Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Generic/Broad spectrum,
§  Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farming practices
Policy /

Rural Environment Protection Scheme (REPS II) – Basic Scheme

Agency / Department of Agriculture and Food
Relevant Legislation / Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999
Overall Objective / Establish farming practices and production methods, which reflect the need for conservation of the environment and protection of landscapes
Delivery Mechanism / The Basic REPS II Scheme is comprised of 11 measures that must be implemented in order to qualify for payments.
1  - Nutrient management plan
2  - Grassland management plan
3  - Protect and maintain watercourses and wells
4  - Retain wildlife habitats
5  - Maintain farm and field boundaries
6  - Cease using herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers in and
around hedgerows, ponds and streams
7  - Protect features of historical and archaeological interest
8  - Maintain and improve visual appearance of farm and
9 - Produce tillage crops without burning straw/stubble
and leaving field margins uncultivated
10 -Become familiar with environmentally friendly farming practice
11- Keep such farm and environmental records as may be
Farmers are required to draw up a nutrient management plan and a grassland management plan for the farm (plans have to be drawn by a planner/planning agency approved by the Department of Agriculture and Food).
The basic annual REPS payments are:
·  €165/ha for holdings of 20 hectares or less
·  €151/ha for holdings of over 20 hectares, subject to a maximum of 40hectares
Targets / 55,000 participants by the end of 2006
When Applied / 2000
(REPS I, a similar scheme applied from 1994)
Coverage/Eligibility / Whole country
Voluntary participation
Costs / Expenditure on REPS II (€ million)
2000 0
2001 61.8
2002 105.7
2003 157.9
Participation/Results / Number of new applicants (REPS II)
2000 0
2001 13,321
2002 11,223
2003 10,840
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Independent evaluation and a number of predetermined indicators
Source/Further Information /
Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Generic/Broad Spectrum
§  Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farming practices
Policy / Rural Environment Protection Scheme (REPS II) - Measure A
(Designated target areas)
Agency / Department of Agriculture and Food
Relevant Legislation / Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999
Overall Objective / Protection of wildlife habitats and endangered species of flora and fauna
Delivery Mechanism / Participants in the basic REPS II scheme with land in designated target areas – namely: Natural Heritage Areas (NHA’s), Natura 2000 sites (i.e. farmland based Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas), and commonages must undertake Measure A for which there are increased payments.
The basic annual REPS payments in target areas are:
·  €242/ha for holdings up to 40 hectares;
·  €24/ha for holdings between 41 and 80 hectares, and
·  €18/ha for holdings between 81 and 120 hectares.
Targets / 14,000 participants by the end of 2006
When Applied / 2000
(Similar scheme applied from 1994)
Coverage/Eligibility / Target areas
Participation compulsory for participants in basic REPS II scheme
Costs / Expenditure on REPS II (€ million)
2000 0
2001 16.9
2002 29.8
2003 39.8
Participation/Results / Number of new applicants (REPS II)
2000 0
2001 4150
2002 3457
2003 3236
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Independent evaluation and a number of predetermined indicators
Source/Further Information /
Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Biodiversity
§  Type(s) of Measure: Payment based on farm fixed assets
Policy / Rural Environment Protection Scheme (REPS II) – Local Breeds in Danger of Extinction
Agency / Department of Agriculture and Food
Relevant Legislation / Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999
Overall Objective / Preserve local breeds of farm animals that are on the FAO list of endangered species
Delivery Mechanism / A one-off payment of €400 for each registered female bovine/equine, and €60 for each registered ovine, of specific local breeds
Targets / 350 participants by the end of 2006
When Applied / 2000
(Similar scheme applied from 1994)
Coverage/Eligibility / Whole country
Participation voluntary for participants in basic REPS scheme
Costs / Expenditure on REPS II (€ million)
2000 0
2001 0
2002 0.006
2003 0.026
Participation/Results / Number of new applicants (REPS II)
2000 0
2001 0
2002 10
2003 27
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Independent evaluation and a number of predetermined indicators
Source/Further Information /
Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Biodiversity, Landscape
§  Type(s) of Measure: Payment based on land retirement
Policy / Rural Environment Protection Scheme (REPS II) – Long-term Set-aside of Riparian Zone
Agency / Department of Agriculture and Food
Relevant Legislation / Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999
Overall Objective / To provide shade to overly exposed designated river channels, to stabilise river banks and to intercept nutrients transported in overland flow
Delivery Mechanism / Annual payment of €724.5/ha (up to a maximum of 2.5 hectares).
Targets / 200 participants by the end of 2006
When Applied / 2000
(Similar scheme applied from 1994)
Coverage/Eligibility / Whole country
Participation voluntary for participants in basic REPS scheme
Costs / Expenditure on REPS II (€ million)
2000 0
2001 0
2002 0.039
2003 0.084
Participation/Results / Number of new applicants (REPS II)
2000 0
2001 36
2002 42
2003 18
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Independent evaluation and a number of predetermined indicators
Source/Further Information /
Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Organic farming
§  Type(s) of Measure: Payment based on farming practices
Policy / Rural Environment Protection Scheme (REPS II) – Organic farming
Agency / Department of Agriculture and Food
Relevant Legislation / Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999
Overall Objective / Promote organic farming methods
Delivery Mechanism / For applicants with more than 3 hectares the rates of annual payments are €181 per hectare during the conversion period (which will be a maximum of 2 years) and €91 per hectare in organic status (maximum 40 hectares).
Targets / 1,000 participants by the end of 2006
When Applied / 2000
(Similar scheme applied from 1994)
Coverage/Eligibility / Whole country
Participation voluntary for participants in basic REPS scheme
Costs / Expenditure on REPS II (€ million)
2000 0
2001 0
2002 0.579
2003 0.128
Participation/Results / Number of new applicants (REPS II)
2000 0
2001 169
2002 154
2003 118
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Independent evaluation and a number of predetermined indicators
Source/Further Information /
Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Organic
§  Type(s) of Measure: Payment based on farm fixed assets
Policy / Grant Aid for the Development of the Organic Sector
Agency / Department of Agriculture and Food
Relevant Legislation / Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999
Overall Objective / Facilitate the development of the organic sector to ensure a regular supply of high quality organic produce to the market
Delivery Mechanism / Financial assistance is provided to organic operators in respect of
- Investment on agricultural holdings, towards equipment and facilities for production, preparation, grading, packing and storage of organic products.
- Developing facilities for preparation, grading, packing and storage of organic products in viable enterprises other than on agricultural holdings.
Financial support is payable at 40% of eligible costs (projects costing less than €2540 are not eligible for grant assistance). The maximum grant aid per farm investment is €50790 and €508,000 for off-farm investment projects.
When Applied / 2001
Coverage/Eligibility / Whole country
Eligibility: licensed organic operators.
Costs / Expenditure (€ million)
2001 0.012
2002 0.289
2003 0.615
Participation/Results / Number of beneficiaries
2001 1
2002 21
2003 29
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Independent evaluation and a number of predetermined indicators
Source/Further Information /
Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Reduce water pollution
§  Type(s) of Measure: Payment based on farm fixed assets
Policy /

Farm Waste Management Scheme

Agency / Department of Agriculture and Food
Relevant Legislation / Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999
Overall Objective / Facilitate the management of farmyard effluents and nutrients
Delivery Mechanism / Provision of grant aid to farmers for investments in storage facilities for silage and agricultural wastes, animal housing and new equipment for the application of farm waste (manure).
The payment rate is 40% of approved standard costs/receipts (whichever is the lesser). The maximum amount of investment eligible for support is €75,000 per holding. The payment rate is 20% of the cost for eligible mobile equipment (receipts) subject to a maximum investment of €11,000.
Young qualified farmers who started farming in the five-year period prior to application are entitled to additional aid of 15% in Less Favoured Areas and 5% in other areas.
Targets / 20,000 beneficiaries in the period 2001-2006
When Applied / Scheme originally introduced in February 2001, but substantially revised and applied in the current form from 1st January 2004.
(similar schemes have operated since 1974)
Coverage/Eligibility / Whole country
Open to farmers with minimum of 30 Income Units (IU) of which at least 20 of the income units must come from farming and not more than 450 IU in total.
Costs / Expenditure (€ million)
2001 0.063
2002 9.4
2003 20.6
Participation/Results / Number of beneficiaries
2001-2003 inclusive 2,784
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Independent evaluation and a number of predetermined indicators
Source/Further Information /
Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Reduce water pollution
§  Type(s) of Measure: Payment based on farm fixed assets
Policy / Income tax allowances for capital expenditure on pollution control facilities on farms
Agency / Revenue Commissioners
Relevant Legislation / Finance Act, 1997; Finance Act, 2000
Overall Objective / Reduce the risk of water pollution through investment in pollution control facilities and the application of nutrient management plans on farms
Delivery Mechanism / Farmers applying a nutrient management plan may avail of income tax allowances for capital expenditure on facilities for pollution control.
These tax allowances can be claimed for eligible investments made up to December 31, 2006.
The nutrient management plan must be in accordance with one of the following:
·  An Agri-environmental plan prepared under the Rural Environment Protection Scheme (REPS);
·  A plan prepared under the Erne Catchment Nutrient Management Scheme; or
·  A nutrient management plan prepared in accordance with guidelines issued by the Department of Agriculture and Food.
When Applied / Since 1997
Coverage/Eligibility / Whole country
Voluntary participation
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated
Source/Further Information /
Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Biodiversity, Environment Landscape
§  Type(s) of Measure: Cross-compliance mechanisms
Policy / Arable Aid Scheme (set-aside land)
Agency / Department of Agriculture and Food
Relevant Legislation / EC Council Regulation No 1251/1999 as amended by EC Council Regulation No 1782/2003.
Overall Objective / Protection of wildlife and maintaining good environmental standards.
Delivery Mechanism / The EU Arable Aid Scheme provides for payments to farmers who set aside land. For the 2004 Arable Aid Scheme, applicants who produce arable crops and who produce in excess of the equivalent of 92 tonnes of cereals are obliged to set aside a minimum of 5% of their arable land. They may also voluntarily set aside a further 20%. Arable Aid applicants who produce less than 92 tonnes may voluntarily set aside up to 25% of their arable holding. All applicants for set-aside payments must comply with specific rules that are laid down by the Department of Agriculture and Food relating to the management and maintenance of set-aside land. These rules apply to the year beginning 15 January up to the following 14 January. The management rules include the establishment of green cover prior to 15January. This green cover must be retained and it must be cut at least once during the period between 16July and 31August. Where there is a breach of the management rules, no setaside payment is made for the land parcel concerned.
When Applied / From 1993
Coverage/Eligibility / All applicants under the EU Arable Aid Scheme may set aside land to the extent set out above. Land in setaside must be eligible land. Eligible land is land which, on 31 December 1991, was not under permanent pasture, permanent crops or trees or was not used for non-agricultural purposes.
Costs / Expenditure (€ million)
2000 10.4
2001 13.8
2002 12.9
2003 15.6
Participation/Results / Number of beneficiaries
2000 4,655
2001 5,108
2002 5,183
2003 5,420
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / In accordance with EU regulations, at least 5% of all Area Aid applications must be inspected each year. Applications are chosen for inspection both by random selection and by risk analysis.
Source/Further Information /
Matrix Classification:
§  Country: Ireland
§  Environmental Objective(s): Soil quality, Reducing water pollution
§  Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farming practices
Policy / Extensification Premium Scheme
Agency / Department of Agriculture and Food
Relevant Legislation / Council Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2342/1999
Overall Objective / Support extensive production and thereby minimize adverse impacts of grazing livestock on environment
Delivery Mechanism / Additional payments to livestock producers for suckler cows qualifying for the EU Suckler Cow Premium and on male animals qualifying for the EU Special Beef Premium. Rates of payment from 2002 are -
·  €80 per head where the stocking density is less then 1.4 livestock units per hectare; and
·  €40 per head where the stocking density is between 1.4 and 1.8 LU/ha
When Applied / From 1993
Coverage/Eligibility / Whole country
Voluntary participation
Costs / Expenditure (€ million)
2000 €144.0.
2001 €145.6.
2002 €159.9.
2003 Payments to commence in June 2004.
Participation/Results / Number of beneficiaries
2000 95,161
2001 92,282
2002 86,787
2003 Payments to commence in June 2004.
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / See European Court of Audit’s Special Report dated 5/2002.
Source/Further Information /