October 17, 2018

Mark Irwin

1242 S. Longwood Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019



1982Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University: English & Comparative Literature.

Dissertation: "Distance, Depersonalization, and Silence in Contemporary American Poetry." Critical dissertation accompanied by book-length ms. of poems: The Halo of Desire.

Dissertation directors: Walter Strauss, Robert Wallace.

1980M.F.A., University of Iowa: Writers' Workshop. (Poetry)

Thesis: The Invention of the Snowman. Thesis Directors: Donald Justice/Marvin Bell

1975Université de Montpellier. 20th Century French Novel & Poetry:

Proust, Beckett, Gide, Camus, Blanchot, Bonnefoy, Dupin, du Bouchet.

1974B.A., Case Western Reserve University. English/Modern Languages & Literature. Concentration: American Literature: Dickinson, Bishop, Ashbery, Melville, Faulkner.


2005-2010Univ. of Southern California Assistant Professor: English/Creative Writing

2010-2017Univ. of Southern California Associate Professor: English/Creative Writing

2018-Univ. of Southern California Professor: English/Creative Writing

2002-5 Colorado College (Spring) Visiting Poet /Undergraduate Poetry

2000-01University of Nevada/Las Vegas Visiting Poet/Graduate Poetry Seminars

1999-2000University of Colorado/BoulderVisiting Poet/Graduate Poetry Seminars

1997-98 University of Colorado/BoulderVisiting Poet/Poetry Writing

1995 (fall) University of Colorado/Denver Visiting Writer

1993-94Ohio University. Assistant Professor of English (Visiting Poet)

1992-93University of Denver. Assistant Professor of English (Visiting Poet)

1990-92Fort Lewis College. Assistant Professor of English/Poetry

1990Cleveland State University. Assistant Professor and Visiting Poet

in Residence (spring)

1984-90Cleveland Institute of Art. Associate Professor of Literature, Chairman

of the Foundation Department, which included Liberal Arts.

1982-85University of Akron. Visiting Lecturer.

1981University of Bucharest, Romania. (fall)Fulbright Lecturer

1978-80University of Iowa. Teaching/Writing Fellow in Poetry

COURSES TAUGHT: University of Southern California

ENGL 408: The Poet in Paris/Maymester 2018

ENGL 492: Capstone/Innovative Narratives in Poetry & Painting

ENGL 698: Forms of Seeing; Ways of Listening 2017

ENGL 408: The Poet in Paris/Maymester 2015

ENGL 105: Intro to Creative Writing (Graduate Supervisor 2015)

ENGL 408: The Poet in Paris, Maymester 2015

ENGL 491: Riffs, Rants, & Discourses on Time: Three Genres

ENGL 696 Graduate Poetry Workshop;

ENGL 105 Creative Writing for Non Majors

ENGL 304 Rag & Boneshop of the Heart: Intro Poetry Writing

ENGL 501 Critical Theory (with Bruce Smith

ENGL 456: Contemporary World Poetry;

ENGL 456 Major Modern & Contemporary Poets in Translation

ENGL 408, 406, 304: Advanced , Intermediate, & Intro Poetry Workshop

ARLT 100 Rebels & Non-Conformists In Contemporary American Literature

ARLT 100 Quester Hero from Classical to Contemporary Literature

ARLT 100 Pioneers of the Impossible: Writers Crossing Boundaries


Graduate and undergraduate Poetry Workshops; Contemporary Poetry Translation Workshop;

Graduate Seminar: The Long Poem as Genre; Graduate Seminar: Impact of the Media on Literature and the Visual Arts; Graduate/Undergraduate Seminar: History of American Literature (1700-1865); Graduate Seminar: Major European Poets in Translation; Graduate Seminar: Faulkner, Melville, Wolfe; Philosophy of Nature, Philosophy of Art;

Comparative Religion; Major Western Philosophers; Contemporary American Painting;

European Literature Surveys I & II; British Romantic Literature; Cont. American Poetry Survey.

BOOKS: (Poetry)

A Passion According to Green. New Issues, Western Michigan University Press. Feb. 2017. 71 pp.

American Urn: New & Selected Poems (1987-2013). Ashland University Poetry Press, Feb. 2015 February 2015.

Large White House Speaking: New Issues, Western Michigan University Press, March, 2013. 71 pp.

Tall If.Kalamazoo: New Issues Poetry & Prose, Western Michigan University Press, 2008, 73pp.

Bright Hunger. New York: BOA Edition, 2004. 75 pp.

White City. New York: BOA Editions, 2000. 79pp.

Quick, Now, Always. New York: BOA Editions, 1996. 86pp.

Against the Meanwhile (3 Elegies). Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1989. 86 pp.

The Halo of Desire. Baltimore: The Galileo Press, 1987. 78 pp

BOOKS (Critical):

Monster: Distortion, Abstraction, & Originality in Contemporary American Poetry. NY: Peter Lang, 2017. 205 pp.

BOOKS: (Translation)

Zanzibar: Selected Poems & Letters of Arthur Rimbaud.(with a 65 pp. afterword by Alain Borer)

(work in progress)

Ask The Circle to Forgive You. Selected Poems 1964-1979. Nichita Stanescu. New York: Globe Press, 1983. 74 pp. Translated from the Romanian with Mariana Carpinisan, with an introduction by Mark Irwin.

Notebook of Shadows. Philippe Denis. New York: Globe Press, 1982. 68 pp. Translated from the French, with an introduction by Mark Irwin.


2018Albert Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award (Who’s Who in America)

2018Hall of Fame Inductee (Marion L. Steele High School): Amherst, Ohio

2015“Orpheus” partial libretto in west coast premiere of Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice/UCLA

2014 Finalist Housatonic Book Award for Poetry

2014Finalist Miller Williams Prize for Poetry

2013FDT Grant to University of Tours, France (Reading/Lecture)

2011/12Advancing Scholarship in the Humanities Award/ USC

2010Phi Kappa Phi Recognition Award for Tall If

2009Tall If / Notable Book: International Poetry Review/Bloomsbury Review

2009Mellon Mentoring Award (Graduate Students) USC

2008USC Visions & Voices Grant: Praxis & Poetry

2007Pushcart Prize for Poetry

2006Lois Beebe Hayna Award / Western Poetry Society

2005Colorado Book Award for Poetry for Bright Hunger

2004Pushcart Prize in Poetry

2002-03Colorado Council on the Arts Individual Fellowship/ Poetry

2000Colorado Book Award for White City

2000James Wright Poetry Award/ Bowling Green State University/Ohio

1999 Pushcart Prize in Poetry

1996Colorado Recognition for Literature Award

1995Pushcart Prize in Poetry

1993-94NEA Fellowship in Poetry

1989Lilly Foundation Grant/Poetry and its relationship to painting.

1988Helene Wurlitzer Foundation/Fellow, May - August. (Taos, New Mexico)

1985-86Ohio Arts Council Individual Fellowship for Poetry.

1985-86Finalist for General Electric Younger Writers' Award.

1984The Nation/Discovery Award for Poetry. New York YM-YWHA Poetry Center.

Judges: Amichai, Graham, Halpern

1981Fulbright Traveling Fellowship to Romania.

1978-80Teaching/Writing Fellowship. Writers' Workshop at University of Iowa.

1977Wright-Plaisance Traveling Fellowship to France.

PUBLICATIONS: Poetry (Recent Selected while at University of Southern California)

32 Poems:“And” “Standing over her”Fall 2018

American Life in Poetry / Poetry Foundation: “Open” (reprinted)4/29/19

Boston Review: “Elegy with Forest & TV’s” Post Ecology ForumJune/July 2018

Massachusetts Review: Interview/WebsiteSpring 2018

Poetry Northwest: “Dear Red,” “Or,” ”How to Gather it All Up”Forthcoming

FIELD:“Dissolving Parable,” “Open”Spring 2018

New York Times Magazine: “Sometimes”Jan. 12, 2018

Pleiades:“One of your wisdom teeth”Winter 2018

Massachusetts Review: “Human Pageant”Winter 2017

Lana Turner:“Poems, Letters, Essay/Arthur Rimbaud”Fall 2017

Conjunctions 68: Seven PoemsJune 2017

The Southern Review “Toward Where We Are,” “Voyage”Spring 2017

The Hudson Review: “Little Transfiguration Suite”Spring 2017

Plume 5: “Who” “Rimbaud”Spring 2017

Pleiades: “One of your wisdom teeth,”Forthcoming

Copper Nickel: “Emaciated white horse, still alive…”Fall 2016

The Southern Review: “Zoo,” “Lights”Winter 2016

Plume: “Sometimes”October,2016

Pilgrimage: “Look,”Spring 2017

New American Writing: “In the mouth,” “Reach”Spring 2016

Great River Review: Two PoemsFall 2017

Blackbird: “Four Poems”Spring 2017

Boston Review: “The words,”Jan/Feb 2016

Field: “Events miniaturized, but…”Fall 2015

Plume 2016 “A Zipper”Spring 2016

Pleiades: “Whatever”Spring 2016

New American Writing: “Listen, Listen,” “Psalm”Spring 2015

Descant “Three Poems of Arthur Rimbaud”Spring 2016

Poetry Daily: “Two Poems”January 3, 2016

Watchlist Anthology: “The Gift” (fiction) Spring 2016

Plume Anthology 2015 “Safety Pin”Spring 2015

The Literary Review: “Two Poems” Fall 2015

Academy of American Poets Web:“Poof! Spring, 2015

Conjunctions Web: “Three Poems”Fall 2015

American Literary Review:”Paint”Fall 2015

Missouri Review: “Otherwise Than Our Bodies”Spring, 2015

Watchlist Fiction Anthology “The Gift”OR BooksSpring 2015

New Letters: “Firenze Pieta”Fall 2014

Free Verse “Three Poems”Fall 2014

Pleiades: “Field Events”Fall 2014

Tin House: “A fly,” “Primer”Fall 2013

Agni Review “A Tiny Cage”Spring 2013

Plume Anthology 2014 “Elephants”Spring 2014

Hotel Amerika “Three Poems”Spring 2014

Denver Quarterly: “View”Spring 2014

Ghost Train: “Three Poems”Fall 2014

American Poetry Review: “Large White House Speaking,” “The Rat”March 2013

Field: “Moment”Spring 2012

Columbia “Two Horses,”” Spring”” Ritual”Spring 2013

Plume: “ Circus,” ”Elephants”Spring 2013

Pleiades: “Spring”Spring 2013

American Life in Poetry “Portraits” Poetry Foundation Syndicated ColumnFeb.18 2013

New American Writing: “Psalm”Spring 2012

Cincinnati Review:“The Mirror in My Parents’ Bedroom”Winter 2012

Blackbird: “Brief Father,” “Peeling”Summer 2012

New Ohio Review:“Speed of Light”Spring 2012

Poetry (Chicago)“Somniloques” trans. French Alain Borer (Feature) March 2012

Field:“There’s a Jet”Spring 2012

Plume Anthology“Powder”Spring 2012

Massachusetts Review: “Laughing”Fall 2012.

Poetry“Poem Beginning with a Line from Milosz”May 2011

Field“Open House,” ”Horizon”Fall 2010

Plume“Powder”Fall 2011

Free VerseThree PoemsJuly 2011

The Offending Adam “Interview with Mark Irwin”August 2011

Colorado Review:“Creation”Spring 2011

Smartish Pace:“Of the Body”Spring 2011

Fifth Wednesday“Engine,” “On Earth”Fall 2010

The Journal“Trying to Translate from Memory”Fall 2010

Crazyhorse“Helmet,” “About”Summer 2010 #77

Kenyon Review:“Elegy”Winter 2011

FIELD:“Open House,” “Horizon”Fall 2010

Poetry International: “A Vanilla Cake,” “Luella,” “Shoes”Spring/Summer 2010

Boston Review:“The Cake”January 2010

PLEIADES:“For Your Viewing Pleasure”Spring 2011

New American Writing“Adorned”Spring 2010

Alaska Quarterly:“Where”Forthcoming

Colorado Review:“What You Might Say About Christ”Spring 2010

The Sun:“Portraits”July 2010

Subtropics:“On Sunday, Sometimes”Forthcoming

New Letters:“The Death of Death”Spring 2010

Denver Quarterly:“Two Poems”Winter 2010

The Journal:“Trying to Translate from Memory”Fall 2009

Denver Quarterly:“Survey,” “Stopping By the River in Spring”Fall 2009

Iowa Review:“Ghost”Spring/Summer 2009

Poetry International:“Sunday”Summer 2009

New American Writing: “Here,” “The Singular of Trees”Summer 2009

Kenyon Review: “In Winter,” “Red Feather”Spring 2009

Poetry (Chicago): “Landscape with Horse Named Popcorn”March 2009

AGNI Review: “Table of Contents,” “Tell Me”Winter 2009

Witness: “Avian & Lit by Air,” “Horse,” “Inventory”Spring 2009

Salt Hill: “Essay on Potatoes,” How the Dead...” “TV”Spring 2009

New American Writing: “Paperclip”Summer 2008

Free Verse: “Elegy,” “Landscape Crossed with Sleep & Prayer”Dec. 2008

Verse Daily: “Eurudice & Orpheus”Feb 18, 2009

Poetry Daily: “Voice, Distant, Still Assembling”Nov 29.2008

Antioch Review: “Aria (With a Hole in It)”Spring 2008

Georgia Review: “Rider”Summer 2008

Poetry (Chicago): “Empire”May 2008

New Letters: “Once Out of Nature”Spring 2008

Gulf Coast: “Church Engine,” “Resume,”Summer/Fall 2008

American Poetry Review: “Sailor,” “The Nest”May/June 2007

Hotel Amerika: “Lucky Boy”Spring 2008

TriQuarterly:“Concrete,” “Home,” “Yes,” “Psalm”Fall 2007

Pushcart Prize XXXI Best of the Small Presses: “Elegy (with Advertisement)

Struggling to Find Its Hero”Jan. 2007

FIVE POINTS: “Mother”Spring 2007

Third Coast: “Augenblick”Spring 2007

LUNA: “Four Poems”Spring 2007

INTERIM: “Five Poems”Spring 2006

Eleventh Muse: “Windows”Spring 2006

FIELD: “What I Remember”Fall 2006

American Letters & Commentary: “Summons”Winter 2006

Hawaii Pacific Review: “Sermon”Winter 2006

American Literary Review: “Passing”Fall 2006

American Letters & Commentary # 17: “Long Portrait”Spring 2005

Denver Quarterly: “Ends”Spring 2005

Lake Effect:“Corpse.” “Panels”Spring 2005

Colorado Review: “Ars Poetica,” “After”Fall2005

Kenyon Review: “Elegy (with Advertisement) Struggling...”Fall 2005

Marginalia: “The Lastingness of Things Only Appears in a Brief Light”Fall 2005

PUBLICATIONS: Poetry / Periodicals (partial List)

American Poetry Review, Antaeus, Agni Review, The Antioch Review, The Atlantic Monthly, American Letters & Commentary, Amicus Journal, Bloomsbury Review, Boulevard, Black Warrior Review, Colorado Review, Cincinnati Poetry Review, Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, FIELD, Georgia Review, The International Poetry Review, The Iowa Review,The Jounal, The Kenyon Review, The Malahat Review, Mid-American Review, The Nation, 88, New England Review, New York Times, New American Writing, The New Republic, ORION, Ohio Review, Paris Review, Pequod, Poetry, Pushcart Press, Runes, Quarry West, Seneca Review, Shenandoah, Triquarterly, VOLT.

ANTHOLOGIES (partial list)

Plume 6: “Who” “Spare Key”Spring 2018

Plume 5: “Who” “Rimbaud”Spring 2017

Plume 4 2016 “A Zipper”Spring 2016

Watchlist: 32 Stories by Persons of Interest. (Fiction) Catapult Books, Spring 2015

Plume 3 Poetry Anthology “Safety Pin”Summer 2015

Watchlist Fiction Anthology “The Gift”OR BooksSpring 2015

Live Life: International Anthology of Poetry & Fiction. R. McGentleman, ed. (‘Trying to Translate,” “Poem Beginning with a Line by Milosz”) Univ. Wisconsin Press, 2012.

Poems of Awakening: International Anthology of Spiritual Poetry. Betsy Small, ed. (“My Father’s Hats”). Denver: Outskirts Press, 2012.

Alhambra International Poetry Calendar 2012/13. “Open House” Shafiq Naz, ed.

Bertem, Belgium. 2012.

Poets of the American West, Lowell Jaeger, ed. (3 Poems) Univ. Montana Press, Kalispell,

MT. 2010.

Alhambra International Poetry Calendar 2011. “What You Might Say of Christ” Shafiq Naz,

ed. Bertem, Belgium. 2011.

Columbia Granger Encyclopedia of Poetry (“Landscape with a Horse”)

NEA Contemporary American Poets (China) David Mason, ed. (2 Poems) Washington, DC 2011.

Pushcart Prize Anthologies (1995, 1999, 2003, 2007) NY: Pushcart Press/ W.W. Norton

Writing Poems, 5th Edition. (”Buffalo”) Wallace, Boisseau, eds. New York: Longman, 2006.

This Life & Beyond (“Mansion of Happiness”) Chapman, Strasser, eds. Univ. Iowa Press, 2007.

ANGELS OF POETRY (“My Father’s Hats”) New York: BOA Editions, 2006.

Poetry 180: Anthology of Contemporary Poems. Billy Collins, ed. Random House, 2003.

Sites of Insight: Sacred Places of Colorado, James Lough, ed. University of Colorado Press, 2003.

GOOD POEMS: Contemporary American Poems. Garrison Keillor, ed. Viking, 2002

Orpheus & Co. Contemporary American Poems. D. Denicola, ed. New England UP, 1999.

Western Wind. Introduction to Poetry. 5th ed. Mason & Nims, eds. (“The Irises” “X”) McGrawHill, 2005.

Writing Poems 4th Ed.. Wallace & Boisseau, eds. (3 Poems) HarperCollins, 2000.


Translations from the works of Alain Borer, Philippe Denis, Arthur Rimbaud, Pierre Torreilles (France); Nichita Stanescu (Romania); Holderlin and Rilke (German). Several of the above have appeared in the following:

Descant, The International Poetry Review, The Iowa Review, Modern Poetry in Translation (London),

Lana Turner, Mundus Artium, Poetry, New England Review, The Seneca Review, and World Literature Today.

TRANSLATIONS: (Anthologies)

Ardis Anthology of Eastern European Poetry. University of Michigan Press, 1982. (Poems of Nichita Stanescu, Romania)

New Directions, 46. New York, 1982. (10 poems of Philippe Denis, France)


“Diaspora & Metamorphosis in Donald Revell’s “Short Fantasia” UMichigan Press, 2019.

“’The Songs We Know Best’: John Ashbery’s Early Life” Essay/ Review of Karin Roffman’s

biography. RALS: Penn Sate Univ. Press Fall 2018

“The Emergency of Poetry” (Featured) Zone 3 Journal, Spring 2017.

“Ethereal Streaked by the Real”: On the Poetry of Angie Estes. UMichigan Press, 2018.

“Articulating the Ineffable: Jim Simmerman’s ‘A Child’s Grave, Hale, Alabama’”

Published in: The Blood, Bone, & Flesh of it All. J.Jay,ed. Los Angeles: Gorsky Press, 2017.

“Memory’s Escape: Inventing the Music of Chance” Published in:

Conversations with Paul Auster. James Hutchisson, ed. University of Mississippi Press,2015.

“Poetry & Originality: ‘Have You Been There Before?’” AWP Journal, Oct. 2015, 21pp.

“Orpheus, Parzival, Bartleby: Forms of Abstraction in Poetry." Literary Imagination, Volume 15, #2, Summer 2013. Oxford University Press, 39 pp. (illustrated).

“A Romp Through Ruefleland.” American Poetry Review, June/July 2013, 13 pp.

“Five Turns in Anne Carson’s ‘On Shelter’”Voltage, Spring, 20135pp.

“The Art of Composition is the Art of Transition.” Poetry International. Fall 2011, 17pp.

“Distortion and Disjunction in Contemporary American Poetry.” American Poetry Review,

November/December 2011, 19 pp.

“Poetry & Memorability.” Associated Writing Program Journal, December 2010, 15 pp.

“The Poem as Concept.” Parthenon West (San Francisco), vol. 8, Winter 2008, 7pp.

“Raising Poetry to a Higher Power.” American Poetry Review, Nov./Dec. 2008, 12 pp.

“Three Notions of Truth in Poetry.” American Poetry Review, July/August, 2008, 14pp.

“Extravagances, Hesitancies, & Urgencies: On the Line in Poetry.” Slope Editions, SUNY, NY.

Summer 2008. 11pp.

“The Physiology & Geography of Bill” Introduction to BILL, by William Rector. Proem Press Poetry Series, Los Angles/Denver 2007. 6pp.

“Hyperbole as Glimpsed in Poetry & the Visual Arts.Marginalia,Spring 20079pp.

“Eros & Gnosticism in the Poetry of Linda Gregg.” Greenwood Encyclopedia of Contemporary Poetry. NY, NY. 2006. 5pp.

“Theater of Encounter: Hommage to Czeslaw Milosz.”Lake Effect,Spring 2006. 5pp.

“Horrors of Order: On Postmodern & Formal Poetry.”The Journal,Spring 2005. 7pp.

“Le Bateau Ivre: A Note on Rimbaud’s Puddle.” (with translation) New England Review, 2001. 7pp.

“Machine’s Corpe: Alice Notley’s Descent of Alette.” Denver Quarterly, Fall 1997. 9pp.

“Kite’s Body: The Poetry of Jorie Graham.” Denver Quarterly, Fall 1996. 9pp.

“Heartmusic: Study for the World’s Body /Poetry of David St. John.” Denver Quarterly,

Summer, 1995. 11pp

"Orpheus, Parzival, Bartleby: The Function of Abstraction in Poetry." 37 pp. SEL, 1993

"Gravity and Ghosts: The Physics of Wallace Stevens' 'Large Red Man Reading'." Wallace Stevens Journal, Spring 1993. 5pp.

"Inventing The Music of Chance." Special Issue of Dalkey Archives Review on the Fiction of Paul Auster, Spring 1993. 5pp.

"Expiring Wilderness, Churching the Suburbs: on Eric Fischl's Best Western." Denver Quarterly, Summer 1993. 5pp.

"Jasper Johns: Target with Four Faces." Denver Quarterly, Summer 1993. 4 pp.

"Toward a Wilderness of the Artificial." The Ohio Review, Winter 1992. 11pp.

"Great Turbines and Little Coins: New Dark Ages -- The Recent Work of Donald Revell. " Black Warrior Review. Fall 1991.

"Paris, Texas: Romancing the American Desert." The Denver Quarterly, Winter 1991. 5pp.

"Toward a Tragic Wisdom and Beyond: Poetry of Yehuda Amichai and Norman Dubie." The Kenyon Review. Winter 1987. 9pp.

"The Image Confined: 20th Century American Poetry." World Literature Today. Spring 1985.

"Immediacy in Poetry." Mid-American Review. Bowling Green State University, Spring 1984.

"The Architecture of Absence: Contemporary American and French Poetry." Substance 23/24. University of Wisconsin, 1979. 5pp.

REVIEWS: (The following reviews appeared in World Literature Today.)

Nichita Stanescu. Operele Imperfecte. Bucharest. Albatros. 1979. (Summer 1979)

Philippe Denis. Carnet d'un Aveuglement. Paris. Flammarion. 1980. (Spring 1981)

Richard Hugo. The Right Madness on Skye. New York. Norton, 1980. (Summer 1981)

W. S. Merwin. Unframed Originals. New York. Atheneum. 1982. (Spring 1983)

James Tate. Constant Defender. New York. Ecco. 1983. (Spring 1984)