Skimming and Scanning


  • Skimming and Scanning Checklist
  • Chart paper
  • Four different colored markers for each group
  • Informational Text (Workshop used a chapter from Strategies that Work)


Skimming and Scanning requires a reader to look quickly and find the most important features and information. The strategy helps students develop critical reading/study skills needed for informational text.


  1. Have participants complete their Skimming and Scanning checklist independently using a chapter from the book Strategies That Work. [any informational text will work]
  2. Form groups of four (you may want to use Pair Square) to discuss the checklist.
  3. Distribute chart paper and four different colored markers to each group. Each member should select a colored marker and use only that color.
  4. One member of the group will need to draw a T-Chart like the example.
  5. All members of the group will work together to restate the titles/subtitles as questions.
  6. Each participant will take a turn recording the group input, using his marker to record one title/subtitle and the corresponding question on the T-chart.
  7. Rotate the chart to each group member who will then use his marker to record the next subtitle and question.
  8. Post charts for reflection and discussion.

Example of T- chart


Course Level Expectations

  • CLE 3001.6.2, CLE 3002.6.2, CLE 3003.6.2 Analyze the organizational structures of complex informational and technical texts.

State Performance Indicators

  • SPI 3001.6.3, SPI 3002.6.3 Use the graphics of informational and technical passages to answer questions.
  • SPI 3001.6.5 SPI 3002.6.5 Identify the organizational structure of an informational or technical text.

Materials needed:
  • Skimming and Scanning Checklist
  • Informational text of instructor’s choice
  • Chart paper
  • 4 different colored markers (per group)

Assessment Activity Title: A Purpose for Reading Informational Text: Skimming and Scanning
Description of Activity:
  1. Distribute checklist.
  2. Have students complete the checklist independently.
  3. Form groups of four to discuss checklist.
  4. Distribute chart paper, four different colored markers, and an information text to each group. Each member should select a colored marker and use only that color.
  5. Draw a T-chart on the chart paper.
  6. All members of the group will work together to restate the titles/subtitles as questions.
  7. Each student will take a turn recording the group input, using his marker to record one title/subtitle and the corresponding question on the T-chart.
  8. Rotate the chart to each group member who will then use his marker to record the next subtitle and question.
  9. Post charts for reflection and discussion.
Example of T- chart

Assignment Extensions:
Have students read the text and answer the questions.

Name ______

Skimming and Scanning Checklist


Page: ______to ______

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Bold-faced words
  • Repeated words
  • Boxed items
  • Diagrams, graphs, charts, maps
  • Photographs, illustrations and their captions
  • Selection guides
  • First and last paragraph