S. B. Patil Public School
Nursery Syllabus
Evaluation- II
6th October 17 to 13th October 17
Name : Date:
English Orals: - Alphabet A to M
Recognition of alphabet and pictures, phonic sound with action.
(Ref: - ABC picture book, phonic booklet)
English writing: - I, L, T, H, F, A, M, V, W- Copy write the alphabet, See the picture and write
the correct alphabet. A to M- see the picture & circle the correct alphabet,
match the alphabet with the picture, see the alphabet circle the correct
picture, Match the same alphabet, join the dots A to M.
(Ref: - ABC picture book, Marion capital letter, worksheets)
English Rhymes:- The clock, Engine no.9, Row Row Row your boat, Hot cross buns, Lolly pop,
Home from school. (Ref: -Classic Nursery Rhymes)
English Story: - The fox and the crow. (Ref: -Classic Nursery Rhymes)
Maths orals: -Number 1 to 5
Recognition of Number, number counting, object counting
(Ref: - My first number book)
Maths writing: -Number1 to 5, Copy write the numbers, count the objects and write the
correct number, see the number and match with the correct set of objects,
count the object and circle the correct number, match the colours with
objects, Fill in the missing numbers, Draw objects for the number, join the
dots 1 to 5. Concept: - Full and empty, Open and close.
(Ref: - My first number book, worksheets, worksheet of concept)
Hindi Orals (हिंदीमौखिक):- स्वर अ से ऋ स्वर उच्चारण ,स्वर और चित्र पहचान
(Ref: - Hindi varnmala)
Hindi Writing(हिंदीलेखन):-स्वर अ से ऋ स्वर को चित्र से मिलाइए , स्वर को स्वर से मिलाइए,
चित्र देखकर सही स्वर को घेरा लगाइए, स्वर को देखकर सही चित्र को घेरा लगाइए, अ
से ऋ तक बिंदु जोड़कर चित्र पूरा किजिए और चित्र में रंग भरिए
(Ref: - Hindi worksheets)
Hindi Story(हिंदी कहानियाँ):- प्यासा कौआ (Ref: - Hindi varnmala)
Hindi Rhymes (हिंदीकविताएँ):- : टिक टिक टिक, रेलगाड़ी, ट्रैफिक सिग्नल, सवेरा, चंदामामा, सूरज, चंदा और तारे,
पेड़ों की रक्षा. (Ref:-आओ गीत गाएँ-2)
Gk and conversation:-Topics- Colours, Transport, Days of the week, Festivals.
(Ref: - GK. Conversation Book A)
Drawing: - Square, Triangle, Rectangle, Diamond, Circle, A Smiley face, A Hut, The Sun.
(Drawing Book)
Craft: - Handkerchief fold, Cupboard fold, Simple boat. (Drawing Book)
Date sheet
Date / Day / Subject6/10/17 / Friday / English Orals + English Writing
9/10/17 / Monday / English Story+ English rhymes
10/10/17 / Tuesday / Hindi Writing + Hindi Orals
11/10/17 / Wednesday / Hindi Rhymes + Hindi Story
12/10/17 / Thursday / Maths Orals + Maths Writing
13/1017 / Friday / G.K. Conversation + Drawing and craft
· Written evaluation paper pattern will be same as revision worksheets.
· Revision worksheets will be sent timely.
· No re-exam will be taken.
· During exam school timings will be 10 a.m. to 2 p. m.
· Note books/workbooks will send home for exam reference by 25/9/17, Monday.
· Send the books/notebooks/workbooks and drawing book back on 13/10/17, Friday. If books not sent on time school will not be responsible for loss of study.
· For Gk. Conversation kindly refer the questions given below the topics.
· Craft paper will be provided in school during craft exam.
· Diwali vacation starts from 16/10/17. School re-opens on 30/10/17.
· Send your child in party ware for Diwali party on 13/10/17
Happy Diwali