Published in July 14, 2017 - Section I - Page 62
student enrolment to the PHD CO-TUTORSHIP CONVENTION
This Enrolment refers to ______, born on ______, in ______, of ______nationality, residing at ______, hereinafter referred to as the PhD student.
The PhD student intend to develop his/her Thesis entitled ______, under the shared responsibilityof
São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (Unesp), state autarchy of special regime, created by law 952, of January 30th 1976,CNPJ/MF under no. 48031918/0001- 24, with the headquarters in São Paulo City, on Rua Quirino de Andrade, 215, in this act, represented its Vice-President, Dr. ______, delegated by UNESP Resolution 57, from July13, 2017
______(Partner Institution full data), represented by ______.
The PhD student fully knows and agrees with and submit himself to the rules established in the PhD Co-Tutorship Convention Celebrated by the parties in ___/___/___, as following:
He/she should stay at least for one year in each of the partner institutions, in accordance to the following timetable (please describe here a detailed timetable concerning the academic activities to be developed in each of the partner institutions).
The advisors are responsible for following the progress of the Thesis activities.
The advisor at Unesp is Dr. ______(full name), and the advisor at ______(Partner name) is ______(full name), who also sign this enrolment document, fully assuming their advisory function.
The PhDstudent compromises:
a)to pay for and present receives of social security (health insurance coverage spanning periods of transportation and stay abroad).
b) to present this signed Enrolment, by him/her and his/her home institution advisor as part of the PhD Co-Tutorship Convention.
c) to defend orally the PhD Thesis once, at one of the Institutions, in accordance with this Institution rules.
d) to write the PhD Thesis in Portuguese, English or in other language required by one of the Institutions, including an extended summary of the results written in the language of the other Institution.
e) to pay for the tuition and other fees necessary for enrolling in the PhD Course.
The PhD student, in the knowledge of its obligations and in accordance with the rules established in the Convention to which this document is bound, signs this Enrolment, together with the advisers, to produce its legal effects in quintuplicate andin both official languages of the contracting parties.
Place and date
PhD Student
Partner Institution Advisor
UNESP Vice-President Partner Institution Representative
Rua Quirino de Andrade, 215 - Centro
CEP 01049-010 - São Paulo - SP
Tels.:(11) 5627.0253/0254 - FAX: (11) 5627.0112