Teacher Survey – Session 10

Allyson Haley

Teacher Survey

Teacher: Allyson Haley

Class: Effective Language for College and Career Readiness

Number of students 8

Students were surveyed on the content of the course, the organization and presentation of the material and the teacher’s style and manner in teaching this class. The students were also asked for recommendations on how the class could be improved.

This course addresses study skills and academic skill development for student success in the general education classroom.

When asked if the students felt the Units and individual lessons were relevant to their individual needs all agreed with 5 students stating that they strongly felt this information was relevant to their needs. When asked if the information was presented in an organized method all strongly agreed. They all agreed that the lessons were challenging and the grading policy was fair. A suggestion was that all assignments not be given out at the beginning of the unit. Each student is given a folder for each unit and in each folder are all the assignments the students will do for that unit. Stapled to the inside of the folder is a syllabus of the unit and the possible points for each graded assignment. I am in agreement with the student that too many assignments in the folder can be confusing as the papers get out of order and we spend time trying to find the next assignment. I will take this suggestion under advisement and adjust which assignments go into the folders at the beginning of the unit and then I will hand out the other assignments to day of the lesson. Overall, this survey shows me that in relation to content, teaching style and classroom management; the students respond well to my style and feel comfortable with my expectations. They complete all assignments and work with me if they are struggling with a particular assessment

When asked if the students felt that I was fair, open the individual needs of my students and provided relevant feedback; all agreed most strongly agreed. All strongly agreed that I had control of the classroom and that they felt challenged to be active participants in the class. I did ask the students to share their overall opinion of me as a teacher. All wrote that they felt I was a good, excellent teacher, stating that I am open minded and willing to hear what my students have to say, one student who has struggled all year with compliance stated “ …. If you need help she will go through a lot of trouble to help you but only if your going to meet her halfway”. “she is always going to tell you the truth”. This feedback reinforced that in me to always hold high expectations and to not give up on a student when they push back. She was listening to me even though at the time she would not acknowledge this. Many of my students stated that they found me open, caring and supportive. This also reinforces what I have known for years that teaching is a team sport. We have to work together and to get students to buy in they have to know that you care. My students know I care. This makes me very happy.

I believe that self-assessment and students assessments are vital for any teacher to stay on target and honest with how they are doing in the classroom. Of course there may be things that we don’t want to hear or admit but if we are going to grow as educators we have to be willing to hear the bad with the good. We are never done growing and evolving no two classes are the same, no two students are the same. We have to be willing to constantly try new things and develop new methods to meet our student’s needs. With that said, I do know that I constantly need to be open to change but also need to remain consistent in my foundation of who I am and how I relate to people. My consistency foundation allows me to modify and adjust.