Michael W. Clune
Department of English11112 Bellflower Rd
Case Western Reserve UniversityCleveland, OH 44106
315 Guilford
Professor, Department of English, Case Western Reserve University (2015-)
Associate Professor, Department of English, Case Western Reserve University (2013-15)
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Case Western Reserve University (2010-13)
Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of SouthFlorida (2007-10)
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of English, University of Michigan
Ph.D. JohnsHopkinsUniversity, English and American Literature, May 2006
M.A. JohnsHopkinsUniversity, English and American Literature, May 2001
B.A. OberlinCollege, with Highest Honors in English, May 1998
Writing Against Time. (Stanford University Press, paper and cloth, 2013).
(Reviews in:Nonsite (subject of special feature with five reviews),Romanticism,The Millions, CR: The New Centennial Review, American Literature, The Georgia Review, The London Review of Books, The Dalhousie Review, Choice,and elsewhere).
American Literature and the Free Market 1945-2000. Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture (Cambridge University Press, cloth,2010; paper, 2015).
(Reviews in: American Literature; Contemporary Literature; ModernFiction Studies; Modern Philology; Journal of American Studies; Twentieth Century Literature; Novel;Electronic Book Review; Research in the History of Economic Thought; Lana Turner Journal;Journal of American, British, and Canadian Studies, and elsewhere).
Creative Nonfiction
Gamelife. (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015 (US hardcover); 2016 (paper US, UK, Australia, NZ, Japan).
(Excerpt featured in Harper’s, September, 2015; Game based on the book
featured in The Paris Review Daily, October, 2015).
(Reviews in:The New York Times Book Review, The New York Review of Books, The Paris
Review Daily(“Staff Pick”), Kirkus, Library Journal,Booklist, The New Yorker,The New
Republic, Slate, The Millions, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Public Books, Curator, The Big
Issue (Australia),Open Letters Monthly, Buffalo News, Vulture, Hazlitt, Men’s Journal (“Best
Book of September”),Kill Screen, The Australian, The New Statesman (UK), The Point,The
Harvard Crimson, and elsewhere)
White Out: The Secret Life of Heroin. (Hazelden, 2013.)
(Named a Best Book of the Year by The New Yorker, The Millions, NPR’s “On Point,” andelsewhere. Reviews in: TheNew Yorker; The London Review of Books; Publisher’s Weekly(starred review);The Paris Review Daily; The Chronicle of Higher Education; The Millions;The Plain Dealer;The Oyster Review (book of the week);Book Fight,and elsewhere; excerpts featured in Thought Catalog,NPR, Belt, and elsewhere.)
Angel. (In Progress).
“How Poems Know What It’s Like to Die,” (ELH83.2, Summer 2016).
“Bernhard’s Way,”Nonsite 9(Spring 2013).
“Orwell and the Obvious,” Representations 107(Summer2009): 30-55.
“‘Whatever Charms is Alien’: John Ashbery’s Everything,” Criticism50.3 (Summer 2008): 447-469.
“‘Everything We Want’: Frank O’Hara and the Aesthetics of Free Choice,” PMLA, Special Topic: “On Poetry,” 120.1 (January 2005): 181-196.
“Blood Money: Sovereignty and Exchange in Kathy Acker,” Contemporary Literature, 45.3 (Fall 2004): 486-515.
“The Virtual World in a Real Body,” The Atlantic (April 20, 2016).
“Memory Games,” (in German translation), Kulturaustausch (Winter, 2016).
“Is Timeless Experience Imaginable?” CR: The New Centennial Review 15.3 (Winter 2015).
“The Gutting of Gen Ed,” (cover story),The Chronicle Review, Chronicle of Higher Education (December 7, 2015).
“How Computer Games Helped,” VICE (September 14, 2015).
“Piketty Envy,” The Chronicle Review, Chronicle of Higher Education (August 18, 2014); reprinted in Dutch translation in Waroom Piketty Lezen? (Amsterdam U P, 2014).
“Two Tears for Suboxone,” The New Inquiry (June 5, 2014).
“The Quest for Permanent Novelty,” The Chronicle Review, Chronicle of Higher Education (February 15, 2013).
“Not in the Eyes!” Tin House (forthcoming, April, 2017).
“Two Poems,” The Tyranny (December, 2016).
“Where Numbers Become Flesh,” Harper’s (September, 2015).
“World War Two Has Never Ended,” Granta (October 11, 2013).
“Time and Aesthetics,” Time and Literature, ed. Thomas Allen, Cambridge University Press (under review).
“The Science of Creation,” Poetic Difficulty, ed. Charles Altieri and Nicholas Nace, Northwestern University Press, (forthcoming, 2017).
“Make it Vanish,” Postmodern/Postwar—and After, ed. Jason Gladstone, Andrew Hoberek, and Daniel Worden, (University of Iowa Press, 2016).
“Beyond Realism,” Reading Capitalist Realism, ed. Allison Shonkweiler and Leigh Claire La Berge, (University of Iowa Press, 2014).
“Spoken Word, Hip-Hop, Rap,” The Cambridge Companion to American Poetry Since 1945, Ed. Jennifer Ashton, (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
“Thomas Ligotti and the Psychology of Cosmic Horror,” The Los Angeles Review of Books (January, 2016).
“Against Common Sense,” The Los Angeles Review of Books (February 1, 2015); republished, LARB Quarterly Journal, Winter, 2016.
“The Beauty in Anyone,” (Commentary), The Boston Review (September, 2014).
“What Does Literature Know?” (Commentary),3:AM Magazine (January, 2014).
“Pop Disappears,” The Los Angeles Review of Books (July, 2013).
“What Was Neoliberalism?” The Los Angeles Review of Books (February, 2013); republished,Salon.com (March 9, 2013); republished, Literal Magazine (in Spainish translation, July, 2013).
“A Response to My Critics,” (March, 2013).
“Anti-Capitalism for Humanists” (Commentary), Nonsite, Fall 2012.
“Learning to Love Postwar Fiction,” Contemporary Literature 51.4 (Winter, 2010): 852-866.
“Cue Fascination: A New Vulnerability in Addiction” (Commentary), co-authored with John Sarneki and Rebecca Traynor, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31.4 (August 2008): 458-459.
“Theory of Prose,” NO: A Journal of the Arts 6 (January, 2008): 48-62.
“The Poem at the End of Theory,” NO: A Journal of the Arts, 4 (January 2006); reprinted in The Consequence of Innovation: Twenty-First Century Poetics ed. Craig Dworkin, 242-255. (Roof Books, 2008).
Mark Greif, The Age of the Crisis of Man (Princeton, 2015), Nonsite (Winter, 2016).
Todd Cronan, Against Affective Modernism (Minnesota, 2014), Nonsite (Summer, 2015).
Michael North, Novelty: A History of the New (Chicago, 2013), The Chronicle of Higher Education (January, 2014).
Christopher Nealon, The Matter of Capital (Harvard, 2011), Twentieth Century Literature 58.1 (Spring, 2012).
Aidan Wasley, The Age of Auden (Princeton, 2011), Modernism/Modernity 19.1 (Winter, 2012).
Daniel Tiffany, Infidel Poetics (Chicago, 2009), Criticism 54:1 (Winter, 2012).
Oren Izenberg, Being Numerous (Princeton, 2011), Nonsite, (Fall, 2011).
Mark Silverberg, The New York School Poets and the Neo-Avant Garde (Ashgate, 2010),Modernism/Modernity 17.4 (November, 2010).
“What is an Author?” Yale University, Department of Comparative Literature, (September 26, 2016).
“Race Makes Class Visible,” Carnegie Mellon University, Department of English, (April 11, 2016).
“Autonomy in Contemporary Writing,” Princeton University, Department of English, (March 4, 2016).
“Maps and Games,” Georgia Institute of Technology (November 17, 2015).
“How Poems Know What It’s Like to Die,” University of Western Ontario, (November 10, 2015).
“Lyric Value,” Emory University, January 23, 2015.
“How Poems Know What It’s Like to Die,” Columbia University, Department of English, December 8, 2014.
“Imaginary Music,” Issue Project Room, New York, (pre-concert talk before a performance of new music inspired by Writing Against Time), May 1, 2014.
“Permanent Novelty,” Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute, April 30, 2014.
“How Poems Know What It’s Like to Die,” Rutgers University, Departments of English and Philosophy, April 22, 2014.
“Time in Our Time: a Debate Between Michael Clune and Martin Hagglund,” Center for the Study of the Novel, Stanford University, December 5, 2013. (Transcript published in CR: The New Centennial Review, 2015).
“Gwendolyn Brooks’ Vision Test,” University of Chicago, Department of English, October 21, 2013.
“Bernhard Versus the Avant-Garde,” Emory University, Department of Art History, March 9, 2013.
“Suspension,” CUNY Graduate Center, Department of English, September 27, 2012.
“Imaginary Music,” University of Illinois-Chicago, Department of English, March 14, 2012.
“Literature and Addiction,” Northern Ohio Clinical Social Work Society, Cleveland, Febuary 4 and 11, 2012.
John Carroll University, April 2016.
Pomona College, California, Literary Series, March 2016.
University of Maine, New Writing Series, February, 2016.
Miami International Book Fair, November, 2015.
University of Western Ontario, November, 2015.
Market Garden Brewery, Cleveland, November, 2015.
McNally Jackson Bookstore, NYC, October, 2015.
Case Western Reserve University, September, 2015.
Cleveland Public Library, February, 2014.
Skylab, Columbus, Ohio, November 2013.
Literati, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 2013.
Ohio City Writers Series, Cleveland, Ohio, September 2013.
CUNY Grad Center, NYC, September 2012.
National Poetry Foundation, Oorono, Maine, June 2012
“The Source,” ALCSW Conference, Washington DC (October, 2016).
“The New Creationism,” Modern Language Association Conference, Austin TX (January 2016).
“Strong Criticism,” Modern Language Association Conference, Vancouver, January 2015.
“Suicidal Sympathy,” Modern Language Association Conference, Vancouver, January 2015.
“Race Makes Class Visible,” Modernist Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh, November 2014.
“Gwendolyn Brooks’ Urban Vision,”Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present Conference, Detroit, October 2013.
“The Addictive Image,” Modern Language Association Conference, Boston, January 2013.
“Proust’s Fountain of Youth,” International Society for the Study of Narrative Conference, Las Vegas NV, March 2012.
“Symbol to Sound,” Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, Louisville, Febuary 2012.
“Empathy as Means,” Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present Conference, Carnegie Mellon University, October 2011.
“From Representation to Creation,” Post45 Conference, Cleveland, April 2011.
“Lolita’s Novelty,” Modern Language Association Conference, Los Angeles, January 2011.
“Buddhist Modernism,” Modern Language Association Conference, Philadelphia, December 2009.
“Theory as Style,” Post45 Conference, University of Missouri, November 2009.
“Art Against Life in Willa Cather,” American Literature Association Conference, Boston, May 2009.
“Ashbery’s Line,” National Poetry Foundation Conference, Oorno, Maine, June 2008.
“Seeing Things in Gwendolyn Brooks,” Modern Language Association Conference, Chicago, December 2007.
Interviewed about White Out, “Book TV,” CSPAN, July 16, 2016.
Interviewed about Gamelife, “Whad’ya Know,”Public Radio International, January 16, 2016.
Interviewed about Gamelife, Northeast Ohio Public Radio, (WCPN), January 4, 2016.
Interviewed about Gamelife, Radio New Zealand, September 30, 2015.
Interviewed about Gamelife, Kokatu, September 25, 2015.
Interviewed about Gamelife, New York Public Radio, (WXXI), September 25, 2015.
Interviewed about Gamelife, “All Things Considered,” National Public Radio, September 13, 2015.
Interviewed about White Out and Writing Against Time, Fanzine, June 30, 2015.
Interviewed about White Out, Northeast Ohio Public Radio, (WCPN), June 10, 2014.
Interviewed about Writing Against Time and White Out, Rockefeller University’s Selections, March 19, 2014.
Interviewed about White Out, The Washington Post, February 4, 2014.
Interviewed about White Out, “The Sean Hannity Show” (ABC Radio), February 2, 2014.
Conversation with Tao Lin about White Out, The Believer, September, 2013.
Interviewed about White Out, Maryland Public Radio, (WYPR), June 19, 2013.
Interviewed about White Out, NBC Television, Cleveland (WKYC), June 17, 2013.
Interviewed about Writing Against Time, Northeast Ohio Public Radio, (WCPN), January 22, 2013.
2014, 2015Nominee, Diekhoff Award for Distinguished Graduate Teaching
2013White Out Named a Best Book of the Year by The New Yorker, NPR, The
2013, 2011Nominee, Wittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
2010“Forms of Life” chosen as one of the 20 Best College Courses in the
Nation by The Daily Beast.
2008University of South Florida Humanities Institute Summer Grant
2004-2005Andrew W. Mellon Humanities Graduate Fellowship
2003-2004Lawrence B. Holland Fellowship in American Studies
Referee: PMLA, Criticism, Contemporary Literature,American Literary History,Nonsite, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Harvard University Press, Yale University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Stanford University Press, Columbia University Press.
Advisory Council, American Writers’ Museum, 2014-.
External Evaluator, Tenure and Promotion Review: Princeton University, University of Maryland, YaleUniversity, College of William and Mary (Art History), Georgia State University, Dickinson College.
Judge, Mellon Foundation/Nonsite Poetics Fellowship, 2014.
Book Review Editor, Contemporary Literature, 2012-2014.
Organizer, “Poetics Working Group,” 2012-2014.
Organizer, “Humanities Works-in-Progress Group,” 2007-2009.
Organizer, “Mellon Seminar in Poetry and Poetics,” 2000-2001.
College of Arts and Sciences Strategic Planning Task Force (2014)
Kelvin Smith Library Special Collections Colloquium Committee (2013)
College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Committee (2011-2014) Chair (2012-2013)
Baker Nord Humanities Center Steering Committee (2012-15)
Recovery House Advisory Board (2014-)
Educational Services for Students, Seminars for Teaching Assistants (2013-2014)
English Department Colloquium Subcommittee, Director (2013-)
English Department Website Redesign Subcommittee (2013-2014)
English Department Executive Committee (2012-2013)
English Department Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee (2012-13)
English Department Search Committee, Renaissance Literature (2012-13)
English Department Graduate Committee (2010-2015)
English Department Undergraduate Committee (2015-)
“Twenty-First Century Literature,” Spring 2016.
“Nineteenth Century American Literature,” Spring 2017.
“American Poetry,” Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Spring 2015.
“Dark Comedy,” Spring 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2015.
“Literary Criticism,” Spring 2008, Spring 2012.
“SAGES First Year Seminar: Immortality,” Fall 2011.
“Science Fiction,” Spring 2011, Spring 2013, Spring 2015, Spring 2017.
“The City in Postwar American Writing,” Spring 2009, Spring 2011, Spring 2014, Fall 2015.
“Forms of Life,” Fall 2010, Spring 2013.
“Introduction to American Literature,” Fall 2010, Fall 2014, Fall 2016.
“The Twentieth Century Novel,” Spring 2009.
“SAGES University Seminar: The Romantic Movement,” Fall 2014.
“SAGES First Year Seminar: Cosmic Horror,” Fall 2016.
“Contemporary American Literature,” Fall 2007, Spring 2009.
“Twentieth Century Poetry and Poetics,” Spring 2007, Fall 2008.
“Introduction to Poetry,” Fall 2005, Fall 2006.
Ray Horton (2015-).
Catherine Forsa (2013-2016; tenure track, Roger Williams University, 2016-).
Michael Chiapinni (2016-), Eric Earnhardt (2014-2016), Michael Parker (2013-2016), Monica Orlando (2012-2015), Catherine Dunning Allen (2012-2016), Jason Carney (2011-2014), Wells Addington (2011-2013), Danny Anderson (2010-2012).