
Incident report

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Texas state penitentiary juvenile correction centre

Subject of report: Date:

This is an incident report. Include details of times, others involved, action taken etc. / Don’t forget to use formal language – most appropriate for a report.

It was......

/ You must first give the date and time…
Don’t forget the boys go out at 5am so it would be early.
I was...... / Mr Sir was doing the first water delivery of the day
The water delivery was for...... / Give details of who was there and who they are. (All the boys from group D + the new boy)
The boys were......
I was......
Suddenly, I realised...... / What exactly happened? Check pg 146
How did the boy manage to get the keys?
Are you going to tell the truth?
The truck......
I attempted to......
It is now...... / What happened to the truck?
Is it still in the hole?
Is it wrecked?
What happened to the boy?
I tried to......
Finally I...... / What did you do? Did you search? Run after him? Or go to the truck?
What time did you return to camp?
The subject has a reputation...... / What do you know about this boy?
Troublemaker? Think about what happened with the sunflower seeds Chpt. 19-20
Why do you think he has gone off? Help his friend? Wanted freedom?
Do you think he planned this?
Do you believe the other boys were involved?
Any other details? Don’t forget Mr Sir will not want to be blamed after what happened last time!
This is a true account of events as witnessed by......

© 2002 1 of 3holes4


Incident report


Texas state penitentiary juvenile correction centre

Subject of report: Date:

This is an incident report.
Include details of times, others involved, action taken etc.
* Click in front of this asterisk and start typing!
This is a true account of events as witnessed by

© 2002 1 of 3holes4

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