Junior High Mission Trip 2017
Massanetta Springs, VA
July 16 - July 21, 2017
OUR MISSION: Mission@Massanetta
Our mission this summer will continue with the great programs connected to Massanetta Springs Camp and Conference Center in the Shenandoah Valley area of Virginia. Massanetta partners with organizations such as the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, ASPCA, Equipping the Saints, and Roberta Webb Daycare Center. Our group will participate in a variety of service projects from sorting and packing clothing and food items to light construction projects and childcare over the course of our week. We will know more about the different projects we’ll be participating in as we get closer to the trip.
OUR ACCOMODATIONS & MEALS: Massanetta Camp and Conference Center
We will be staying in a spacious lodge at the Conference Center with separate rooms & bathrooms for boys and girls. It is a quick walk over to the main campus area where we meet for our meals in Massanetta’s Dining Hall. They offer a great variety of food and also provide opportunities for swimming, boating, zip-lining, playing gaga and campfires!
OUR FREE-DAY: Shenandoah Valley River Adventures (or Massanutten Water Park)
On our free day, we will enjoy a tubing adventure on the Shenandoah River! While most of the trip is a fun and leisurely ride down river, there are also some Class 2 rapids for a bit more excitement! Should we have weather that doesn’t want to cooperate with us, we will instead head to the indoor Massanutten Resort Water Park with several slides, games, and activities.
OUR COSTS: Total trip cost per participant: $500 (includes accommodations, all meals at Massanetta and our free-day dinner out, transportation, and recreation).
FUNDRASING: We will be working to help off-set the costs of our trip through a variety of fundraising projects. Those who have registered or are planning to register for the trip must participate in at least two (2) of our fundraisers leading up to the trip.
Here are the current plans for Jr. High fundraising this year:
Thanksgiving Bake Sale – Sunday, November 20th from 9am – 12pm
Parents’ Night Out Event – Saturday, December 10th from 5pm to 9pm
Sweet Treats Bake Sale – Sunday, February 12th from 9am-12pm
Strawberry Festival – Saturday, June 3rd
(We may also have a pancake breakfast or other event in May – stay tuned!)
Newtown Presbyterian Church members: Registration opens November 20th
Non-church members: Registration opens January 15th(although you may certainly let Pastor Laura know if you’re planning to registerbeforehand! But you may be officially added to the list starting January 15th.
Youth who have completed 6th grade through graduating 8th graders are eligible for our Junior High trip.
Registration Forms are available at the church office or online at:
Please return registration and deposit of $50 to Pastor Laura’s office no later than March 30th.
The remaining balance will be due on June 30th and will be updated to reflect any fundraising earned.
As always, please contact Pastor Laura () if you have any questions, concerns, or enthusiasms! This is going to be an amazing summer!
Massanetta, VA - 2017
Dear Parent/Guardian:
In the event that your child requires medical attention during our trip, we request your authorization to act until you may be reached. Please read and complete the statement below. Your signature will provide the authorization that we need.
Child’s Name Birth Date
Home Address
Email Home Phone
Father’s Name Work Phone
Mother’s Name Work Phone
Other Emergency Contact Phone
Emergency Contact Relationship
Health Insurance Policy No.
Physician’s Name
Address Phone
Note any medical condition(s) we should be aware of:
Allergies Date of Last Tetanus Booster
Current Medications
In the event that I cannot be reached and my son/daughter requires medical attention, I authorize a representative of the Newtown Presbyterian Church to act on my behalf.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
****Please initial the medications your child is permitted to receive.
Tylenol 1-2 tablets Benadryl 25mg Ibuprofen 200mg
Immodium 1-2 tablets Sudafed 30mg Dramamine 1-2 tablets