Weekly Parent Letter for October 24-28, 2016 The Harvest Birds

Spelling: Unexpected Consonant Spellings

1. itch6. Knot 11. wrap

2. knew7. wreck 12. match

3. knock8. wrong 13. watch

4. knee9. Write 14. stretch

5. knife 10. patch

Vocabulary Strategy: Multiple-meaning words

ex. patch Mom put a patch on my pants.

There are pumpkins in the patch.

Target Vocabulary:

1. harvest – crops that are gathered

2. ashamed – uncomfortable with

3. advice – opinions about what to do

4. separate – break up

5. borders – edges

6. dull – not sharp

7. scale – machine that tells weight

8. pupils – students

9. sink – go underwater

10. stall – delay

Reading: Read The Harvest Birds daily. pp. 258-276

Reading Skill: ConclusionsStrategy: Infer/Predict

Essential Question: How can readers figure out the message in a story?

Grammar: Commas in a series

ex. We will need our notebook, paper, and book bag for school.

Math: Chap. 6 Multiplication

Use an array or a multiplication table to find an unknown factor.

Example: 5 x n = 40, 8 x n = 72

Continue to study multiplication facts.

Science: Life Cycles of Seed Plants and Various Animals

1. The first stage in the growth of many plants is the seed.

2. When a small plant breaks out of a seed, we say the seed germinates.

3. A young plant can also be called a seedling.

4. Seed parts include stored food, seed coat, and seedling.

5. Plants get their energy from the sun.

6. Plants get their green color from chlorophyll.

7. The food making process in plants is called photosynthesis.

8. The food the plant makes that is good to eat is a kind of sugar.

9. During photosynthesis, plants make oxygen for us to breathe.

Social Studies:

1. Independence is freedom from rule by others.

2. A tax is money that people pay to support the cost of government.

3. Debt is money owed.

4. The Stamp Act was a tax on printed products, from newspapers to playing cards.

5. "No taxation without representation" means the colonists did not want to pay taxes unless they had a voice in voting for or against the taxes.

6. The Tea Act, passed in 1773, gave one British tea seller the right to sell tea in the colonies.

7. A boycott is a protest in which people refuse to buy a good, or product, in order to make their viewpoint known.

8. The Intolerable Acts were laws that punished the Massachusetts colony for protesting the Tea Act.

9. In 1774, the representatives from South Carolina and the other colonies met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This meeting was known as the First Continental Congress.

10. At the First Continental Congress meeting a declaration was written. This declaration told the king of England that they were unhappy with British actions.

11. A revolution is when people want to take over the government that rules them and create a new one.

12. The first battle of the American Revolution was at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts on April 19, 1775.

13. The colonists formed the Continental or American Army and appointed George Washington to lead the army in June 1775.

Be sure and study each night!