LT 1-5 Summative Retake Review
(Ecosystem Services, Land Use Issues, BMP’s, limiting factors, and population growth)
LT – 1 I can identify ecosystem services related to freshwater and can explain why these services are invaluable to humans. (p. 20 in your journal)
1. Describe three ecosystem services provided by Riparian Forests (p.20).
2. Describe three ecosystem services provided by wetlands bordering an estuary.
3. Describe three ecosystem services provided by estuaries.
LT – 2 I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land uses associated with them.
4. List 3 pollutants that are commonly associated with each of the following land uses: 1. Residential Areas 2. UrbanAreas 3. Agricultural/livestock Areas
5. What types of water/ pollution issues are associated with impervious surfaces (black top, concrete)? Identify three.
LT- 3 I can distinguish between examples of point source and non-point source pollution and can suggest an appropriate practice (bmp) to improve a specific non-point problem.
Identify each of the examples below as (P) for Point Source or (N) for Non-Point Source.
____6. Landfill runoff____7. Stormwater runoff
____8. Erosion____9.pesticides
____10.sediment____11. Litter
____12. Excess nutrient runoff____13. Tanker truck spill
14. A curb break and a buffer zone are both best management practices. Describe each method and compare and contrast their uses.
15. Explain two BMP’s that farmers can use to improve water quality conditions near agricultural areas. (Make sure to explain how the BMP works).
16. Compare and contrast a landscape island and conservation tillage.
LT 4 (Density dependent and density independent limiting factors)
1. Define Density dependent limiting factor.
2. Define Density independent limiting factor.
Determine if each statement is density dependent (DD) or density independent (DI). Then give a reason for your choice.
____3. Too many sheep are placed in a pen at the petting zoo.
____4. Owls can turn their heads almost 360 degrees around.
____5. A drought caused the water level in the lake to drop..
____6. The disease infected most of the deer in the herd.
____7. The rabbits are infected with parasites.
____8. The salmon swim upstream to lay their eggs.
____9. The new beachfront resort destroyed the sea turtle nests.
____10. The heat wave increased the lake temperature.
LT 5 (Population Growth)
Place an E in the blank if the statement describes exponential growth. Place an L in the blank if the statement describes logistic growth. Put a B in the blank if it describes both types of growth.
____1. It is growth characterized by an S-shaped curve.
____2. It is growth with resource limits.
____3. It is the type of growth that has a carrying capacity.
____4. It is the type of growth that is influenced only by birthrate.
____ 5. It is the type of growth that has a lag phase.
____6. This type of growth is not limited by resources.
____7. This type of growth eventually reaches equilibrium.
____8. This type of growth can be influenced by density independent factors only.
____9. This type of growth is influenced by density dependent and density dependent factors.
___10. This type of growth is characterized by a J-shaped graph line.
11. Name and describe what is occurring at each point on the graph.
12. What type of growth is illustrated in the graph above? What is your evidence? List at least two pieces of evidence.
13. Which type of growth is illustrated in the graph above? What is your evidence?
14. What are two possibilities that could cause the situation at point F on the graph?
15. Can disease cause the crash at point F? Explain.