Assessment Booklet

HLTFS309C - Oversee the day-to-day implementation of food safety in the workplace

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Completed online component of this course HLTFS309C
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Supervisor referee testimonial signed off
Signed off by HIA trainer
Statement of attainment sent

Version: 12.1(Date of issue 13.8.13)Page 1

Instructions for Students

This workbook contains the written assessment activities for the competency unit HLTFS309C Oversee the day to day implementation of food safety in the workplace. This booklet also includes instructions for completing and submitting this assessment workbook.

Overview of Unit

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to supervise the day-to-day implementation of the food safety program across the entire business, process or food handling area

It also involves supporting others to implement the requirements of the food safety plan.

To achieve competency in this unit students must demonstrate their ability to:

  1. Monitor the implementation of the food safety program in the workplace
  2. Take corrective action when a food safety hazard is found not to be in control
  3. Maintain food safety in the workplace


In addition to the online component of this subject, student are required to complete all of the assessment activities contained within this assessment book.

In this workbook ,two (2) forms of assessment have been used, each of which are described in more detail on this page. The two (2forms of assessment are:

  1. Work base projects; and
  2. Third party evidence report.
  1. Work based projects

Work based projects involve the practical demonstration of skills and knowledge.

For this unit competency you are required to complete three (3) Work based projects.

Work based project 1 - Training a New Staff Member

Complete the activity by answering questions about training a new staff in the food safety. There are a total of five (5) questions and question ) has multiple parts. You must answer all questions.

Work based project 2 - Corrective Actions & Auditing

Complete the activity by answering questions corrective actions and auditing. There are a total of six (6) questions and question 4 has multiple parts. You must answer all questions.

Work based project 3 - Manage a Food Safety Meeting

You are required to provide sample minutes from a staff food safety meeting. You may use the template provided in this workbook. If possible this should be conducted as a real workplace food safety meeting that you have run and managed.

  1. Third party evidence report.

To be issued a State of Attainment evidence of displaying skills, knowledge and performance in the workplace are required. The Third Party Evidence report is to be completed by the student’s immediate supervisor to confirm they are applying their skills and knowledge in the workplace over a reasonable period of time under real operating conditions. The form is contained in this workbook.

How to complete THIS workbook

It is recommendedthat students complete this workbook on their computer. It is recommended students type their answers into the boxes/spaces provided. Remember to save the workbook!

Students may also complete this workbook by hand. Students can request a printed copy of this assessment booklet, or they may print it themselves, and then complete by writing in the answers in hand.

HOW to submit this workbook

How to upload yourWorkplace Skills Appraisal to your training account.

  1. Log into your My training account - Select log in from top right hand side of screen - Enter your email and password (the same one you entered on enrolment)

  1. Click on my documents - see picture below.
  1. Click on the green button that says +NEW DOCUMENT (circled below). This will allow you to upload a file.
  1. Click on the grey button that says “SELECT FILES” circled below. It will allow you to browse for the location where you saved your document to be uploaded.

When the document is uploaded, you will see it in your “My Documents” window. You can download the document to ensure it is correct or you can delete the document.

If you CANNOT upload a file, you can send by email, fax or post to: E: F: 07 3899 1160

P: Food Safety Assessor, Hospitality Institute of Australasia, PO Box 254, Morningside QLD 4170

SECTION (1) Work Based Project

Assessment Instructions to trainee/student

For this assessment, students are required to complete all the PROJECT activities in this section and answer all the questions related to these activities. Any incorrect answers will be discussed with yourtrainer/ assessor. Student’s cannot be deemed competent without satisfactorily completing all questions.

Work based project 1 - Training a New Staff Member

Student Instruction: Complete the activity below answering all questions. There are a total of 5 questions and question (1) has multiple parts. You must answer all questions.

  1. Rosanna has just started work as kitchen assistant, apart from her daily duties list she needs to be competent in the following activities:
  1. Receiving and storing food items
  2. Preparing sandwiches and salads
  3. General Cleaning
  4. Reheating food
  5. Serving Food
  6. Operating the dishwasher

Please write the names of the monitoring forms Rosanna will need to complete for the above activities and the type and frequency of record keeping

Description of form(s) / Briefly explain record keeping requirements
  1. Receiving and storing food items:

  1. Preparing sandwiches and salads:

  1. General Cleaning:

  1. Reheating food:

  1. Serving Food:

  1. Operating the dishwasher:

  1. List three ways you could train Rosanna in the above activities.

(i) ......


(ii) ......


(iii) ......


  1. How would you check on Rosanna’s progress to make sure she is performing the food safety checks correctly?




  1. Briefly explain the language you would use when providing Rosanna feedback on her job performance.




  1. How long do you think it would take to train a new employee in these skills who has never done this job before?



Work based project 2 - Corrective Actions & Auditing

Student Instruction: Complete the activity below answering all questions. There are a total of six (6) questions. Question four (4) has multiple parts. You must answer all parts of all questions.

  1. Why is it important not to jump to conclusions when investigating a breach of the food safety program?



  1. How would you inform staff of the finding of the non-compliance and corrective actions?




  1. How do you know if the problem has been resolved?




  1. You have found on several occasions the food slicer had not been cleaned from the previous shift. You have found this and other items not being cleaned correctly on numerous occasions. Answer the following questions.
  1. Describe briefly how you would approach staff when trying to find out why these cleaning problems are occurring?




  1. List 3 reasons such a problem may be occurring?

(i) ......

(ii) ......


  1. Briefly explain the frequency of internal and external food safety audits and how you may have participated in these audits.




  1. Explain your kitchens procedures for responding to non-conformances. In your answer provide a recent example of a non-conformance and include the following:
  1. The position of the person who identified the non-conformance
  2. Who they reported the non-conformance to
  3. How the non-conformance was documented
  4. How the non-conformance was acted on

How the actions were followed-up to ensure ongoing compliance













Work based project 3 - Manage a Food Safety Meeting

You are required to provide sample minutes from a staff food safety meeting. You may use the template provided in this workbook. If possible this should be conducted as a real workplace food safety meeting that you have run and managed.

Food Safety Meeting Minutes - Template

Date: Time:


Agenda item / Issues arising / Action required / Responsibility / Due date
Meeting closed
Next meeting date: / Location:

SECTION (2) Third Party Evidence Report

To be issued a State of Attainment evidence of displaying skills, knowledge and performance in the workplace are required. The Third Party Evidence report is to be completed by the student’s immediate supervisor to confirm they are applying their skills and knowledge in the workplace over a reasonable period of time under real operating conditions.


(Date) ______

To whom it may concern,

RE: skills in/as

(insert candidate name) (insert industry/job title)

I certify that the above named person has:

worked at for a period of years

and has regularly undertaken the following activities within the workplace since commencing employment with this organisation:

Tick the boxes below for the skills the candidate has or can successfully perform in the workplace

Abides by the Food Act including:

Has managed a Food Safety Meeting and assisted in the development of meeting minutes

Communicates effectively and clearly with their staff

Understands the importance of effective food safety system management

Monitors food safety documentation and ensures documents are complete and accurate

Identifies non-conformances and areas for improvement

Has participated in internal auditing processes

Understand basic food safety legislation and their personal responsibilities under this legislation.

If you would like any further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on ______.

Signature: ______

Print Name: ______

Position: ______

Relationship to student: ______

Version: 12.1(Date of issue 13.8.13)Page 1

Competency: HLTFS309C - Oversee the day-to-day implementation of food safety in the workplace