Database Design Methodology: Conceptual Database Design
Step 1: Build Local Conceptual Data Model for each User View
1.1Identify entity types
Main entities in the user’s view
- URS (Event Table), Object Class diagrams, System Flow Charts, DFD
- Synonyms
Document entity types
Record the names and description of entities
1.2Identify relationships
Relationships that exist between the entities
Branch has staff
Staff Manages Property
Renter views the Property
Determine type of relationships
- Binary
- Complex
- Recursive
Document relationship types
E-R modeling (First cut)
1.3Identify and associate attributes with entity or relationship types
Nouns or phrases
Simple or composite attributes
Derived or calculated attribute
Number of staff that works at a Branch
Age, Total monthly salary, Number of properties
Document attributes
Attribute names and descriptions
Data type and length
Default values
Validation rules
Derived or Multi-valued attribute
1.4Determine attribute domains
Pool of values from which one or more attributes draw their values
Valid branch numbers: 11-99
Telephone number: a 13 digit string
Gender: M or F
Document attribute domains
1.5Determine candidate and primary key attributes
Identify candidate keys
Choose primary key
- Minimal set of attributes
- Least likely to change
- Fewest characters
- Smallest minimum
- Easiest to use
Remaining will be alternate keys
1.6Draw Entity-Relationship Diagram
ERD is conceptual representation of a user view
1.7Review Local conceptual data model with user
Ensure the ERD is a ‘true’ representation of the user’s view.
- Describing transactions
- Transaction pathways
Database Integrity Constraints
Entity Integrity
Attribute Domain Constraints
Referential Integrity
Enterprise Constraints
Data Model Types
Database Normalization
1NF, 2NF, 3 NF
Logical Database Design
- Views- Local logical model
- Removing non-compatible features
- Validate the Model- Normalization
- Add Integrity Constraints
- Review the Design with users
Logical database Design:
- Logical database design
- based on a specific data model (e.g. relational)
- Independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations
- Logical structure of the database
- Designing the relations (DBDL)
Input: Local Conceptual data model (ERD with attributes & P.Keys)
Step 2.1 Remove non-compatible features
- *.* binary
- *.* Recursive
- Complex
- Multi-valued attributes
Step 2.2 Derive relations for local logical data model (Use DBDL)
- Strong entity (Client, Staff,…)
- Weak entity (Preferences…)
- 1:* binary relationship
- Staff- Client
- 1:1 binary relationships
- Mandatory participation on both sides
- Client states Preferences – merge
- Mandatory participation on one side
- Client states preferences
- Optional participation on both sides
- Staff uses car
- *.* binary relations
- Client views properties
- Complex relationship types
- Multi-valued attributes
Example: Relations for the Staff view of DreamHome
Step 2.3 Validate relations using Normalization
- To avoid data duplication
- For maximum processing efficiency
- Anomalies
- Convert the relations into 3rd Normal Form.
Step 2.4 Validate relations against user transactions
Step 2.5 Define Integrity constraints
- Required data (Not null- Position)
- Attribute domain constraints
- Entity Integrity
- Enterprise Constraints
- Referential Integrity
- Case 1: Insert tuple into child relation
- Staff- Propertyforrent; Matching
- Case 2: Delete tuple from Child relation
- R.I. Unaffected. Propertyforrent
- Case 3: Update foreign key of child
- Existing value of staff/ Null
- Case 4: Inserting a tuple into parent
- Doesn’t affect R.I. (Staff)
- Case 5: Deleting tuple from parent (Staff)
- Several Strategies
- No Action (Prevent Deletion)
- Cascade (Delete all related tuples)
- Set Null (F.Keys Null)
- Set Default (Staff_Num->Managers)
- No Check (Do Nothing)
- Case 6: Update P.Key of parent tuple (Staff)
- R.I. will be lost
- Use above strategies
Example: R.I. constraints for the relations in the Staff view of DreamHome
Step 2.6 Review Local Logical Data Model with user
3. Build and Validate Global Logical data Model
3.1 Merge local logical data models into global model