Southeastern LouisianaUniversity Annual Report on the Expenditure of Student Technology Fees
January, 2013
Prepared for: SoutheasternPresident John Crain, SGA President BrandenSummers
and the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors
By:Dr. Mike Asoodeh, Chief Information Officer
Southeastern LouisianaUniversity
Table of Contents
Student Technology Fee Committee...... 1
Progress made during 2011-2012...... 2
Planned Projects for 2012-2013...... 7
Internal Auditor Reports...... 8
Conclusion...... 9
Southeastern’s Student Technology Fee Committee
Southeastern’s Student Technology Fee Committee was established in early 1999. The committee is currently comprised of the Student Government Association President and four members of SGA appointed by the SGA President and the following University administration representatives: Chief Information Officer, Vice President for Student Affairs, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Director for Basic Computing Services. Meetings are held three times during the Fall and Spring Semesters and one time during the summer. The mission statement of the Student Technology Fee Committee is as follows:
The mission of the Student Technology Fee Committee is to facilitate communicationand provide for periodic input and analysis of utilization of technology fee proceedsdetailed in the Technology Fee Use Agreement. The committee provides amechanism for consistent dialogue between members of the university administrationand the Student Government Association regarding the effectiveness of the fee,feedback from users, and discussions about possible revisions in the use oftechnology fee proceeds.
The web site for the Student Technology Fee Committee continues to provide information about the fee to Southeastern students and other interested individuals. The address is:
Dr. John Crain, Southeastern President, and Mr. Luke Holloway, Southeastern SGA President signed the 2011-2013 Student Technology Fee Usage Agreement.
Progress made during 2011-2012
A balance of $2,902,028 was carried over from the previous fiscal year. $1,945,787 was collected during 2011-2012 making a total available for the fiscal year of $4,847,815. $2,454,759 was spent, carrying over $2,393,056 to the 2012-2013 fiscal year.
The following is a summary of major projects and expenditures:
Student Technology Assistants (STA)/Graduate Technology Assistants (GTA), Student Technology Liaisons and Interns, Student Productivity Services Coordinator and Student Technology Services Coordinator -$422,996
Computer Labs and Equipment (software and supplies included) - $1,035,155
Other Diversified Technology Projects - $1,419,604for Large, Matching,and Small Project Proposals and Other approved projects and expenditures
The Student Productivity Services Coordinator, Ms. Clarissa Sampey,continued in the position. Her staff of Student Technology Assistants andGraduate Technology Assistants were utilized in a multitude of capacitiesthrough this past year, some of which include:
Staffed and trained attendants in the open and restricted computer labs.
Advertised and completed hire forms for numerous other student worker and GA positions.
Assisted with updates for the SPS/STS computer labs brochure to reflect location changes.
Combined all SPS service and relocated to create a StudentTechnologyCenter.
Redesigned and maintained StudentTechnologyCenter (previously SPS/STS) webpages in OU Campus.
Updated LEONet How do I webpages for Gmail and Moodle.
Provided phone and email support to students with technology questions such as Blackboard, Moodle, Leonet and Gmail systems.
Created Moodle training for Staff.
Monitored use of equipment over the previous year for SPS Equipment Checkout Service.
Developed training courses for students in Moodle, Gmail, and Leonet.
Expanded equipment checkout services to offer on campus use of tablets and calculators.
Assisted in the development of a new equipment checkout software to help manage new on campus services.
Monitored student labor spending.
Assisted with selection of new software.
Assisted with scheduling classes and events in restricted labs and technology classrooms.
The Student Technology Services Coordinator, Marcus McMillian,continued in the position. Marcus and the Student Technology Assistants:
Installed new equipment and software in Student Technology Fee computer labs which had reached their equipment replacement cycle
Monitored the status of equipment and software in Student Technology Fee computer labs to ensure maximum availability to students
Handled the technical aspects of maintaining Student Technology Fee computer labs and check-out equipment
Performed installation and removal of software for short-term special sessions held in Student Technology Fee computer labs
Worked on overall lab improvements,and SPSS upgrades.
Relocated the 24hr lab to Tinsley to Fayard
Opened additional lab in Fayard
Repurposed Fayard 119 for use by multiple departments instead of one
Virtualized Fayard 126 and 129, Computer Science Lit, Nursing.
Expanded the amount of seats in Computer Science Lit.
Repurposed printers for Fayard 129
The following are a list of computer labs upgradedduring 2011-2012:
Biology210 Lab 24 computers and monitors
English-DVIC 213 Lab30 computers and monitors
Nursing-Mims 11426 computers and monitors
The Committee approved funding for diversified technology projects including:
Department or College / Description / Amount FundedEnglish / Support for Early Start / $8,187
TOTAL: $8,187.00
Department or College / Description / Amount FundedChemistry & Physics/CSIT / Introduction of Microwave Assisted Chemistry in Chemistry Teaching Laboratories at SoutheasterLouisianaUniversity / $17,710
Chemistry & Physics / Computers for Chemistry Labs / $21,709
Chemistry & Physics / Enhancement of Student Performance and Retention with State-of-the-Art Technology / $28,550
Mathematics/Science & Technology / Sympodiums in Mathematics Classrooms / $40,200
Mathematics/Science & Technology / Mathematics Education Classroom / $6,183
Institutional Research / Student Opinion of Teaching (SOT) Scanning / $11,650
Library / Upgrading student printers in Sims Memorial Library / $18,704
TOTAL: $144,706
Department or College / Description / Amount FundedBiology / Laptop Acquisition for Teaching Biology / $1,672
Languages and Communication / Four mac Minis and Seven New Monitors for DVIC 384 / $4,390
Languages and Communication / Electronic Media: Going Tapeless Stage One / $4,998
Biological Sciences / Computer Projector Technology for Biology / $3,200
Biological Sciences / Oscilloscope Technology for Biology Laboratories / $4,750
Languages and Communication / Additional Lighting Kits and Wireless microphones for Student TV, Video, Film Production Class / $5,000
Biological Sciences / Acquisition of a Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer for Nucleic Acid and protein Quantification / $2,025
College of Science and Technology / Biomass Based Experimental Bio-Ethanol Production Plant / $4,100
Library / Color Printer Additions to the Technology of the Sims Library Reference Area and Media Lab / $1,920
Library / Scanner for Srudent Use in Library / $506
Office of Student Conduct / The Office of Student Conduct Request for Eight Orchos Tablets / $4,500
Student Publications / Student Publications Real-time Tracking, Reporting, and Training Small Project Proposal / $4,575
Counseling and Human Development / Upgrading Classrooms in White Hall to Improve Instruction / $4,991
Department of Teaching and Learning / Department of Teaching and Learning Request for Projectors in rooms 1017 and 2013 / $2,906
Fine and Performing Arts / Proposal for Film Editing Computer for THEA 332 / $966
Fine and Performing Arts / Music Notation Software upgrade and Computer Based Recording Studio / $1,673
Department of Teaching and Learning / iPads for a Revolutionary Classroom Experience / $4,995
TOTAL: $57,167
The following computers and printers were distributed to those departments on campus submitting a proposal for student related needs. The departments include:
Department / Number of PCs / PrintersCommunication Sciences & Disorders / 7
Biological Sciences / 8
Educational Leadership & Technology / 1
Teaching & Learning / 17
Financial Aid Reception / 3
College of Education & Human Development / 1
TOTAL / 175 / 1
Provided for a university fiber optics ring in order to provide for redundancy throughout the University should a break or system failure occur.
Supported the expansion of virtualization capability.
Supported energy production, conservation, and monitoring.
Supported the Learning Management System and Content Management System upgrade.
Provided support for disaster recovery.
Supported the colleges and departments with funding for technology through special projects submitted by the university president or vice-presidents.
Supported technology purchases across campus, including replacement computers and other emergent needs.
Planned Projects for 2012-2013:
Projects planned for the 2012-2013fiscal year include:
Virtualize108 computers in the following labs:
Periodic Teaching Lab (Fay 122)45 computers
Student Organizations (SU 114H)11 computers
BSN Nursing (Baton Rouge)26 computers
Nursing (Hammond)26 computers
Providefor the relocation of the 24-Hour Lab back to Fayard.
Support the expansion of virtualization capability.
Support energy production, conservation, and monitoring.
Support the Learning Management System and Content Management System.
Support the colleges and departments with funding for technology through special projects submitted by the university president or vice-presidents.
Provide support for disaster recovery.
Provide financial support for technology purchases across campus, including replacement computers and other emergent needs.
Continue to provide financial support for the maintenance of blue phones.
Continue to provide funding towards document imaging.
Continue to assess and increase or decrease the computer equipment check out service.
Continue to support the wireless project.
Continue to request and review large, matching and small proposals for possible funding to further diversify the use of technology on our campus.
Continue to redistribute surplus computers for use in other areas of the campus that would benefit students.
Internal Auditor Reports for2011-2012
Southeastern’s Student Technology Fee is audited by the University Internal Auditor to ensure that the collection and expenditure of the fees is consistent with the policies set forth by the legislature and University governing board. The 2011-2012has not been conducted at this time. Whenit is complete, we will submit a copy of the report.
Southeastern’s Student Technology Fee continues to be the leader in efforts to improve the technology available to students. We are proud to submit this annual report which reflects a continuation of the progressive spirit and cooperative nature with which all aspects of the committee’s charges have been handled.