Skimming and Scanning
- Skimming and Scanning Checklist
- Chart paper
- Four different colored markers for each group
- Informational Text (Workshop used a chapter from Strategies that Work)
Skimming and Scanning requires a reader to look quickly and find the most important features and information. The strategy helps students develop critical reading/study skills needed for informational text.
- Have participants complete their Skimming and Scanning checklist independently using a chapter from the book Strategies That Work. [any informational text will work]
- Form groups of four (you may want to use Pair Square) to discuss the checklist.
- Distribute chart paper and four different colored markers to each group. Each member should select a colored marker and use only that color.
- One member of the group will need to draw a T-Chart like the example.
- All members of the group will work together to restate the titles/subtitles as questions.
- Each participant will take a turn recording the group input, using his marker to record one title/subtitle and the corresponding question on the T-chart.
- Rotate the chart to each group member who will then use his marker to record the next subtitle and question.
- Post charts for reflection and discussion.
Example of T- chart
Course Level Expectations
- CLE 3001.6.2, CLE 3002.6.2, CLE 3003.6.2 Analyze the organizational structures of complex informational and technical texts.
State Performance Indicators
- SPI 3001.6.3, SPI 3002.6.3 Use the graphics of informational and technical passages to answer questions.
- SPI 3001.6.5 SPI 3002.6.5 Identify the organizational structure of an informational or technical text.
Materials needed:
- Skimming and Scanning Checklist
- Informational text of instructor’s choice
- Chart paper
- 4 different colored markers (per group)
Assessment Activity Title: A Purpose for Reading Informational Text: Skimming and Scanning
Description of Activity:
- Distribute checklist.
- Have students complete the checklist independently.
- Form groups of four to discuss checklist.
- Distribute chart paper, four different colored markers, and an information text to each group. Each member should select a colored marker and use only that color.
- Draw a T-chart on the chart paper.
- All members of the group will work together to restate the titles/subtitles as questions.
- Each student will take a turn recording the group input, using his marker to record one title/subtitle and the corresponding question on the T-chart.
- Rotate the chart to each group member who will then use his marker to record the next subtitle and question.
- Post charts for reflection and discussion.
Assignment Extensions:
Have students read the text and answer the questions.
Name ______
Skimming and Scanning Checklist
Page: ______to ______
- Title
- Subtitle
- Bold-faced words
- Repeated words
- Boxed items
- Diagrams, graphs, charts, maps
- Photographs, illustrations and their captions
- Selection guides
- First and last paragraph