Richland & Lexington Long-Term Recovery Group

Steering Committee

January 19, 2015 – 2:00 p.m.


Steering Committee Members present: Pat Beekman, Roger Coulson, Mike Kalec, Michela Schildt, and John Wright.

UWM Staff Present: Anita Floyd & Jennifer Moore

  1. Welcome and Introductions

Jennifer Moore, United Way of the Midlands, welcomed participates and asked for introductions.

  1. Updates from Work Teams

Ms. Moore provided an update from the LTRG Work Teams. Volunteer Management Work Team will meet next week. Initial requests from Spring Break groups have started. Some placements have been made with Habitat for Humanity, but additional locations will be needed. The Emotional and Spiritual Work Team held an initial meeting, but a Chair was not elected. Case Management Work Team met and a resource inventory was started. Several agencies indicated they are in process of hiring disaster case managers. Additional conversations will be needed to identify agencies with client resources.The Funders Work Team met. Local government contacts attended and are in process of assessing needs and their existing streams of federal funding. Disaster CDBG funds will be a longer process to secure. The Rebuild Work Team met and began documenting criteria for assistance. There is concern with state regulatory barriers that could affect the ability of VOAD groups performing work – which will present a significant issue in meeting needs.

  1. Review Operating Guidelines and MOA

Members review proposed Operating Guidelines. The Guidelines detail the LTRG’s structure, membership, functions, and purpose. Pat Beekman motioned to approve the Guidelines, seconded by John Wright, the motion passed.

Members then reviewed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for United Way of the Midlands (UWM) to serve as fiscal sponsor for the LTRG. Members adjusted language related to check requests to assert that two LTRG members must sign check requests and while these members must be approved by the LTRG Steering Committee they are not required to be Steering Committee members. Pat Beekman motioned to approve the MOA as amended, seconded by Michele Schildts, the motion passed.

Both documents will be posted to the UWM website in the LTRG section.

  1. Discussion of Membership
  2. Remaining Committee Slots

Members discussed remaining slots of the Steering Committee, including three Work Team Chairs, two non-voting local government members, and three community representatives.

  1. Election of Chair and Financial Liaison

Roger Coulson volunteered to serve as Financial Liaison. His appointment was approved by consensus of the Members. A chair was not elected.

UWM staff will set up a conference call with Members to discuss nominations and the Chair position.

  1. Next Steps

Members discussed the need for case management agencies to sign-up for CAN access and begin importing/loading client information. UWM will submit a request to FEMA for the Routine Use listing which will identify possible unmet needs and provide more thorough data for the LTRG’s work. Members were asked to let UWM staff know if they were interested in serving on a data analysis team. Anita Floyd announced that UWM will present a plan for its flood funding later this month. A request for proposals is likely to be issued by UWM for mold remediation and rebuild projects. The Case Management Work Team will meet later in the week. A Goal will be to agree upon common referral forms. Continued agency mapping will identify resources to meet needs.

LTRG Case Management Work Team

Thursday, January 21st 1 p.m.

United Way of the Midlands, Third Floor Conference Room

LTRG Volunteer Management Work Team

Tuesday, January 26th 1 p.m.

United Way of the Midlands, Third Floor Conference Room

FULL Meeting LTRG Members (all interested members, VOADs, governments)

Friday, February 19th 9-10:30 a.m.

United Way of the Midlands, Third Floor Conference Room

  1. Announcements and Calls for Assistance with Unmet Need

No announcements

  1. Adjourn

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.