This profile should be completed for interns sponsored by an organization. By completing the Internship Profile, the host department confirms and acknowledges that the organization will assume all liability (i.e. Workers compensation, benefits, payroll etc.). Please return the completed Internship Profile to Workforce Development or fax to x6386.
INTERNSHIP ASSIGNMENT DETAILS – To be completed by the Worksite Supervisor
Organization Name: / Begin Date:Department/Location: / End Date:
1st Level Supervisor / Extension:
Brief Description of Assignment:
PERSONAL INFORMATION – To be completed by the Intern
Name: / Address:Phone: / City, State & Zip:
Email Address: / Social Security: / - -
Are you 18 years old or older? ☐Yes ☐No
EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION – To be completed by the Intern
Name: / Relationship:Address: / City, State & Zip:
Home Phone: / Alternate Phone:
☐ I have voluntarily provided the above contact information and authorize San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District(BART) and its representatives to contact any of the above on my behalf in the event of an emergency.
We greatly appreciate your interest in internship opportunities at Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to participate in BART’s Internship Program which begins on ______and ends on or before______,
I ______acknowledge and understand that:
I understand that I may have access to trade secrets and confidential business information belonging to BART. By accepting this offer, I acknowledge that I must keep all of this information strictly confidential, and refrain from using it for my own purposes or from disclosing it to anyone outside of BART.
INTELLECTUAL Property Rights Release
I understand that all creative work, drawings, designs, specifications, manuals, reports, studies, surveys, models, software (including source code}, and any other documents, materials, data and products ("Work Products") prepared or assembled by or obtained from others by me in connection with the assignment related to my internship shall be the property of BART.
I assign to BART all rights, title and interest including, but not limited to, copyright, patent, trademark and trade dress rights, in and to the Work Products. I acknowledge BART's exclusive rights to reproduce, publish, display, create derivative works from, sell, transfer or otherwise exploit ("Use"}, and permit others to Use all or any part of the Work Products, and to obtain and hold in its own name patents, copyright and/or trademark registrations for the Work Products.
I understand that BART provides Electronic Mail, Voice Mail and Internet access to assist in the performance of my internship assignment, and that BART reserves the right to access and disclose all messages sent through these systems; and that any files saved or downloaded to a BART computer network ae subject to inspection and monitoring by BART. I understand that Misuse of BART email, voicemail or the internet can result in disciplinary action or termination of my assignment. To see the complete policy, request a copy from your supervisor.
I understand that BART is taking a photograph of me for future use byBART.I grant BART, and such other entities that BART may designate from time to time, the unlimitedandirrevocablerightandpermissiontousemyphotographandlikenesswithoutcompensationtome,inwholeorpart,fortradeandcommercialpurposesandforadvertisingandpromotionofBARTanditsproducts and services, in any medium now existing or existing in the future, in perpetuity.
IherebyreleaseanddischargeBARTanditsassignsanddesigneesfromanyandallclaimsanddemandsarisingoutof orinconnectionwith theuseofmyphotographandlikeness,includingbutnotlimitedto, any claims for defamation, misrepresentation, invasion of privacy or right of publicity.
I understand that all persons seeking employment, a permit to conduct business on District property, or permission to perform work on District property pursuant to a contract or agreement are required to undergo a criminal records check administered through the BART Police Department (BPD). Note:All DOJ records will be kept confidential by BPD as required by law.
I understand that BART will provide me with a badge to gain access to BART property and in some cases, permission to ride the trains. I understand that as the authorized user, under no circumstances should I allow anyone to use my badge. I acknowledge and agree to abide by all the BART ID Card Conditions of Use as provided with my badge.
Intern Signature Print NameDate Signed