AP Biology Food Inc. Wrap-up and Locavorism Study Guide 10-29-12

Food Inc Wrap-up Questions

  1. From Monsanto’s perspective, it is expensive to develop new seeds like these, and the seeds save farmers time and enable them to produce more soybeans. What might be the consequences—both positive and negative—of the company owning the genetic information in the seed?
  2. How does this situation compare to downloading music from “free” sites?
  3. Intellectual property can be defined as creations of the mind—such as music, art, writing, inventions, symbols, images, designs, or names—that have commercial value. In our country, these things are legally protected and cannot be sold or used without the permission of the owner. Do you think people should be able to own an idea? Why or why not?
  4. Why might we care whether Monsanto or another company owns the DNA in seeds? In the film, Noel Kramers of the California Farm Bureau says that the bureau is against labeling because it “creates unnecessary fear in the consumer’s mind.” Do you agree with this reasoning? Why or why not?
  5. In the film, author Michael Pollan says, “I think that one of the most important battles for consumers to fight is the right to know what’s in their food and how it’s grown.” How does his position compare with the California Farm Bureau’s position?
  6. Health experts recently called for warning labels on energy drinks, pointing out the effects of “caffeine intoxication”—a syndrome that can cause anxiety, insomnia, gastrointestinal upset, tremors, rapid heartbeat, and even death. Would a warning label affect whether or not you buy energy drinks? Why or why not?
  7. Yogurt company executive Gary Hirshberg states in the film, “The consumer does not feel very powerful, but it’s the exact opposite. When we run an item past the supermarket scanner, we’re voting for local or not, organic or not.” What does he mean by this statement? Do you agree or disagree with it? Why or why not?
  8. Author Michael Pollan points out in the film that “to eat well in this country costs more than to eat badly. It will take more money and some people simply don’t have it. And that’s one of the reasons that we need changes at the policy level so that the carrots are a better deal than the chips.” If healthful, environmentally sustainable food were to cost less than other food, do you think people would eat more of it? Why do you think that?
  9. There is plenty of research showing that healthful food makes people feel better, have more energy, and stay well. Do you think if more people knew about this research, they would make different food choices? Why or why not?
  10. What are other things we can do—either individually or collectively—to encourage our families, our friends, or others around us to make changes in their lives toward food that is more healthful and environmentally sustainable?

1. Give three reasons why locally grown foods taste and look better.

2.Give 2 reasons why locally grown food is better for you.

3.What’s the big drawback from food imported from other locations?

4.Give 4 reasons plants are chosen to be grown and eaten.

5.Explain how this limits genetic diversity.

6.How do smaller local farms prevent this from happening?

7.Does this apply to livestock? Explain

8.Give 2 reasons why local foods are safer.

9.Give 2 ways buying from local farms helps support families.

10.Give 3 ways buy from local farms helps build community.

11.How does buying locally help preserve open space?

12.How does it preserve land and why is this important?

13.Cows don’t go to school, tomatoes don’t dial 911…..explain what this means.

14.Give 3 ways well-managed farms provide ecosystem services.

15.Give a couple of ways local farms and food is an investment in the future.

16.How long before most food makes it to the supermarket? How far away does it come on the average?

17. So could buying locally save oil? Explain

18.Give 2 conditions that allow us to keep doing what we do with our supermarket food.

19.Exactly HOW is this done?

20.Explain why cheap oil will not last forever.

21.What will happen as a result?

22.Give 3 side effects of artificially cheap energy.

23.How does it also threaten the security of our food systems.

24.How much does does the food grower net at the grocery store?

25.Where does the rest go?