
Officers Meeting

November 24, 2008


Social Committee

Tailgate barbeque NOV 22
shotgun shooting March 28
Surveying Museum March 7
Ski Trip FEB 7

Need to start making decisions with this soon
April we want golf outing maybe to coincide with banquet

Convention Committee

State Convention

January 16-18

  1. Email members
  2. Sign up sheet at next meeting
  4. Meet with Johnson ASAP
  5. CD
  6. Need food, slideshow (Jacob has already), funding etc.
  7. Jacob wants to blow people away with “coolness” of this what ideas are mind blowing?
  8. Need to contact BOD/Hotel to see what we need to do about tables, need more information on options, also do we need to provide a computer and projector?
  9. Travel Planning form
  10. Cars? Are we going to rent purdue vehicles?
  11. Reservations
  12. Jacob or Gaspacho in charge of completing them
  13. We don’t need to sign up now for the seminars we want to attend
  14. Need to produce a schedule for workers
  15. We need at least one person at every seminar
  16. We need at least one person at our booth at all times
  17. Booth
  18. Where are we at with the booth
  19. Are we going to use the one we used for the engineering fair
  20. What else can we add
  21. Letters
  22. Merchandise which means we need ‘seed’ money for change
  23. Any ideas?
  24. Transportation for booth

National Convention

February 20-23

  1. Email members
  2. Sign up sheet at January meeting
  3. Travel Planning form
  4. Cars? Are we going to rent purdue vehicles?
  5. Are we going to fly?
  6. Need to decide and what is the difference in price?
  7. Reservations
  8. Jacob or Gaspacho in charge of completing them after we find out who signs up to go in Jan.
  9. Booth and are we going to have one?
  11. Travel
  12. Lodging
  13. Reservations
  14. Food (per diem)
  15. Anything else you can think of

Student Completion

Field Competition Sections






-Can we bring our own subtense bar to the competition?

- I see no reason you can't bring your own subtense bar.
-If not, will we be able to practice with the given subtense bar before the

- Yes, you will be able to practice with the one provided in advance.
-Will we be using the slide rules we bought from the museum/bring with us for
the competition or will slide rules be provided to us?

- You will be expected to have your own slide rules.
-Will we be measuring our own line with a steel tape and need to bring one with

- You will not actually measuring a line with a steel tape. You will be
solving taping problems involving slope and temperature.
-Is setting up the Wild T-2 theodolite part of the 20 minute time limit for the
subtense bar exercise?

- Yes, set up is part of the time. If the number of teams permits we may
extend the time by 5 minutes or so, but that won't be determined until I know
the number of teams participating & time constraints.
-Is there a certain orientation our poster needs to be (portrait or landscape)?

- Poster orientation is entirely up to you.
-Do we need to send the poster with our paper, bring it with us to the
competition, or send it at another specified time?
- Poster delivery is not set yet. I'll make the determination of when I need
them in relation to the competition, exhibit hall hours, judges need to review,
and team arrival schedules. I'll announce after the first of the year.
Regarding to the substance bar exercise, in the problem which corrections are
going to be applied if any?
And I imagine that there is going to be a field exercise and then time for the
problem exercise solution. Is the total time 20 min or are these divided times?
1.) As to corrections, appropriate use is what is required.
2.) The time will only apply to the "field part". Any calculations will be
after that.

Public Relations

Speakers for Meetings

Need to start setting up for January Speaker soon

County Surveyor-Didn’t respond to me

Melonie and one of her contacts

FALK – Industrial Measurements

Resume Book

Where are we at?

Deadline for printing needs to be set

Write a cover letter?

Give Cunningham Gifts

Next class PC gets a shirt or hat for speaking



What we got


What did we order and do we need more

Travel Planning Forms

We need them for all sorts of stuff



Profits for things we sell

$750 a month where are we at with this?

Presidential Stuff


Sent out 500 Letters

Updated the sending list for returned letters

Someone with a car needs to take the stack of envelopes to the post office

BOD Meeting

Missed the last one

BOD seems concerned with our progress on the Alumni Room

In all honesty I don’t think that they have any faith in us and think that left on our own we will not do an adequate job. I have really been talking up our club and our officers to the BOD and I don’t want to look bad. We need to try our best to make the Alumni room, our table, and our behavior at the convention acceptable. We will be in the spot light and it’s our chance to shine.

Purdue Functions

I keep throwing away stuff Purdue sends me about our club participating in stuff we don’t need to for example ethnic heritage fair.