DATE: 09/02/2016
Proposer Questions:
Question #1: Please list the devices currently deployed at the TCAT locations in-scope for the assessment (make/model).
Response: The intent of the assessment is to discover, determine and document a list of those out-of-date devices needing replacement. All desktops, peripherals and network equipment need to be evaluated as part of this assessment.
Question #2: Please provide WAN logical topology map with circuit speeds, and routing protocols in use for locations in scope.
Response: The intent of the assessment is to discover the network topology and create topology maps with appropriate detail. The topology maps would be used to indicate areas where upgrades and replacement of existing equipment would be appropriate.
Question #3: Please provide local network diagrams for each location listing existing devices, any concerns or pain point’s related to data communications including capacity, utilization, and so on for each location.
Response: The intent of the assessment is to provide network diagrams describing potential areas where existing technology does not provide the capacity to support the population and the populations bandwidth needs.
Question #4: Does TCAT have any monitoring network devices or WAN performance tool with historical data that can be reviewed during the assessment?
Response: No
Question #5: Would TCAT require an RF assessment as part of evaluating the wireless infrastructure?
Response: Yes, at each location.
Question #6: Please describe briefly the IT Organization structure for TCAT.
Response: The IT support from campus to campus varies significantly. There is no standard level of technical support. Some have limited technical support and others have support from secondary sources whose primary job is teaching.
Question #7: Does each location have dedicated IT personnel?
Response: Yes, but in varying degrees and levels of support as described above.
Question #8: Is there a centralized Help Desk/Service Desk?
Response: No
Question #9: Is there a defined Business Continuity and/or DR strategy in-place?
Response: No
Question #10: How do locations/users connect back to network/data center resources?
Response: Locations/users currently leverage the state network NetTN managed through AT&T but could also have commodity ISP for other connectivity.
Question #11: Please provide a brief description of the storage and server infrastructure supporting clients.
Response: Technology support for the TCAT campuses is both cloud-based and through network or “sneaker net” support from community colleges hosting them. No storage or server infrastructure exists on most campuses except where a shared physical teaching environment exists
Question #12: Is TBR running a physical or virtual desktop infrastructure?
Response: Physical
Question #13: Operating Systems Deployed?
Response: Windows
Question #14: Virtualization platform utilized?
Response: No, except at the associated community colleges
Question #15: Is there a defined security policy in-place?
Response: No
Question #16: Is there a formal change management process?
Response: No
Question #17: Are there any recognized frameworks that TCAT IT adheres to? (i.e. ITIL, COBIT)?
Response: No
Question #18: For VII, Section C, is this section detailing some of the expectations that would come out of the assessments explained in Section B?
Response: Yes, these are the expectations of the assessment.