St Catherine’s College Boat Club Risk Assessment 2009/10
Boathouse Location: Longbridges, on the Isis (county side), Oxford
Users of the boathouse: novice and experienced rowers
Coach for 2009/10: Rachel Loveridge
River Based Activities
/ Risk / Control Measures / Person(s) Responsible / Risk FactorCollision with other boats / Physical injury to rowers / Keep to circulation pattern. Put lights on boat in poor visibility. Ensure coxes are fully trained. Correctly fitted bow balls. / Boatclub Captains, Coaches / Low
Drowning / Rowers/coxes must pass university swim test. / Boatclub Captains / Low
Falling in water / Boathouse contains exposure blankets and throw-bags. Readily available information about hypothermia and water-borne diseases. Well-stocked first aid kit kept in boathouse. / Boatclub Captains, Water Safety Officer, Coaches / Low
Capsizing / Falling in water / Same as above / Boatclub Captains, Water Safety Officer, Coaches / Low
Catching “crabs” / Slight injury to rowers / Rowers taught how to recover. First aid available in boathouse / Boatclub Captains, Coaches / Medium to low (as rowers gain experience)
Over-exertion / Physical injury, hypothermia / Rowers to warm up sufficiently, wear appropriate clothing and take plenty of water with them / Crews, Coaches / Medium (particularly during the winter)
“The gut” / Collision with boats or banks / Coxes must have at least 3 weeks experience before going through the gut. No novice crews to go through the gut. Stick to circulation pattern. Row at reasonably pressure (preferably all 8). / Boatclub Captains, Coaches / Medium
Streams by Longbridges / Strong current. Boat carried away down the stream / Extra precaution taken during Blue flag conditions. Land away from the streams. Cox and rowers must be able to respond quickly. / Boatclub Captains, Coaches, Crews, Coxes / Low to Medium (during Blue flag conditions)
High stream or high wind conditions / Colliding with obstacles, boats or the bank. Being swept away by the current. Cox losing control of the boat. / Only experienced coxes allowed to cox during Blue flag conditions. Novice outings may be cancelled. Coxes and rowers must be able to respond quickly. / Boatclub Captains, Coaches, Crews, Coxes / Medium
Lightning / It strikes rowers or boat. Physical injury / Reschedule outing. Length of outing to be shortened, either in time or distance (only go up to spin early points) / Boatclub Captains, Coaches, Water Safety Officer / Low
Land Based Activities
Equipment kept in boathouse /Tripping or colliding with boats and riggers
/ All boats and oars are kept on proper racks. Lights to be turned on in poor visibility. Nothing to be left on the floor. / Boatclub Captains, Coaches / LowLifting boats / Physical injury to rower / All rowers taught how to lift boats correctly. Cox instructs the lifting in a slow controlled manner. / Boatclub Captains, Coxes, Coaches / Low
Travelling (to external regattas)
Use of cars or minibuses / Accidents / Vehicles to be insured and regularly checked. Drivers to be licensed and tested. Follow road laws and check current road conditions / Boatclub Captains, Coaches / LowBreakdown / Membership of recovery service / Drivers, Owners of vehicles / Low
External Competitions
Regattas / Accidents whilst racing / Only attended regulated official ARA events. Coxes to be aware of circulation pattern and course. / Coaches, Coxes / LowTraining on unfamiliar water / Unfamiliarity with hazards. Little knowledge of local risks and conditions / Obtain local information on the course and hazards. Coxes and coaches need to be familiar with area. Obtain local weather report. / Coaches, Coxes
Land Training Activities
Use of Ergs / Over-exertion / Teach rowers the correct technique. Rowers must warm up and stretch beforehand. Coaches to set appropriate level for workout. / Boatclub Captains, Coaches / LowWeights / Physical injury to rowers / Teach rowers the proper lifting technique. Rowers must always warm up properly. All users of weights must wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Only suitable weights to be used (not too heavy for lifter). Weights to be put away after use. Always have a coach present. / Boatclub Captains, Coaches, Crews / Medium
Circuits / Physical injury, over-exertion / Rowers to warm up before exercise. Appropriate clothing and footwear to be worn. / Boatclub Captains, Coaches, Crews / Low