Mill Creek Fish Passage Assessment, Design, and Construction - Walla Walla, Washington, 2008to 2012

Waterfall Engineering has been the prime consultant from the initial fish passage assessment on Mill Creek which covers 6 miles of CORP flood control channel to the most recent construction project. The assessment effort included hydraulic and sediment transport analysis on 12 different reach types. The hydraulic modeling useda fish passage energetics model in combination with HEC-RAS to evaluate fish passage and flood flows. The modeling effort was then used to develop conceptual designs. Waterfall then organized and managed the construction and testing of a 1:8 scale physical model of the flood control channel. Results from the model study were then used to develop final designs. Three pilot projects were then constructed in the summer of 2011. Waterfall was also responsible for the construction inspection and survey for as-built drawings.

Contact: Brian Burns, Tri State Steelheaders 360-592-3543, Project Fees $168,000

Hamilton Creek Phase 2 Restoration, Ongoing, North Bonneville, WA 2013

The Hamilton Creek Restoration Project is a multistage restoration project in Lower Hamilton Creek. The first project installed Engineered Log Jams in the main channel, the second was the construction of the Hamilton Springs Groundwater fed spawning channel. The objective of this third phase to modify a single thread channel with very little channel complexity to a series of split channels and side channels with log jam structures placed throughout. The result has been the establishment of significant pool and riffle habitat and cover for juvenile rearing. Waterfall Engineering was involved in the survey, development of a HEC RAS Model, scour calculations, design of large woody debris structures and providing construction inspection.

Contact: Peter Barber, Project Manager – Lower Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group 360-904-7922, Project Fees $65,000

Skamania Dam/Duncan Creek Fish Passage Design, Skamania, 2009

The scope of this project evolved developing preliminary designs, costs estimates, final design and contract bid documents for correcting fish passage. Duncan Creek is a tributary to the Columbia River. Fish Passage is effected by tailwater levels below Bonneville Dam. Mr. Powers completed a hydrologic and hydraulic assessment of fish passage, determined what percent of time and duration fish were blocked and developed designs and cost estimates. This project has been funded and Mr. Powers will now provide construction inspection to complete the fish passage correction. This work requires coordination with multiple stakeholder groups within the Columbia River including the dam owners.

Contact: Peter Barber, Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group, 360-904-7922 Project Fees $75,000