Educational Services
What context is there around this request?Why are we talking about this now?
Is there a policy and procedure (new, current, changing) associated with this request? If so, what is it and who owns it?
What is the business case (cost and potential benefit) of the change?
Any risk to staff related to product/system/process error? If so, what?
Any risk to patients or families to product/system/process error? If so, what?
Why is this important in relation to your department priorities and/or organizational strategies?
Is this related to any other training/education?
Do you have any preconceived expectations for the training deliverables?
Who are the owners/sponsors of the project and related education?Who are the subject matter experts (SMEs)?
What is the availability/commitment of the SME(s)?
Who are the other stakeholders for this project and what are their names/functions?
Is there a formal work plan for the project? If so, please provide a copy. If not, can we build one so that due dates and dependencies are visible to everyone?Are there project milestone dates to build education deliverable dates against? If so, what are they?
Is there any cushion or flexibility around existing project milestone dates that would allow for different education development and implementation scenarios? If so, please describe it.
Is there any dependency on projects ahead or behind? Is this part of a larger project? If so, please describe the dependencies.
Are there any existing materials (internal or external) or other resources we can leverage?Are there resources (people) outside of Educational Services we can leverage? If so, what is the availability of these resources? What is the best way to contact these resources?
Does it make sense to outsource any part of the solution (make vs. buy)?
Is there any funding available to complete the project if existing resources are not sufficient to meet scope and/or timeline expectations?
For software rollouts, when is a test system with stable production code available to begin learning the user interface and developing instructional materials?
For software rollouts, is there a training environment (system) available for us to leverage if hands-on classroom training is necessary?
Does this project involve a new process, product, system or skill? Does this project involve a replacement for or upgrade to a process, product, system or skill? If so, please describe.What is/are the objective(s) of the project?
How will we know when or if we have met the objectives? What will success look like?
Identify each impacted target audience, and for each one:* How many people are in the audience?
* Where is the audience located?
* What new things will audience members have to know and do as a result of the project?
* Is education mandatory for the audience(s)? If so, what/who is driving the requirement?
* What are the time/availability constraints of the audience(s)?
Is there a competency check-off related to this project? For whom?
Are there other training programs rolling out at the same time? If so, which one(s)?
What should we consider about the technical aptitude/comfort of the audience(s) as we design the structure and delivery approach for the training?
What about how this rollout is perceived (positive or negative) by the audience(s) should we consider as we design the structure and delivery approach for the training?
For each audience whose job is changing at the task level, identify the following things for each task that is changing.* The steps to perform the task in the current environment.
* The steps to perform the task in the future environment.
* Some type of gap analysis to describe the scope/impact of the change.
* How often the task is performed.
* Risks associated with the task being done incorrectly.
When can we pilot/perform usability testing of the training program?What delivery method(s) should we use to best support the learners? Online education, job aids, just-in-time, instructor-led, etc.?
If instructor-led, how will employees register for training?
What type of scheduling (classroom, trainer, equipment, etc.) do we need to arrange for this training, if any?
What barriers or risks to the project do we need to manage to achieve success?To what degree will audiences embrace/resist changes associated with the project?
Is the stage set for change?
* Is there a guiding team?
* Is there dissatisfaction with the status quo?
* Is there a clear future state and urgency about moving to it and away from the status quo?
What sort of involvement strategies will the project follow to ensure stakeholder buy-in throughout the project?
What short term “wins” have been arranged to build momentum for the change?
What is the plan to integrate this training into our system for new hires and transfers ongoing?
Do the project/sponsor/stakeholders expect any kind of reporting on the training? If so, please describe.Is there any expectation of or need for formal evaluationsof the ability of the audience(s) to apply what they learned in training?
Is there ongoing maintenance or updates associated with the project that will ripple into the training? If so, when and how often?
Who is handling communication associated with the project?Do we need communication support from PR? If so, who is the appropriate PR rep?
What kind of communication planning and deliverables do we need?
Delivery vehicles to consider:
* News Break – contact PR – also review PR Communications Toolkit
* All CHHS email – requires VP approval – use sparingly
* Just-In-Time (JIT) – contact Joan Totka for clinical rollouts
* Quick News (intranet home page) – submit entry on intranet home page
* Hot Topic – for system, maybe contact Clinical Informatics (Deb Coonen?)
* MD Page – contact PR
* RN Orientation/CP Orientations – contact Lynn Doyle
* Patient Family Education – contact Carol Klingbeil or Karen Schaefer
Captive meeting audiences to consider:
* Leadership Forum – contact Mary Sisney
* Patient Care Ops – contact Mark Ship, Nancy Korom or Blanche McQuitty
* Clinical Education Operations Council (CEOC) – contact Joan Totka or Shelly Malin
* Joint Clinical Practice Council (JCPC) – Kathy Leak, Michelle Czarnecki
Q:\Edserv\Projects\Project_Request_Form Last Updated August 1, 20071