 Page 1April 10, 2015

LeFlore Public Schools
Lane Jackson- Superintendent Box 147 LeFlore, Oklahoma 74942 Doylene Heaton - President
Lane Jackson- H. S. Principal (918) 753-2345 Renee Johnson- Vice Pres.
Becky Deatherage- Elem. Principal Melissa Duncan - Clerk
Samuel Ingle - Member
Shane Green- Member
______"Educating Our Future"______
13thDay ofApril, 2015
7:00 P.M.
NOTICE: The Board of Education may discuss, vote to approve, vote not to approve, vote to table, or decide not to discuss any item contained in this agenda.
  1. Routine
a.Call meeting to order.
b.Roll call of members.
c.Recognition of Guests
d.Discussion and possible action on minutes:
1.March 9th, 2015 Regular Board Meeting
  1. Information Reports
a.Administrative Report
b.Outdoor Classroom Project.
c.Baseball Field Backstop Project.
  1. General
a.Discussion and possible action to approve or not approve emergency transfers.
b.Discussion and possible action on request for use of school facilities.
  1. Discussion and possible action to hire Kindblade and associates for grant writing for Leflore Public School.
  1. Alternative School
a.Discussion concerning contract renewal with the Wister Alternative School coop to provide services for the 2015-2016 school year. Discussion to provide Alternative School services in house using the E-20 program.
b.Vote to approve School site statutory waiver/deregulation application for LeFlore schools in regards to Oklahoma Statute 70 O.S. 1210.568 – Coop agreement.
c.Vote to approve School site statutory waiver/deregulation application for LeFlore Schools. In regards to OAC 210:35-29-2 and OAC 210:35-5-46 –Abbreviated Day Alternative Education.
  1. Application for temporary appropriations for the fiscal year 2015-2016. From Jenkins CPA.
  1. Instruction
a. RUS Grant
  1. Discussion to approve and sign renewal agreement for 2015-2016 school year with Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation services for Vocational –Rehab.
  1. Discussion and vote to approve or disapprove Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2015-2016. This resolution authorizes filing of the form 471 applications for funding year 2015-2016 and the payment of the applicant’s share upon approval of funding and receipt of services.
  1. Personnel.
a.Review and discussion to accept or reject any resignations received.
b.Proposed executive session (Pursuant to O.S.§ 25-307 (B)(1). To discuss any new resignations received, and to discuss staffing and assignments for the upcoming year.
c.Vote to convene into executive session.
d.Vote to return to open session.
e.Executive session minute’s compliance announcement.
f.Discussion and possible action on any resignations received.
  1. Finance
a.Discussion and possible action on the S.A. & I 307 (1990) supplemental appropriation(s).
b.Discussion and possible action on General Fund warrant #874 through warrant #967, Sinking Fund warrant #2and Building Fund warrant #5.
c.Board to sign warrants, minutes of previous meeting, contractsand other miscellaneous documents.
d.Discussion and possible action on the treasurer and activity fund report.
  1. New Business
  1. Vote to Adjourn.
Posted this10thday of Aprilat5:30o'clock, p.m. on the front door of the LeFlore Public School Superintendent's office.
Name of person posting this notice.