CITY OF GREATER GEELONG Consultant brief Gender Equity Framework 2


Gender Equity Framework


The development of a Gender Equity Framework (Framework) is a project of the City of Greater Geelong (the City), an identified action of the Family Violence Action Group.

The City

The of the City has a population of over 229,000 people, is Victoria’s largest provincial city and covers 1,247km2, comprising country, coastal and suburban areas.

As a Local Government, the closest arm of government working with local communities, with a large employee base of approximately 2700 people; the City is in a great position to implement gender equity practices and influence gender equality.

While we can’t go into each and every home, we can develop practices and initiatives that both indirectly and directly, reach communities across the municipality.

Gender Equity and Gender Equality

Gender equity practices are one of the key elements to achieving gender equality; a basic and fundamental human rights and social justice issue.

Gender equality is significant to achieving a positive state of health and wellbeing in our communities and ensuring that women and men, girls and boys, have equal access to civic and community participation, leadership opportunities, decision making and influence.

We ‘need to dismantle the stereotypes and relationships which limit the social and professional realities of girls and boys (and ultimately men and women) if we’re to achieve genuine and lasting change’1

1 Speech: Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner responsible for Age Discrimination, 2010 3

Violence Against Women- an extreme end outcome of Gender Inequality

The causes of violence against women are complex and require a wholistic response. Available data identifies a relationship between gender equality and violence by an intimate partner. ‘Countries with greater equality between women and men tend to have lower levels of violence against women’ 2.

2 United Nations Development Fund for Women, 2010

3 Change the Story Framework, pg 55, 2015

Actions to address the underlying causes of violence against women and children, including gender and power inequality between women and men are considered a primary prevention approach. It is in this primary prevention sphere that local government has a key role. The City is ‘well placed to respond to local concerns and to lead primary prevention activities through existing mechanisms and via a range of partnerships’ 3.

Commitment from the City

The City has a commitment to promoting gender equity practices and recognises that factors associated with gender inequality are the most consistent predictors of violence against women.

To date, the City has:

Endorsed the Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter

Established a Women in Community Life Advisory Committee to Council, with the vision to create respect, inclusion and equality, for women in Geelong

Been a key partner in the development of the ‘Strategic Plan: Preventing and Addressing Violence Against Women and Children in the G21 region 2016-2020’

Established an internal leadership group: Family Violence Action Group, to prevent and address violence against women and children, and family violence


The City and external communities, are the focus for development of this Framework.

This Framework will provide a context to develop, plan, implement and monitor policies, plans and actions, with an organisational wide approach; for the development of gender equity practices.

While drawing on existing understanding, resources and work, the Framework will:

Acknowledge and respect that gender refers to whether a person identifies as a woman, man, or transgender, regardless of their sex

Focus on the development and support of employees of the City and our external communities

Harness the energy and momentum across the City, and externally, to achieve gender equality

Provide background to how social expectations about gender are reinforced in our lives every single day

Recognise existing social stereotypes of gender, and lead us to a culture where women and men, girls and boys, are treated with respect and equality

Utilise and strengthen organisational values of the City

Provide evidence based direction to gender equality


The work in the development of the Framework will reflect the following principles:

Acknowledge the gendered nature of violence towards women and children

Understand how societal expectations reinforce gender stereotypes and roles

Consideration of flexible workplaces and work/ life balance

Support representation of women in leadership and decision making capacity

Meet people where they are at, and provide opportunity to engage in the consultation process

Use a whole of organisation approach

Consider existing policies, plans/ initiatives that demonstrate a commitment to gender equality

Consideration of key population groups, eg Aboriginal women, women from multicultural communities and women with a disability

Consultation to provide context and generate discussion of gender identity and gender equality


The Framework will provide a context and practical application for the City to imbed gender equity practices and provide a strong platform for encouraging further awareness and understanding of gender equity and gender equality. It will strengthen and or build linkages with external services and organisations, particularly those that specialise in workplace gender equality and other Local Governments.

Specifically, the Framework will identify:

Areas for workforce development and training

Base line data and evidence of promising practice

Consequences of gender inequality and abuse of power

Gender equality as a fundamental human rights issue, and a priority for the City

Key drivers and contributing factors to violence against women and children

Opportunities and mechanism for evaluation

Opportunities to create change eg. budget allocation, delivery of services

Practices to raise awareness and create interest in developing an understanding of gender equality

Principles for implementation of gender equity practices

Spheres of influence and opportunities

Themes for ongoing action

What gender equity and gender equality is and the benefits for both women and men, girls and boys


Key deliverables and key tasks of this work include:

Develop draft Framework

Engagement plan, including internal workforce and external communities

Finalise Framework document

Fortnight project update

Monthly update report to circulate to the FVAG

Present draft Framework to the FVAG for review

Refine Framework, based on feedback from review

Work plan, identifying key milestones


Development of the Framework will be overseen by the FVAG, via the Community Development Unit.

Key methodology includes:

Alignment of the Framework with the State Gov Gender Equality Strategy

Consider recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence

Consultation with external community members, and key stakeholders; including the WiCLAC, family violence sector

Consultation with the workforce of the City, with a representative cross section among the divisions, including women and men

Diverse styles of engagement

Literary review of current research and evidence base of promising practice

Quantitative and qualitative data

Scanning of best practice Gender Equity Frameworks

Consultation of Aboriginal people and communities that provides context and generates discussion around cultural complexities of gender identity and gender equality

Consultation of multicultural communities that provides context and generates discussion around cultural complexities of gender identity and gender equality


There are numerous stakeholders to the development of this Framework. These include, and not limited to:

Executive Leadership Team of the City

External communities

Family Violence Action Group of the City

Municipal Association of Victoria

Organisations that support gender equality development

Project Planning Executive Group for the Strategic Plan: Preventing and Addressing Violence Against Women and Children in the G21 region 2016-2020

Women in Community Life Advisory Committee


Any issues identified during the development of the Framework will be raised with the Community Development Unit and People and Organisation Development. Ultimate responsibility with Linda Quinn, General Manager Community Life Division, Chairperson of the Family Violence Action Group.


All communication and marketing for the Framework will be produced in alignment with the Marketing and Communications Department of the City, and authorised by the Chairperson for the FVAG.


The timeline for completion of this project is as follows:

Jan-March 2017

Consider recommendations of RCFV and the State Gov Gender Equality Strategy

Identify and engage with external parties eg WiCLAC, Family Violence sector

Identify and engage with internal officers of the City

Scanning best practice Gender Equity Frameworks

Consolidate findings

Early April

Provide draft Framework for review and feedback

Mid April

Finalise Framework and present final document



To be paid on completion of agreed milestone stages of the project


Change the Story

Workplace Gender Equality Act 7

Recommendations of RCFV

Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter


Terms of Reference- Family Violence Action Group, City of Greater Geelong

Document attached


Written submission of quote, and supporting document outlining experience and skill set to be forwarded to Heidi Waterson, via details below; by Monday 12 December 2016. For further please contact Heidi Waterson.

Heidi Waterson

Acting Coordinator, Community Development Unit

City of Greater Geelong


Ph: 5272 5026/ M: 0438 687 427