Skyline PTSA Board Meeting
March 17, 2016
Teachers Lounge--APPROVED
Call to Order (Leslie Miniken & Kirsten Juenke)
- Meeting called to order at 10:09
- A quorum is present
Approval of Minutes (Susan Schlosstein)
- February 25, 2016 minutes were reviewed, approved, and filed
Principal’s Report (Leslie Miniken)
- Donna Hood meeting with HR to hire a new assistant principal to replace Julie Lee
- Also need to hire a new registrar
- May 10 is the Impact night health and wellness fair for parents.
Membership(Mary Jo Webb)
- 72 staff 1458 paid members Leslie and Kirsten attended the 9th grade parent night and passed out a post card May 10th have been asked to help and greet parents
Treasurer’s Report (Tina Yerges)
- April 4 will be the mid- year financial review. The review committee is: Maryann Bellavia, Christy McCarthy, and Pam Gross.
- Income this month--Received a Pass the hat donation of $100 and some matching funds. May need to lower the pass the hat goal next year.
- Will be paying $450 to VIS for the bond and also need to pay for ISF luncheon.
Staff Appreciation
- May 2-6 teacher/staff appreciation scheduled. Sign-ups coming
- Four artists moving forward to national will be in the skyline enews
Student Grant Committee (Maryann Belevia)
- no new requests
Spartan Grants (Leslie Miniken & Kirsten Juenke)
- Grants committee has recommending $3,035.31 be approved for Spring grants (attached)
Parent Ed(Leslie Miniken)
- Council wants to change funding for parent education. Currently each school pays $100. . Looking at increasing rate to $250 per school so they can have a budget of 15,000. Looking to get grants from Swedish and ISF. They want to have webinars and simulcast parent education.
Legislative (Alicia Veevaert)
- Honk and wave for April 7 and April 25th two shifts on each day with sign ups through Sign-up Genius. Best location for Skyline is at the QFC/Bus park and ride on 228th. Students can also participate. Postcards will mail on April 4. Ballots mailed on April 6. And due by April 26.
New Business
- Nominating Committee needs names. The canidate roster will be presented at the April General Membership meeting
- Golden Acorn awards--MaryanMaryann and Kendra will meet next week
- Spartan Grants-Leslie will propose at the april 19 General Membership meeting we want to move $700 from Skyline Curriculum Support to Spring Srants in order to meet the request from Spring grants 2016
- Next board meeting April 19
- Moved$250 from the PTSA President’s discretionary fund to teacher appreciation
Meeting Adjourned at 11:28
Respectfully submitted by Susan Schlosstein