Newton International and British Schools
Primary Mid-Term Planning
Subject : Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Term: 1 Year Group: 5 / Resources:
SPaG jotters
worksheets / Cross-curricular links: / Assessment Activities:
Marking of their work.
Peer assessment.
Vocabulary Required: sentences, capital letters, nouns, adjectives,
Connectives, and, therefore, besides, past tense, present tense.
Duration / Topic / Objectives / Comment
Lesson 1 / Capital letters and full stops. / To use full stops and capital letters to demarcate sentences.
To use capital letters for Proper Noun. / We sailed to the land where the wild things are.
Lesson 2 / Homophones
Direct speech / To write a word that sounds the same but is spelt differently.
To use speech marks around the spoken text.
To use a new line for a new speaker / Plane / plain
“Good morning, children” said Miss Collette happily.
“Good morning” replied the class.
Lesson 3 / Question marks and exclamation marks / To use a question mark at the end of a sentence to indicate a question
To use an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence to indicate an exclamation. / Why did Max want to come home?
There was a terrible mess!
Lesson 4 / Using different connectives / To use ‘and’ to join sentences.
To use better connectives to replace ‘and’. / The wild things waved their terrible claws and I told them to be quiet.
The wild things waved their terrible claws therefore I told them to be quiet.
Lesson 5 / Commas / To use commas in making lists. / The endangered animals we are looking at are: tigers, pandas, whales and cheetahs.
Lesson 6 / Adjectives / To use adjectives to describe nouns. / The wild tiger, the black bear and the swimming whale.
Lesson 7 / Co-ordination and subordination / To use conjunctions to join ideas in longer sentences
Co-ordination: using ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘but’ (Compound)
Subordination: using ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘if’, ‘that’ and ‘because’ (Complex) / Children need to start using compound and complex sentences in their writing: When the tiger came to tea, he ate up all the food and drank up all the water.
If another tiger comes to tea, we have some tins of tiger-food.
Lesson 8 / Past and present tense / To use and distinguish past and present text / In a story it is often past tense: The tiger went to the cupboard and took out all the tins. He drank up all the water in the tap.
In a description of something which is true now, it is present tense. My favourite colour is red. I like playing princesses and magic games best.
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