parish Newsletter–Lixnaw, Irremore & RatheaWeek beginning 18 Jan 2015
newsletter online click on lixnaw parish

THE LATE FR. MAC SERVED THE DIOCESE OF KERRY WELL. HIS ANNIV. NEXT SUN. 11.15am. Fr. Mac was born in Woodford, Listowel, in 1919 and ordained in 1945. (1) He served in Boherbee (Cork) from ’45 to ’47; (2) St. Johns Tralee ’47 to ’53; (3) Castletownbere ’53 to ’57 (4) Ballydonoghue ’57 to ’61 (5) Castlegregory ’61 to ’69 (6) Ballybunion ’69 to ’72 (7) Caherdaniel ’72 to ’87 and Lixnaw ’87 to ’97. Some tour of duty considering that yours truly has only served in 3 parishes. Fr. Mac was a man of high intellect and a renowed classical scholar. Above all he said his prayers and enriched the lives of many.

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS ON TUESDAY WITH THE GLOVE FOR BLESSING AFTERWARDS. Devotions commence at 7.30pm and the witness will be given by Mark Leen. Intercession box is in place in the sacred space.

LIXNAW COMMUNION CALLS DYSERT & GARRYGORE WILL BE DONE ON TUE WEEK, JAN 27th. LIXNAW LIGHTS COMMITTEE SAY THANKS.To all who supported and contributed generously to their recent collection which brought in € 2070.90c. No doubt these monies will go a long way in repairing broken lights and will help to continue to brighten our village for Christmasses to come. This collection took place the week before Christmas.

THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT EVOKED A GREAT GENEROSITY On the weekend before Christmas the Lixnaw Hospice collected € 1, 135. STATION FOR KNOCKBRANE & MUCKENAUGH. at the home of Patsy & Kathleen Keeffe next Friday 7.30pm. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC at Listowel Arms on Mon. & Tues night 19th& 20th from 6 – 9pm.

V.DE P SOCIAL EVENING. On Sunday Jan. 25th from 3 – 6pm. All welcome.

LIXNAW HURLING CLUB REGISTRATION. B na Nog Registration at the Clubrooms on Thu. 22nd Jan 6 – 7.30pm. Fee is € 10 for U6 to U16’s. If unable to attend contact Amanda on (087) 2847057. Spread the word.

LIXNAW ACTIVE RETIREMENT. Thanks for supporting our church gate collection which brought in € 466.32c.

LIXNAW NEW READERS ROTA. Can be collected at the back of the church. Thanks to volunteers and organiser P.J. COMPUTER CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS.For four weeks starting on Jan. 20th at 10am for 2 hours at Comm. Centre. Cost is € 5 per person and you will learn the internet, emails, , skype, etc. For more details contact Tracy (086) 6697367.

SENIOR CITIZENS CHRISTMAS PARTY COMMITTEE SAY THANKS. (1) All who supported bingo and raffles. (2) Donated spot prizes (3) Garrett Daughton Transport. Last but not least the fundraisers & Patrick who organise the weekly bingo at Quilters.

DROMCLOUGH NATIONAL SCHOOL. (1) Parents of pupils for enrolment at the school in Sept. 2015 contact the Secretary for an enrolment form or phone (068) 40293. (2) Grandparents’ Day. All grandparents will be welcome to visit the school on Wed. 28th Jan to celebrate grandparents day. Please keep that date free.


(1) The Association hope to get feedback from parents on matters of interest relating to the school and to provide insights as to matters being progressed by the school.(2) An opportunity also for new ideas to be discussed and new members to become involved as both are always welcome.ST SENANS LOTTO NOW HAS A JACKPOT OF € 7,200. No’s 1,3, 6, 22 € 30; Monica Stack Listowel; Johnny Dillon Rathea;€ 20; Angela Flaherty Listowel; Olive Doody Tullig. Bottle of whiskey Margaret Plant Mountcoal Next weeks draw € 7,300

LIXNAW CLUB LOTTO NO’S 2, 13, 23, 26€ 20 winners Pat Burke Ballinageragh; Thomas Kennedy Ahabeg; Liam Walsh Finuge MAS Ballyduff; Mike Neilan Kilflynn; Next draw Dew Drop Inn Mon Jan Jackpot €2900


“Grant me O’Lord, good digestion, and also something to digest. Grant me a healthy body, and the necessary good humour to maintain it. Grant me a simple soul that knows how to treasure all that is good and that dosen’t frighten easily at the sight of evil. Give me a soul that knows no boredom, grumbling, or excess of stress. Lord may I be free of that distressing thing called ‘I’. Grant me, O’Lord a sense of good humour. Allow me the grace to be able to take a joke and to discover in life a bit of joy and to be able to share it with others”.

I received this prayer from a dear friend while doing my rounds in the Dale Road last week.