Minutes of the village meeting held on Monday 10th April 2017 Present

Mr Tony Johnson -Chairman

Mrs Sylvia Wood – Secretary

23 Members of the Village

Apologies for absence were received from Matt Wheeler, Mair & Steve, Glynn & Sandra, Richard & Edna, Christine & Tony Hill.


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th April were taken to be read from Keyham web site.


No matter arose from last meeting.


Tony Johnson agreed to carry on as Chairman for another year, which was proposed by

Paul Emberton & Clare Windle


Sylvia Wood agreed to carry on as Secretary for another year, which was proposed by

Carol Johnson & Elizabeth Henderson


  • Grass cutting and road sweeping is according to schedule
  • Flood at corner of Keyham Lane, now subsided, but left potholes there causing a problem – reported to HDC still awaiting feedback.
  • Problem outside Mayfield Cottage still outstanding
  • Road signs await fixing
  • Fly tipping still an issue, Derelict farm house on Ingarsby Lane, by NBG, HDC acting to contact land owner.
  • Hedge on Keyham hill still outstanding
  • Grit bin damaged corner of Snows Lane ( are we liable)


The Chairman gave background information to the budget (attached)


Keyham Charities Report – for year end 2016

As I report each year, Keyham Charities main assets are the four cottages sited adjacent to the Church and as Trustees it is incumbent on us to maintain them, improve them and seek a fair rental return for them. We employ a Lettings Agency, Shoulers (of Melton) to manage them on our behalf. All the cottages are rented out at present with the exception of cottage no 4; the previous tenant vacated this property in February 2017. It has problems with damp, and there is some condensation damage; we are taking guidance from Shoulers as to how to eradicate these problems but, as yet, there are no timescales or costs for the work needed and hence no date for when it will be back on the rental market.

In 2016 we again supported a number of regular ‘village’ activities added to which were Pilates Classes. There were monetary commitments to both the Church and Village Hall for the lightning conductor and the refurbishment project respectively.

The allotment project continues to thrive; I note it is now 5 years since the allotments were completed and handed over to the Allotment Group.

Finally, and following last year’s meeting, a document was issued out to all villagers detailing the Charity’s Trust Deed and providing guidance on the submission of requests for financial assistance. Should anyone need any help in submitting a request then please contact me. However should you require any urgent help or know of someone who does then please get in touch with our Chairman David Witcomb.

Margaret Hughes ( Treasurer)

Report for All Saints Church for the year ending April 2017 to Keyham Village Meeting

We wish to thank Reverend Alison for her support and commitment. As always it is a real pleasure working with her. Our curate Felix continued to take a very active part in the services and we thank him for his hard work and support for both the Church and for the village over the last year and to Paul Emberton for his help with the services too.

As always we are very grateful to other visiting clergy who have helped over the year in particular Gordon Richmond, Philip Norwood and Jeff Hopewell.

In 2016 there were 2 weddings and one funeral held in the church.
The average attendance at services over the year remains at 13 and there was excellent attendance at the Easter, Christmas and Benefice services.
We wish to thank numerous villagers who help to keep the church clean, tidy and functioning, in particular to John and Margaret Hughes, now retired from their role and to Ros and Brian Atkins their successors and to the ladies of Keyham for making the church look so beautiful with their flower arrangements; to Hugh Henderson helping me with churchwarden duties; to Claire for playing the organ and to Mark Lansdale for standing in as organist when she is absent. Finally thanks to Elizabeth and Hugh for their frequent hospitality, and to fellow members of the PCC.

The Church finances remain reasonably healthy but we rely on functions like Keyham Gardens to boost the donations from villagers in order to pay the yearly charge to the Diocese of around £4600 and increasing at 2% per year. Also if there is anyone who would like to join the Parish Electoral Roll, which is an indicator to the Diocese that we have a well-supported church or to join the Parochial Church Council to have a say in how the Church can integrate best, they would be very welcome. The deadline for the former is this week and for the latter 27th April. Many thanks to Peter Gothard for his help again with the positioning of a Christmas tree near the church gate and with the fitting of lights on it for the Lights Service at the beginning of Advent to commemorate lost friends and relatives. The tree again looked wonderful and the service was very well attended.

There continue to be thefts of lead from local churches, so can everyone please keep an eye and an ear out for any suspicious activity round the church.

2015-6 was a quiet year for the fabric of the Church.

The crack at north-east corner of the Chancel has not changed over the 4 years of observation and is under constant review. This year will be the 5 yearly (Quinquennial) Review of the church building and incorporating in this the PCC are asking the architect to advise on the feasibility of constructing a small servery at the back of the church to allow refreshments to be served more easily after services and also of the feasibility of creating an accessible toilet for the church. This is of course dependent upon there being no major defects found in the Quinquennial Review.

The church continues to help provide the village and the church with high speed broadband reception via the antennae on the tower.

Richard Windle




Thanks to Committee Members for their support esp. Tony Johnson (Treasurer) and Elizabeth Henderson (Secretary).

The hall refurbishment was completed in June 2016 at a cost of just under £20k. Highlights included a new kitchen, board & skim of rear wall, removal of stage, new curtains & poles and refurbishment of the main hall floor.

Funding came from the Big Lottery Fund (£8.6k), Keyham Charities (£5.2k) and Hall Reserves (£5.8k).

As a result, hall funds are now quite low (£2.2k) so it is important that Open Gardens is profitable in order to boost our reserves.

Hall usage have been good with usual events (Film Night, Xmas Lunch, WI, Parties, Meetings, Bridge, etc etc). New items included Pilates and Ballroom Dancing.

Keyham News 2016-17 (John & Margaret Hughes, Editors)

Thank you to all contributors in the past 12 months esp. the regulars such as Oddly and Bookworm.

As well as KN on a monthly basis, please look out for our important email circulations and keep an eye on the new Keyham Parish Website for Latest News from Tony Johnson.

We hope you enjoy reading KN and please keep your contributions coming esp. photographs.

CONSERVATION & PLANNING (Tony Johnson & Lois German)

4 Main Issues

Walkers site (Hungarton Lane) planning issues

Keyham Livery stables ( see Tony’s report)

Mr Clarke, Ingarsby Lane – Planning request

Chicken Farm – Report Lois German

Village Enhancement

  • All planters are well stocked
  • Hanging baskets are kept looking good – Keith & Tony watering.
  • Road signs cleaned – thanks to Ian Carpenter
  • Clean phone box & letter box
  • Litter picking great success, Thanks to Richard Skelton for organising this event.
  • Thanks to Keith, Fiona & Jane for jobs done in the village
  • Updates on other enhancement activities for OG being updated in KN



Richard Sherry & Mair Mitchell, expressed concern of lack of light between the Dog and Gun and the school house.

Do we want additional lighting in that area?

11 residents at meeting voted yes, not a majority, so Tony speaking to other residents to get a clearer view.


Meeting concluded 9.06