Due to the much publicised cuts in public sector funding the Council is facing the challenge of how to maintain high quality services with fewer funds. Therefore, Havering Council is reviewing its Fairer Charging policy, which is the policy that dictates how we calculate what amount individuals contribute towards the cost of non-residential care services such as home care services and day centre attendance. This document sets out what we are proposing to change and how the changes could affect those who depend on these services.
The Council is seeking your comments on the proposed changes. This document explains how you can let us know what you think about the proposals and any other suggestions you may have.
The services affected by these changes are non-statutory which means that the Council is not legally obliged to provide them. However, the Council knows the importance of these services to the community and is determined to maintain them. But in order to sustain the services at the current standard we are required to generate additional income, which means that those users currently paying for these services may see an increase in their charge.
Changing the charging policy to offset the costs of these services means that they can still be available to residents who need them and other services provided to vulnerable residents do not need to be cut to pay for them. Where charges are changed, the Council will ensure that nobody will pay more unless they can afford to do so and nobody who needs the service will lose out because of cost.
The proposed changes, if adopted, will ensure that these valued services will remain available to residents who need them, despite cuts to the Council’s budget. All residents who need to use these services may be entitled to some form of benefit to help pay for them. The Council will work with residents to ensure they get all the benefits they are entitled to.
The proposed changes to the Council’s Fairer Charging policy are;
Meals on wheels
Currently the Council subsidises the cost of each meal provided through the Meals on Wheels service. It is proposed that this subsidy ceases and that users of the service pay the actual cost of the meal which is £5.13, which will mean an increase in charge of £1.37 per meal.
Do you think this proposed change is a fair approach?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Minimum charges applied to service users
Currently if an individual is financially assessed under the Fairer Charging policy as being liable to pay less than £1 per week the charge is waived. It is proposed that we increase this minimum sum so that any individual assessed to pay less than £2.50 per week would now have their charges waived.
Do you think this proposed change is a fair approach?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Cap placed on weekly sums charged for Home care services
Currently the Council caps all home care charges at a maximum of £240 per week regardless of the cost of the care and the means that the individual may have. It is proposed that we increase it to £320. Therefore, this will impact on users with a large amount of home care support who have high incomes or savings over £23,250. This cap is in line with the caps imposed by the majority of other local authorities in the Greater London area.
Do you think this proposed change is a fair approach?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Day Centre services
Currently the Council charges all attendees of day centres a nominal fee of £1.34 per day, however in order to generate the income required to keep this service available the Council is proposing to implement the same means tested assessment process in place for users of home care. The proposed charge will be a maximum of £40 per day, but as the assessment process will be means tested it is expected that the majority of service users wouldn’t have to pay anything but those with high weekly incomes or savings over £14,250 would be expected to make a contribution in line with their financial circumstances.
If you currently receive other chargeable services as well as attending a Day centre and you pay a contribution to the fees you will not see a substantial increase in your charge as that contribution applies regardless of the cost of your total care package. This proposed charge will impact most of those individuals who only attend a day centre.
Do you think this proposed change is a fair approach?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Would you still use the service if these changes were implemented?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Would you use this service if there were other day time services available other than attending a day centre?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Are you aware that the Council offers the option for service users to have personal budgets (this is where an individual can purchase the services they require directly using a budget provided by the Council)?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Would you like to be sent further information on Personal budgets?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
If yes, please write your details here:/ Your name: …………………………………………………………
Your address: …………………………………………………………
Transport to and from Day Centres
Currently the Council does not charge for transport to day centres but in order that this service can be maintained we are proposing to introduce a charge of £5 per return journey. This charge will be applicable regardless of the journey’s distance or time taken. However, all users will be subject to a means tested assessment to establish whether or not they are liable to pay.
Do you think this proposed change is a fair approach?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Proportion of disposable income considered in a financial assessment
As per Department of Health guidance the current policy provides standard allowances to each service user regardless of their financial circumstances but it also provides a further discretionary allowance of 15% of net disposable income (income less statutory allowance and disclosed expenses). We propose decreasing the allowance to 10%, which will mean a small increase in assessed charge for those individuals currently paying for their care.
Do you think this proposed change is a fair approach?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Telephone line rental
Under historical arrangements the Council currently subsidises 26 individuals’ phone bills to the sum of £45 per quarter. It is proposed that this subsidy stops.
Do you think this proposed change is a fair approach?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Disability Related Expenses
Under the current policy, as well as the allowances that are provided as standard, the Council will make allowances for all disclosed expenses that an individual incurs as a result of their personal circumstances, for example high amenities bills for those who are housebound. At present the amount of these allowances is unlimited but it is proposed that we cap the amount of this allowance in line with the higher rate of Disability Living Allowance, which is £71.40 per week.
Do you think this proposed change is a fair approach?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Chargeable services under the old Supporting People funding
The current Fairer Charging policy does not apply to individuals living in supported housing and subject to a service charge, so those individuals who live in supported housing establishments that are funded under Supporting People are obliged to pay a set fee regardless of their financial position. It is proposed that the individuals who reside in such establishments will have their ability to pay this fee financially assessed under the Fairer Charging policy. The result of this proposal will be that those individuals who do not have sufficient funds to meet these fees would be entitled to local authority funding.
Do you think this proposed change is a fair approach?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
In order for the consultation to be as affective as possible it would be of great assistance to the Council if you answer the additional questions.
Are you…? (Please tick one box only).
A service user [ ]
A Carer [ ]
A member of the public [ ]
A representative of an organisation [ ]
Other (please specify) [ ]
Do you, or the person on whose behalf you are completing this questionnaire, currently: (Please tick one box only).
Pay charges [ ]
Do not pay charges [ ]
Unsure [ ]
Do you feel the proposed changes to assess an individual’s contribution based solely on what they can reasonably afford to pay is fair?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
How would you describe your ethnic origin? (Please tick one box only).
White British Any other White background
Black or Black British
Caribbean African Any other Black background
Asian or Asian British
Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Any other Asian background
White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian
Any other Mixed background
Chinese or other Ethnic group
Chinese Other, please state:
If you have any additional comments on the proposed changes to the charging policy please add them in the box below;
Once completed please return your completed questionnaire in the pre-paid envelope provided.
If you have any questions about this document or would like to discuss its content there is a designated helpline that is available Tuesday to Thursday only between 9am and 12.30pm. This number is 01708 433013.
If you call this number outside of these specified hours you call may be answered but there will not be an appropriate officer available to discuss this issue with you.
If you would prefer to give your feedback to this document in person the Council is arranging for one-to-one sessions to be held at the Town Hall in Romford. These sessions will be available on the following days during the stated hours:
Wednesday 20th October 2010 – 9.00am to 1.00pm
Thursday 28th October 2010 – 9.00am to 1.00pm
Thursday 4th November 2010 – 9.00am to 1.00pm
If you would like to arrange a session please contact the help line (01708 433013) during the specified hours to book one. These sessions will be 20 minutes long and, pending availability, you can book any time during the stated hours.
If you would like a one-to-one session to give your feedback but are unable to attend on the stated days then please contact the help line and we will try and arrange additional sessions.
This document can be produced in another language or format, such as Braille, large print or audio book. If it is required in another format then please contact the helpline on 01708 433013 during the specified hours.
If you wish your comments to be factored into this consultation then please return the completed questionnaire, or make contact regarding providing one-to-one comments, by 19th December 2010.