Objective: These activities will allow students to explore current uses of nanotechnology in today’s society and ideas for future nanotechnology sciences. All of these units require a computer and internet access.
Computer Lab/Demonstration
Unit 1 - The Scale of the Universe is an interactive tool that allows the student to zoom into something as small as a nanometer to the entire size of the universe. There is a slider on the bottom of the illustrations that slows the student to explore sizes on their own. This is an excellent site that gives the teacher leeway on allowing the students to use guided inquiry to explore nanoscale on their own.
Scale of Universe - Interactive Scale of the Universe Tool
Unit 2 - Learn about current nanotechnology uses and nanotechnology products on How Stuff Works website. You might be surprised to find out how many products on the market are already benefiting from nanotechnology.
How Stuff Works
Unit 3 – Nanotechnology Videos
A series of videos all located on the same website-2-5 minutes of nano information-from nanosensors on the elastic on underwear to nanotubes of carbon.
Available videos:
Atomic Force Microscopes
Lab on a Chip
Microfluidics - Devices and Systems
Nanooptics and Nanophotonics
Nanotechnology and the Environment
Nanotechnology Applications
Nanotechnology in Aerospace
Nanotechnology in Energy
Nanotechnology in Medicine
Nanotechnology in Semiconductors
Nanotechnology Overviews
Self Assembly
X-Ray Diffraction
Unit 4 – YouTube Videos
Many informative well done videos available free on Youtube. Lawrence Berkley Labs, Stanford, University of Michigan, many high quality videos available.
Nanotechnology Takes Off - KQED QUEST
Nanotechnology - Age of Convergence - YouTubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf6EGvl7nJo
Video Journey Into Nanotechnology
Unit 5- Scanning Electron Images of nano sized objects- 658 images of objects too small to be detected with the human eye.
XTALENT Image galary