The University of Hong Kong


Proxy Form

for use at the Ordinary General Meeting

to be held on May 10, 2004

To: Clerk of Convocation

c/o Development & Alumni Affairs Office

9/F, Knowles Building, The University of Hong Kong

Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

From: rom: / Name of Appointor (Full Name) / (Chinese if applicable)
Graduation Year and Degree/ Certificate/ Diploma
Department and present post (for HKU staff only )
HKID No. / HKU No. (delete as appropriate )
Contact Tel. No. / E-mail address
Correspondence Address (optional)

I hereby appoint the following Convocation member, by whose consent the following information is included, to vote for me and on my behalf, as he/she thinks proper at the Ordinary General Meeting of Convocation to be held on the May 10, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in the Convocation Room (Room 218), Main Building, HKU and at any adjournment thereof:

Name of Proxy (Full Name) / Vivien Pau / (Chinese if applicable)
Graduation Year and Degree/ Certificate/ Diploma / 1977, Bachelor of Social Sciences
Department and present post (for HKU staff only )
HKID No. / HKU No. (delete as appropriate ) / HKU No 7417418
Contact Tel. No. (Optional) / 9107-1392 / E-mail address (Optional) /

Correspondence Address (optional)______

Signature: ______


Date: ______



Election of Chairman of Convocation & Seven Members to the Standing Committee

Voting is to be held at the coming Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) on May 10, 2004


1.  Each Convocation member is entitled to vote at the OGM personally or by proxy.

2.  Each Convocation member is entitled to appoint one proxy to vote on his/her behalf at the Ordinary General Meeting. A proxy must be a member of Convocation.

3.  The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointor.

4.  To be valid, each proxy form must be duly signed, completed and deposited with the Clerk of Convocation not less than 48 hours prior to the time for holding the OGM i.e., before 6:30 pm, May 8, 2004 by lodging this form of proxy with the Convocation Secretariat c/o Development & Alumni Affairs Office, 9/F, Knowles Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, during office hours (9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday; 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, Saturday; and on May 8, Saturday, 9:00am – 6:30pm).

5. The Standing Committee of Convocation agreed at its meeting on March 8, 2004 that proxy forms, whether original or photocopy, shall be clearly completed with required information and each form shall bear the original signature of the appointor. Any such document sent to the Secretariat by fax or email shall not be accepted. The Clerk shall have the final discretion on the validity of such document.

6. Please note the following shall be a spoiled proxy form:

(a)  a proxy from received after the closing time (i.e. after 6:30 pm, May 8, 2004);

(b)  a proxy form received torn;

(c)  a fax or email copy of proxy form received;

(d)  a proxy form not duly signed or not bear the original signature of the appointor;

(e)  more than one proxy received from the same appointor;

(f)  incomplete or inaccurate information except when stated optional in the form.

7.  The record of the Development & Alumni Affairs Office shall be conclusive as to the receipt of proxy forms.