April 19, 2017, SAIN Minutes
Call to order 8:10 a.m.
Members Present: Emily, Patty, Cassandra, Janette, Dee
Quorum – yes
Approval of Minutes: March minutes were approved with changes.
Financial Report:
Financial reports for March were approved.
Dee will follow up with Skagit Farmers about calendar sales ($150 outstanding).
Fundraising Update:
Tack Sale –
- Raffle book is almost done, waiting on a few changes. Will be finished early next week.
- Ticket sales: Janette will compile a list of vendors. Cassandra will track sales. Janette will create a flyer for businesses to post about their raffle item. Dee will add them as “volunteers”.
- Suggestion for next year: Create a form letter/email soliciting donations and send out in December with follow-up in Feb./March.
- Rodeo grounds clean-up –Brittni will schedule for early May. There are a few volunteers willing to help if needed. Cassandra is waiting to hear from Doug Wood on what he expects. Will bring all animals (horses/goats).
- Patty will check at Big Lake Stables to see if they have tack left to donate after their sale. She will also post a flyer at Cowboy Campsite.
Event Update:
Bony Pony Tack Sale went well. Belle and Dodger were there and they attracted lots of attention. Applications for foster, adoption and volunteers were handed out.
Dash and Splash update. Lesa was open to meeting with us to have a better game plan for next year. She could come to our meeting in Sept. or Oct. to discuss. We could help with flyers, advertising and funding.
Will get a newsletter going by June.
Volunteer Update:Dee got several new volunteers. She is tracking where they came from.
Foster Health Update:
Willow is doing better, doesn’t need a vet.
Speck was off food for a day, but was better the next.
Dallas has a possible fungal infection. Cassandra has been bathing her weekly and Janette is putting on an antifungal cream.
Vet care approval policy was discussed. Janette will type up and send out for review.
Foster Training & Coordination Update:
Willow will be moving to Laura’s for additional training.
Belle may be getting adopted, so Dallas may move to Carol’s.
Speck will stay in training until the end of April, possible adoption..
Emily is picking up a 5 yr. old gelding that is halter broke. He will possibly be quarantined at Fred’s. They have two others that may need hay.
Emily will call Jim Neff about getting hay for next year.
Media Update: Emily posted horses on facebook pages
Misc. Items:
Mission statement needs to be changed on website, brochures, etc.
Need to decide about horse hair pottery for Rose.
Misc. fundraising ideas:
Kissing booth (photo taken with horses at events)
ICE kits to sell
First aid kits to sell
CassandraTrack raffle sales
BrittniGo through blankets and take unwaterproofed blankets to clinic*
Create FB post about need for storage
Recap horse intakes and adoptions for 2016 and send to Dee
Set date for rodeo grounds clean up
JanetteLook into database program for email lists and newsletters
Compile list of raffle ticket vendors
Create flyer for donors of raffle items
Type up vet care approval policy and send out
PattyCheck with Big Lake Stables for tack donations
Post a flyer for donations at Cowboy Campsite
DeirdreCheck with Skagit Farmers about $150 outstanding calendar funds
EmilyContact Jim Neff about hay for next year
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Next meetingMay 11, 2017.