We are called to be a welcoming community of faith in which we are invited to share our journey of inspiration and service to others - leading us to become examples of Christ in the world.
("Mission Statement" adopted by the Vestry on September 16, 2007)
WILTON, CT 06897
The Ministries of St. Matthew’s Church
Wilton, Connecticut
As Christians and Episcopalians, and members of St. Matthew’s, we are all invited to participate in the ministry of the church. According to The Book of Common Prayer (p. 855): Our ministry is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever we may be; and, according to the gifts given to us, to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world; and to take our place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.
Each of us, no matter our age or ability, has a variety of gifts to offer. Some of us might be called to sing or read scripture for our worship services. Others will have skills to teach, cook, and or do finances. Still others will find delight in reaching out to those in need. Whatever the gift and however much time you can give, you will be sharing in the ministries of the parish and helping to build up God’s Kingdom here and beyond our doors.
I invite you to explore how you might get involved in the ministries of our parish by reading this booklet. For more information about our parish and the ministries of our church, please also go to our website:
Mary Grace Williams+
St. Matthew's, being a manifestation of the Body of Christ, is a community that respects the dignity of every human being. We worship, learn, and serve together as we experience the light and love of God in community. Embraced by God's grace, we are joyfully sent forth in service and mission, as we each strive to be examples of Christ in the world.
"Vision Statement" adopted by the Vestry on October 14, 2012.
- Worshipp.5
- LEMs
- Lectors/Intercessors
- Acolytes
- Ushers/Greeters
- Altar Guild
- Flower Guild
- Flower Delivery Committee
- Communion Bread Bakers
- Coffee Hour Hosts
- Blessings of the Animals
- Musicp.7
- Choirs
- Arts at St. Matthew’s
- Children and Youth Programsp.8
- Church School
- JCCEC (Joint Children’s Christian Education Committee)
- Church School Teachers/Assistants
- Christmas Pageant Directors
- Youth Groups
- Confirmation
- Outreachp.9
- Outreach Committee
- Stop Hunger Now
- Thursday Lunch Club
- Open Door Mission
- Fellowship/Parish Lifep.11
- Parish Care Committee
- Parish Life Committee
- Parish Hospitality Committee
- Foyer Groups
- Gala/Auction
- Adult Educationp.12
- Interfaith Series
- Joint classes with WPC
- Weavings
- Wednesday Book Study
- Newcomersp.13
- Communicationsp.13
- Office Helpersp.13
- Stewardshipp.13
- Finance p.14
- Finance Committee
- Offering Counters
- Endowment Investment Committee
- Endowment Development Committee
- Memorial Gifts Committee
- Vestryp.15
- Diocesan Delegate
- St. Matthew’s Cemetery Boardp.15
(Wilton Episcopal Presbyterian Corporation)p.16
- WEPCO Board of Directors
- WEPCO Clean-up
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)- assist the clergy during the services on Sunday by serving communion to the congregation. Full training is provided.
Time Commitment: Once a month
Contact: Sharon Pearson, 203-984-1228 or
Lectors and Intercessors–As a Lector (reader)you either readthe first (Old Testament) or second (New Testament) reading at the Sunday services. Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People during the service. Lectors and Intercessors are also assigned during special services such as Holy Week and Evensong. Youth as well as adults are welcomed.
Time Commitment: Every other month
Contact: Sharon Pearson, 203-984-1228 or
Acolytes – Anyone in 4th grade or older are welcome to serve as a helper to the clergy before, during, and after the 10:00 a.m. service. They get to light candles, carry torches or the processional cross, and help prepare the altar. Training is provided.
Time Commitment: Every other month
Contact: John and Sharon Pearson, 203-984-2581 or 203-984-1228 or
Ushers/Greeters –stand at the doors of the narthex (lobby) and either greet people as they enter or give out bulletins. Ushers also help with the collection during the service and guide people at the time of communion.
Time Commitment: Twice a year
Contact: Margie Holcombe, 203-834-0001
Altar Guild –devote their time and talent to caring for the sanctuary, church linens, altar hangings and vestments.
Time Commitment: A monthly commitment twice a year
Contact: Betsy Pettit, 203-762-3808 or
Julie Wanamaker, 203-834-2660 or
Flower Guild –creates arrangements for Sunday services and special occasions.
Time Commitment: 2-4 arrangements per year, plus decorating for Christmas and Easter.
Contact: Barbara Davidson, 203-762-8197 or
Laura Kirkpatrick, 203-762-9266 or
Flower Delivery Committee –delivers the altar flowers to the homes of parishioners in need of a pastoral care following the 10:00 a.m. service.
Time Commitment: 2 or 3 times per year
Contact: Carol Kaelin, 203-761-8865 or
Communion Bread Bakers –are responsible for baking the communion bread that is used for the Sunday services. A recipe is provided that yields enough bread to cover a month of services.
Time Commitment: Once or twice a year
Contact: Chris Perry, 203-762-0534 or
Coffee Hour Hosts –provide coffee and treats following the 10:00 a.m. service. Normally two families are asked to be hosts each week. Instructions are available.
Time Commitment: Twice a year
Contact: Pam Carlson, 203-762-7112 or
Blessing of the Animals – assist with getting supplies (animal treats, certificates, etc.), set-up and clean-up for the annual event in early October.
Time Commitment: 2 hours
Contact: The Rev. Mary Grace Williams, 203-762-7400 or
Choirs–Our parish choirs are a vital part of our church and provide beautiful music that enhances our worship, especially at our 10:00 a.m. service, evensongs, and holy day services. The choirs are in session from September through June. They are also regularly involved in the Arts at St. Matthew’s series.
Contact: Rodney Ayers, 203-762-7400 x. 3 or
Second Grade Choir – meets for rehearsal every Tuesday afternoon 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. The children can take the bus directly from school to the church where they are met and provided oversight until the rehearsal. The Second Grade Choir usually performs four to six times a year and has an extra rehearsal on those Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.
Boys and Girls Choir (3rd-6th Graders)–meets for rehearsal every Thursday afternoon from 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. The children can take the bus directly from school to the church where they are met and provided oversight until the rehearsal. The Boys and Girls Choir perform two Sundays a month at the 10:00 a.m. service and has an extra rehearsal on those Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.
Youth Choir (7th-12th Graders) – meets for rehearsal every Thursday afternoon from 4:15 – 5:30 for Sopranos/Altos and 5:00-6:00 p.m. for Tenors and Basses. The children can take the bus directly from school to the church where they are met and provided oversight until the rehearsal. The Youth Choir performs threeSundays a month at the 10:00 a.m. service and has an extra rehearsal on those Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.
Adult Choir–meets for rehearsal every Thursday evening from 7:30– 9:00 p.m. andSunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and performs most Sundays throughout the year. Five professional section leaders assist the adult choir.
Arts at St. Matthew’s (AASM) – sponsors performances by artists of regional and national importance. The Committee meets approximately every 6 weeks during the Wilton school year. Committee members help to source new performers and provide assistance in all aspects of hosting these performances, including:
- publicity of various types
- administration, including budgeting, finance and database maintenance
- web site administration and e-communications
- day-of-performance activities, including ticket sales, ushering, talent assistance pre- and post-performance
- post-performance receptions
Time Commitment: 3-4 performances held typically during the school year (September – May)
Contact: Peter Balderston, 203-856-5911 or 203-761-8654 or
Arts at St. Matthew’s website:
Church School – St. Matthew’s and Wilton Presbyterian Church run a joint church school during the 10:00 a.m. service from September through June. Our children begin in the sanctuary with their families and then move to their age appropriate class. The children return to the church in time to receive communion with their families. There is also Nursery care every week for children up to 3 years old.
Time Commitment: Weekly
Contact: Becky Hudspeth, 203-834-0943 or
Church School Teachers/Assistants - Our teachers and classroom assistants come from both churches. Lesson plans and materials are provided.
Time Commitment: Teachers require about one hour preparation to lead a class and Assistants need only attend the class (no prep). Schedule to teach when you are available.
Contact: Becky Hudspeth, 203-834-0943 or
Joint Children’s Christian Education Committee (JCCEC) - supports, and assists the Church School Directors of both congregations.
Time Commitment: Monthly meeting throughout the school year and flexible time for coordinating teachers for one grade level.
Contact: Pam Carlson, 203-762-7112 or
Becky Hudspeth, 203-834-0943 or
Christmas Pageant Directors/Assistants – oversee and organize our Christmas pageant at our 4:00 p.m. service on December 24ththat normally has a large cast of children of all ages.
Time Commitment: 4-5 rehearsals plus the pageant
Contact: Rodney Ayers, 203-762-7400 or
Youth Groups- St. Matthew’s, Wilton Presbyterian Church, and Zion’s Hill United Methodist Church provide a joint youth program that nurtures and supports our youth.
Contact: Becky Hudspeth, 203-834-0943 or
6th and 7th Grade Youth Group meets one Wednesday each month from6:00-7:30 p.m. for dinner, lively discussions, opportunities to grow in faith and understanding, and just plain fun. This group is led by Becky Hudspeth, Chelsea Merwin, Jack DeAngelis (St. Matthew’s) and Jane Field (WPC).
G.E.O.D.E (Girls/Guys Exploring Opportunities for Discipleship Experiences) is for 6th and 7th grade students and meets on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 p.m. two times a year for same-gender groups to provide them with supplemental enrichment experiences in addition to regular youth group.
8th Grade Youth Group meets one Wednesday each month from6:00-7:30 p.m. for dinner, activities and discussions that are planned as fun ways to enrich and develop Confirmation class topics. This group is led by Becky and Steve Hudspeth (St. Matthew’s) Jane Field and Sally Carta (WPC).
Senior High School Youth Group (9th -12th grades) meets twice a month from 11:30-1:00 on Sundays for discussion, outreach and mission projects, and fun activities. This group is led Becky Hudspeth), Richard Mayberry, Chelsea Merwin (St. Matthew’s),Sally Field and Jane Field (WPC).
Confirmation– Youth who are preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation meet once a month on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in addition to the 8th grade youth group. They also participate in mission projects and trips as well as Sunday morning ministries such as Lay Readers, Intercessors, Greeters, etc. This program meets from September through May.
Time Commitment: Meetings twice a month plus mission projects
Contact: Becky and Steve Hudspeth, 203-834-0943 or
Outreach Committee – is involved with approximately 20 non-profit agencies and organizations that serve the needs of individuals and families from our local and neighboring communities.
Time Commitment: One day, one week or on-going depending on the project
Contact: Steve Pettit, 203-762-3808 or
Kadee Alonso, 203-834-0089 or
Person to PersonKadee Alonso, 203-834-0089 or
St. John Center, BridgeportPam Ely, 203-762-1238 or
Elder House Char Griffin, 203-210-7822 or
Covenant to CarePat Hoeg, 203-762-9318 or
Wilton Dept. of Social ServicesPat Hoeg, 203-762-9318 or
Sharon McKenna, 203-761-6650 or
Family Re-Entry Peter Kaskell, 203-762-9972
Habitat for Humanity Stu Holcombe, 646-894-0855,
Open Door Beth Kisielius, 203-762-0719 or
Domestic Violence Crisis Ctr Sharon McKenna, 203-761-6650 or
Homefront Sharon McKenna, 203-761-6650 or
Pivot Ministries Russ Lynch, 203-762-5381 or
S. Norwalk Summer Lunch Prog. Steve Pettit, 203-762-3808 or
Bridgeport Rescue Mission Steve Pettit, 203-762-3808 or
Mercy Learning Center Kayleigh Quinn, 203-762-5979 or
GW Carver Foundation Robynne Quinn, 203-762-5979 or
Homes With Hope Robynne Quinn, 203-762-5979 or
Stop Hunger Now – is sponsored by the Wilton Interfaith Action Committee (WI-ACT) and occurs on a Saturday in late October. On this day 450 volunteers of all ages and from all the faith institutions of Wilton come together to package over 100,000 meals to be distributed to those most in need throughout the world.
Time Commitment: 3 hours
Contact: Steve Hudspeth, 203-834-0943 or
Thursday Lunch Club –provides seven or eight luncheons a year for Wilton senior citizens. These gatherings occur usually on the third Thursday of the month.
Time Commitment: 3-4 hours a month
Contact: David Bloomer, 203-761-8545 or
Open Door Mission– St. Matthew’s and WPC provide meals for Manna House of Hospitality at the Norwalk Emergency Shelter. Manna House provides 12,000 meals a month and our two congregations supply the ingredients and cook the meal.
Time Commitment: 6 times per year
Contact: Pat Hoeg, 203-762-9318, or
Parish Care Committee –provides meals, rides, and other services for parishioners who are experiencing a temporary need due to medical concerns, deaths, births, or other life experiences.
Time Commitment: As needed
Contact: Cathy Egan, 917-273-1244 or
Parish Life Committee –hosts lively, fun, and meaningful opportunities for parishioners to gather in Christian fellowship such as the annual parish picnic, Epiphany party and the Lobster Clambake hosted by Linda and David Koch.
Time Commitment: As needed
Contact: Char Griffin, 203-210-7822 or
Lucy Leach, 203-587-1002 or
Parish Hospitality Committee –assist with receptions for funerals and other special services.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours
Contact: Martin Howard, 203-761-0539 or
Foyer Groups–These are small groups of 8 to 12 people who meet once every 4 to 6 weeks for fellowship and a meal, beginning in September through May. Members take turn hosting and usually provide the main course while other members bring the rest of the meal.
Time Commitment: 4-6 evenings during the year
Contact: Char Griffin, 203-210-7822 or
Gala/Auction - Once a year the parish has a festive evening of fellowship and fundraising. Parishioners are invited to help with many functions such as decorations, procuring auction items, serving food and beverage, etc.
Time Commitment: As needed
Contact: Christy O’Sullivan, 203-529-3240 or
Adult Education Committee - designs, organizes, and provides oversight of a variety of adult education classes throughout the year.
Time Commitment: varies, depending on the program
Contact: Martin Howard, 203-761-0539 or
or Sharon Pearson, 203-984-1228,
CHURCHNext – Any adult is welcome to participate in a new “online school” customized for St. Matthew’s. From the comfort of your home, office, or wherever you have an Internet connection, you can grow in your knowledge of the Christian faith and how to apply it to your daily life. for a sneak preview.
Sunday Adult Education Class is held on Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:45 a.m. to discuss the Sunday readings, view a newly released DVD program based on an aspect of faith, participate in a book study, or Bible study.
Adult Forums are held on Sunday mornings from 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. at various times throughout the year and feature speakers and topics related to faith and our daily life.
The Wednesday Book Club is held on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. to read and discuss books chosen by the group. The Eucharist follows the class.
Weavings is a faith centered women’s discussion group that meets on Thursday afternoons from 12:45 – 2:00 p.m. The group utilizes DVD discussion series by contemporary theologians exploring modern questions of faith.
The God Class is offered for those who wish to explore questions of faith or prepare to be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church. Date and times to be determined.
Lenten Interfaith Series at the Wilton Library is held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. during Lent. St. Matthew’s and other faith communities invite speakers to explore world religions and current issues of religion and culture.
Lent Madness – Join the Internet phenomena and help promote and organize the “brackets” in who at St. Matthew’s chooses which saint will win the coveted title to wear the Golden Halo for 2014. It’s not “March Madness” but “Lent Madness!” The fun begins on Ash “Thursday,” February 19, 2015. Learn more here: .
Newcomers Committee – provide opportunities to welcome new families and individuals into our church community, host dinners and brunches, and to help families become active members of the parish.
Time Commitment: 3-4 meetings a year
Contact: Sharon Kress, 203-529-3118 or
Paul Manuel, 203-210-5543 or
Communications Committee–oversee and support the general communications including our website, Facebook, and PR for the parish.
Time Commitment: Weekly as needed
Contact: Mary Gow, (203) 210-7086 or
Office Helpers
Office Helpers – help out in the office with special projects and mailings and also provide coverage when the Office Manager is on vacation.
Time Commitment: As needed
Contact: Kristi Lugossy, 203-762-7400 or
Stewardship Committee –works to support all the ministries at St. Matthew’s. Our mission is to inspire greater participation in all of our great ministries through the giving of time, talent and treasure. This committee works closely with Newcomers Committee, Finance Committee, and the Treasurer.
Time Commitment: As needed
Contact: Christy O’Sullivan, 203-529-3240 or
Tom Kirkpatrick, 203-762-9266 or
Finance Committee - is responsible for monitoring the finances of the parish, developing long range forecasting, and constructing the annual parish budge.
Time Commitment: Monthly meeting on Tuesday evenings