When searching for nutrition information, make sure you are looking at reputable sources. Generally any site that is trying to sell you something will not contain the most reliable information. Instead choose sites that end in .edu or .gov. and perhaps .org. These sites tend to have information that is based on accepted scientific discoveries. Most universities with research labs will report their findings on websites as will the USDA or Department of Health and Human Services. If something claimed on a website sounds too good to be true (like eating grapefruit with every meal will make you lose weight effortlessly) then probably it is not reliable or based on sound science. Here are some that have been found to be reliable and contain good resources to research nutrition topics. This page has the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans on it as well as links to resources related to the guidelines. This is the source for information about USDA’s latest food guidance system. It has everything you ever wanted to know about My Plate. This site is a gateway to the current hot topics in nutrition. This site is USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion. It can direct the user to a variety of sources for nutrition information. This site also provides information about the Healthy Eating Index.

This page of the NFSMI website contains links to all of their documents and other resources. The National Food Service Management Institute is the “Home School” for school nutrition personnel. Created by Congress, it is housed at the University of Mississippi and it is the storehouse and research clearinghouse for school nutrition information. This site has the Food Buying Guide as well as all the USDA recipes. This is the site of the Food and Drug Administration which explores labeling laws and guidelines. There are lots of links that give information about labeling claims and the requirements. Make Your Calories Count—an interactive resource that helps people learn more about food labels. This site has information to help consumers be healthier. Formerly “Healthier US”. Live Well; Learn How. This site has a host of free resources for teaching nutrition.

This is the Produce for Better Health Foundation’s website. It provides innovative ideas for encouraging children to eat more fruits and vegetables.

The School Nutrition Association’s site that has lesson plans that help bridge the cafeteria to the classroom. This is USDA’s site for information about food safety. It has an “Ask Karen” feature that allows the user to ask questions about food safety.

All of the sites were available as of January 2013.