Stage 2 – Partnership Provision Appendix

This Appendix is divided into sections. Please complete the section relevant to the type of partnership provision that you are proposing only. Support is available from Academic Services on the completion of this Appendix.

A – Articulation agreement
B – Access/Feeder provision
C – Franchised provision

D – Franchised access/feeder provision

E – Off-site partnership delivery

F – Joint programme with non-degree awarding powers body

G – Joint programme with degree awarding powers body

H – Dual award

For certain types of partnership provision based on pre-approved University programmes, some of the information requested in main Stage 2 form is not applicable and University Stage 2 approval is not required following School Stage 2 approval. Academic Services will confirm University Stage 2 approval requirements during Stage 1.

Further information on the stages of approval of provision is available in the Programme Approval Framework.

The information provided will be used in the drafting of a Memorandum of Agreement with the partner institution.

Version 1.1

Created 10.05.13


Section H – Dual Award

Name of Academic Partnership Coordinator at City for the partnership:

A dual award programme is a single programme of study offered by the University and at least one partner institution that also has degree awarding powers which leads to a separate award at each institution. All collaborating institutions hold joint responsibility for the quality and standard of the programme. This does not remove City’s individual responsibility as an awarding institution for quality and standards. It is therefore expected that the arrangements for quality assurance and maintenance of standards will satisfy the principles of City’s academic policy and regulatory framework. However, it is recognised that specific details of the framework will need to be developed jointly with the partner(s) in acknowledgement that they may be operating under a different framework.

Responsibilities of the partner and City for programme management, quality assurance and governance

Please specify arrangements for the programme in each of the following areas and indicate where day-to-day responsibility for each area will lie – with City, with the partner or split between the institutions. If responsibilities for an area are to be split, please indicate how.

Programme management

Programme director arrangements and responsibilities. There should be an academic lead in place at each institution for the programme.

Programme governance, i.e. Programme Committee and Staff Student Liaison Committee arrangements including membership

Details of composition, terms of reference of committees, frequency and location of meetings

Programme administration

Arrangements and responsibilities of each institution for programme administration.

Programme marketing and publicity

City should have sign-off of any marketing materials produced by the partner institution referencing City or the joint programme

Admission of students

E.g. Operational responsibility for the admissions process, oversight arrangements, arrangements for sharing information on applications and admissions between the institutions

Registration of students

Where and when students will be registered, how information on student registration will be shared between the institutions

Student induction

Details of responsibilities for induction, induction arrangements for the programme, details of induction to each institution

Management of student records including records of assessment and award

Where one institution will manage student records, appropriate arrangements for the sharing of information will need to be in place

Provision of information to students on the programme

Content of student handbook and responsibilities for production and distribution of handbook

Student support (including personal tutorial, academic, English language support and other support services, e.g. disability support, counselling, study skills support

Student representation

Arrangements for student representation for the joint programme

Student feedback including module evaluation

Arrangements for student feedback collection and mechanisms for consideration. Feedback on all modules should be available to both institutions

Annual Programme Evaluation

Responsibilities and format for production of the APE and mechanisms for formal consideration by both institutions

Programme amendments

These would normally be considered jointly and subsequently through the relevant committees at each institution

Nomination and appointment of External Examiners

Nominations would normally be considered jointly and subsequently through the relevant committees at each institution. Appointments would normally be dual appointments of the institutions, i.e. each institution appoints the same external examiner through its own governance structure following approval by the Programme Committee

External Examiner Reports and Responses

Format for the External Examiner report. Responses would normally be considered jointly and subsequently through the relevant committees at each institution

Assessment Board arrangements

This would normally be a jointly chaired assessment board for progression and award points.

Certificates and transcripts

Proposed design and content of certificates and transcripts.


Graduation ceremony arrangements for students completing the joint programme.

Programme delivery and assessment

Language of delivery and assessment of the programme

If it is proposed that the programme be delivered and/or assessed in language that is not English, further advice should be sought from Academic Services prior to submission of this form.

Please outline the arrangements that will be in place for the appointment of staff at the partner who will be delivering or supporting the programme to assure City that they are appropriately qualified for their role
Please provide CVs for all delivery and support staff

e.g. teaching qualifications required, appointment procedures, details of any proposed City involvement in or oversight of appointments

Please outline the measures that the partner institution has in place to monitor and assure the proficiency of staff engaged in delivery or supporting the programme

e.g. appraisal arrangements, peer observation, staff development arrangements, details of any proposed City involvement

Please confirm the procedures that will be in place for internal assessment of the programme

Please confirm the arrangements that will be in place for feedback to students on assessment

Student appeals, complaints and discipline

Please confirm the procedure for academic appeals

Please confirm the procedure for complaints relating to the academic quality and delivery of the programme

Please confirm the procedure for complaints relating to the services or facilities provided by the partner

Please confirm the procedure for complaints relating to the services or facilities provided by City

Please confirm the procedure for dealing with student discipline cases

Programme design

Please indicate by module whether City or the partner has designed the module or whether it has been jointly designed

Assessment Regulations

How will the assessment regulations for the programme differ to City’s assessment regulations?

The common assessment regulations for the joint programme should be attached.

Any differences with City’s regulations, particularly those relating to resits or award classifications should be discussed with Academic Services prior to submission of this form.