzew i krzewów w kształtowaniu terenów zieleni, Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu.
Pawlak W. 1997 Atlas Śląska Dolnego i Opolskiego. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Pracownia Atlasu Dolnego Śląska, Wrocław.
Seneta W, Dolatowski J., 2006, Dendrologia, PWN, Warszawa
Wolski K, Szymura M, Gierula A. 2006. Wybrane elementy z ekologii krajobrazu. Wydaw. AR we Wrocławiu, 1 – 123.
Total grade components / tests 60%, discussion 40%

List of subjects and exercises for the course/module

Titles of lectures:

1. Plan lectures. Reclamation toward the recreation.
2. Invasive species.
3. Selection of plants for the project.
4. Life strategies of the plants.
5. Principles of design the parks in degraded areas.
6. Examples of recreational areas created in degraded areas.
7. Vegetation as a tool in reclamation the landscape.
8. Functions of greenery.
9. Adjusting the plantings to the surrounding landscape.
10. Use the natural vegetation. Maps of potential vegetation.
11. Recommendations for use of native species or foreign origin on land reclamation.

12. The revitalization of urban areas.
13. Plant communities appeared spontaneously in areas altered by humans and their protection.
14. Reclamation of grassland toward to the maintenance of biodiversity.
15. Principles of installation and maintenance of vegetation in land reclamation.
Titles of classes (each topic will be discussed on two hours):

1. Plan of the classes. Characteristics of plants, predisposing them to the planting of reclamation.

2. Cover plants used for the restoration of degraded lands. Invasive species. Grass species used for reclamation.

3. Shrub species used in reclamation.

4. Tree resistant to pollution, and their use in land reclamation.

5. Planning the species composition.

6. Introduction to the concept of land reclamation.

7. The concept of development - and scaling the redrawing of the map.

8. The concept of development - functional plan

9. The concept of developing - the general plan of plantings

10. The concept of developing - small architecture

11. The concept of development - the selection of trees and shrubs

12. The concept of management - selection cover plants and turf species composition.

13. Plan of works during the installation of greenery and treatments on area of the project.

14. Description of the project.

15. Presentation of projects.

Allocation of ECTS for the course/module

Course title: Vegetation in land reclamation

Activities/Workload / Average number of hours per activity
Full-time students / Part-time students
Student’s workload, including: teaching hours + tutorials + tests + exam / 45+10+1 = 56
Preparatory work at home / 9
Project, Report, Presentation, Poster, Herbarium, etc. / 10
Exam preparatory work
Total hours of student’s workload / 74
ECTS / including contact hours / 3 / 2