Appalachian State University

College Panhellenic Agenda/Panhellenic Report

November 4, 2009

I. Roll Call

II. Panhellenic Creed

III. President Elise Goodrich

IV VP Judicial Jane Huntley

V. VP Recruitment Ali Deschenes

VI. VP Programming Cayce Putnam

a. Greek Leadership Summit – – Nov 15th from 1-5 25% of chapter must attend - look at last weeks minutes for total – register online – 1 person from your chapter registers for all the people that are attending - checks 11 per person made out to Appalachian State University – what to wear? (pin attire but more casual)

b. Order of Omegaapplications are due next Tuesday in csil presidents should have copies - $60 into organization

VII. Secretary Sarah Schemmel

VIII. Treasurer Ashley Warshauer

a. Fines (Chi O)

IX. Rho Gamma Trainer Courtney Tatum

X. Assistant VP Recruitment Sara Fletcher

XI. Housing Coordinator Kristen Rosie

XII. Promotions Coordinator Molly Dedmon

XIII. Sorority Advisor Julie LaSalle

a. Elections Next Week – applications are out – outside of the greek office due Friday

b. Friday @ 6pm in front of daughton hall – walk for Charlie

c. Student union – set thermostats for 68 in the union

d. Leave yourself a Legacy service project – act website

e. Kwanza Celebration

d. Professional Drag show – Nov 14th @ 8pm $7

XIV. Old Business

XV. New Business

XVI. Chapter Reports

a. Alpha Omicron Pi

i. Nov. 23rd sisterhood event

ii. Quad Nov. 10th – roaring 20’s

iii. Initiation Nov. 14th and de-pinning Nov. 13th

iv, Group for Phi Mu/SAE BBQ and can food drive

b. Sigma Kappa

i. bingo at the nursing home last Sunday

ii. making boxes for operation Christmas child

iii. going to see new moon – sisterhood

iv. finishing coasters tomorrow that we made during recruitment for people at the nursing home

v. initiation last Thursday

vi. Halloween mixer last Friday

vii. tailgating with Pike Saturday

c. Kappa Delta

i. Thank you to everyone who came to backyard burger last night – it was a huge success and we loved seeing everyone

ii. waffle cone Wednesday tonight

iii. tailgate with KA on Saturday

iv. collecting cans for chancellor for a day and starting to make boxes for operation Christmas child

d. Alpha Delta Pi

i. Ball out Nov. 18th Sanford Mall 11-2 pm

ii. Ronald McDonald

iii. Free to Breathe = Yay!

iv. Geriatric Jamboree Thursday Nov. 5th

v. initiation went well!

vi. can food drive

e. Phi Mu

i. Nov. 18th 5-9pm BBQ dinner for CMN @ National Guard Armory with SAE (see any Phi Mu or SAE for tickets) $5 in advance $7 at the door.

ii. Initiation Nov. 13th

iii. sending out packages to the Watauga county national guard unit that is deployed

f. Delta Zeta

i. New members are going to the nursing home to sing Christmas carols and collect money for the World Hunger Foundation

ii. Meeting with the Boone Fire Department for volunteering

iii. Powder Puff – 2 teams

iv. Dad’s day, Bible Study, Thanksgiving pot luck dinner

v. Roaring 20’s quad Nov 10th

vi. Tailgate with Sig Ep

vii. Semi – formal Dec 5th

viii. Elections and initiation

g. Chi Omega

i. Finished 5k and raised over 30,000 and you can still donate until Dec 31st (Thanks for all the support!)

ii. Supper club tonight

iii. Semi Formal Nov. 14th

iv, Bible Study – Wednesday nights

v. can food drive, theta chi powder puff, operation Christmas child boxes