Friends of Stanwix School

Tuesday 7th January 2014

7.30pm – Staff Room


Attendees: Jane Walsh, Jackie Thompson, Judith Chambers, Jill Gardiner, Paul Uppard, Paula Pasque, Richard Clark

1.  Apologies

Katie Mellor, Linda Hepburn, Jenny Mitchell, Sue Whitlock, Kath Pearson, Sue Chappell, Sarah Carruthers, Kuldip McMullan, Jayne Campbell, Wendy Adam, Shona Park, Gerard Edwards, Joanne Leadbetter, Emily Hamilton, Anita Graham

2.  Matters Arising from Previous Meeting

The Charity Christmas cards designed by the children were considered a success and had raised £1,000. It was suggested to continue this bi-annually.

The I-Pad/tablet raffle is to be postponed until the summer with the draw to be held possibly during the Summer Fair.

The Visualisers have been purchased and have been very well received.

Proposed: Paul Uppard Seconded: Judith Chambers

3.  Financial Update

Since the meeting Gerard has confirmed that at 31st December 2013, we had £6,518.75 less £405.85 for the Visualisers, leaving a total of £6,112,90.

The position with regard to the bursary will be discussed at the next meeting.

4.  New Financial Requests

There were no new financial requests

5.  Feedback from Christmas Fair / Childrens Raffle

The Christmas Fair was once again a success, raising a profit of £1,700.

It was suggested that we look at the possibility of easing the queues for Santa tickets and the tombola.

The Childrens raffle had been a success.

6.  Disco

The date of Thursday 13th February which was originally scheduled for the disco has now been changed to Thursday 27th February. Jane to check that this date is suitable for Mr Viney (as well as other future scheduled dates).

Jackie volunteered to help out at the Infant disco and she is to check that Wendy can also help out.

Jackie and Jill volunteered to help out at the Junior disco.

Jane to ask Sue Chappell to also help out.

Action: Jane, Jill, Jackie

7.  AOB

The need to generate more parental involvement was discussed and it was agreed that a FOSS newsletter should be produced, to go out with each child. Jill and Paula agreed to produce this.

Action: Jill and Paula

It was also suggested that raffle tickets for the train tickets should be sent home with all children. Kuldip would need to approve this.

Action: Kuldip

Other fundraising ideas had been suggested including an auction night or pamper night.

It was suggested that a reminder for the meeting on Tuesday 6th May is required due to this following a bank holiday.

Richard to check that the Summer Fair date does not clash with any other event(s).

Action: Richard

The need for FOSS members to shadow Jane to familiarise themselves with various tasks was acknowledged. This also included the possibility of a Fair Committee to discuss progress in the run up to the Christmas and Summer Fairs.