Missouri School-Collage Relations Commission

James Kirkpatrick Building

September 11, 2009

CALL TO ORDER: / 9:52 a.m.
Members Present: / Bart Tibbs MOACAC
Kelli Reed; MDHE (on behalf of Leroy Wade)
Karen Goos, MACRO
Andy Arbeitman, MASA
Carol Weatherford,MNEA
Charles Smith, MNEA
Deborah Orr, MASA
Linda Gillmann, MSCA
Lee Bunch, MSCA
Sherry Thomas, MASSP
Regina Morin, ACT (Chair Elect)
Chris Mitchell, ACT
Tom Schlimpert, DESE
Marlie Williams, MASSP
Updates: / On special programs in each organization.
Chris Mitchell, ACT – part of our responsibility is the Get Set publication and making sure that is free to all schools. ACT is celebrating its 50th year.
Regina Morin with Truman State University works on the ACT council; one of the things we’re working on is a college and career club toolkit which would work strongly with MSCRC and what we as an organization want to accomplish. This toolkit is something students and teachers can take with them and plan for their college career.
Sherri Thomas, MASSP; we are making sure we have kids prepared for college. We have our conference in Oct.
Lee Bunch, MSCA; we have a leadership conference coming up next week. March 5 is our spring conference touching on data technology. We’ve been working with a state wide writing team to the guidance curriculum of comprehensive guidance curriculum. It’s all available on MCCE organization.
Linda Gillmann, MSCA; our fall conference on Nov. 7
Deb Orr, MASA; superintendents across the state are watching our budgets which consumes our priorities right now. Fall conference coming up soon as well
Charles Smith, MNEA; we going to have a career ladder day. Our goal is to share with legislators the importance of career ladders to teachers. I chair a Charter Schools task force. It appears that Charter schools will be expanded beyond KC and St. L.
Our fall conference is Nov 5 and 6 in St. Louis.
Carol Weatherford, MNEA; I listen how legislators say teachers are stuck in their ways and it’s such the opposite. We look at performance pay and as everything changes we as teachers want to stay a jump ahead of the times, not behind.
Andy Arbeitman, MASA; student achievement is what it’s all about.
Karen Goos, MCC (Metro Community College); representing MACRO, drive in workshop for electronic transcripts. We had over 60 people representing 20 schools. IT personnel were invited to discuss what electronic transcripts will look like. We’ll have a follow up workshop on this soon.
Kelli Reed, MDHE; starting out with what’s going on this year with colleges in our area. Access MO awards program. If there isn’t sufficient funding then the cost of the awards must be reduced across the board. There hasn’t been a trend to go by so that makes it very hard to determine what might be in the future. Looking forward2011-12 Bright Flight is expanding the program. The 3% score for ACT is 31 and then 4th and 5th% is 31. Top 3% will be awarded $3000 and 4th and 5th % would be awarded $1000.
We’re looking to clarifying the Bright Flight language of the award amounts.
Bart Tibbs, MOACAC; one of the things we’ve been looking toward is our 2010 conference in St. Louis. We want to focus on bringing more of our city school counselors on line. We’re offering any school counselor a free pass to the conference to gain the knowledge of the resources provided to help the students. Online registration: this is something we’re really looking into to make it easier for everyone.
We’ve just completed the first week of the MOACAC day/night schedule. It’s been a good experience.
Marlie Williams, MASAP – nothing further than what Sherri had to say.
Angelette Prichett / Ms. Prichett, from Dept. of Higher Education
Presenting on: Curriculum Alignment Initiative
Lamp: turning the Light on Assessment – see handout
Assessment and Curriculum Alignment are beginning to dove tail into each other; that’s why I’ve introduced you to LAMP.
The Knot: whenever you are faced with uncertainty think creativity.
4 Steps: Entry-Level Competencies
Linking Competencies to Assessment
Stipulating the phase in approach
How does this impact policy, effect dual credit??
Q: What happens to students who don’t meet entry-level competencies?
A: Currently Nothing – but we’re looking into doing something.
Anyone who may be interested in serving on a committee, let Angelette know.
Career & Tech Ed funding programs are required to track student’s placement…other post secondary colleges haven’t been held to that same standard, it’s something that
hasn’t been done before b/c we didn’t have the means to track the students
Q: Is one of the long term goals for this is to have a standardized transcript for this?
A: I can’t say that’s not where it’s going. It’s a multi-level issue. We can’t 100% mandate and say you have to do ‘this’. We can only impact the public school systems. We do have the legislation behind us.
Q: Will there be a common assessment tool?
A: I don’t know that. Some people fear that. Oklahoma has three tests for assessment. It may get to like that.
Q: Could you use the high school end of course exams as a placement tool?
A: Maybe, it could get that way. I don’t know where that process is; I think it’s on a back burner with the Commissioner change.
Angelette Prichett, Research Associate
CAI Coordinator
3515 Amazonas Dr.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573/751-5221 Fax: 573/751-6635
Last meetings minutes / Minutes from April’s meeting,
Motion to accept minutes: Regina Morin
Andy Arbeitman seconded / Minutes accepted
Treasurers report / $50 member dues…each member pays that within the organizations.
$250 Get Set for College by each organizations
Your $50 member dues go toward the PO Box and paying for lunch for each meeting.
Email members that we’ve received contribution or email those that need to pay yet.
Next year’s Get Set make the organizations updated
$50 dues – every organization gets 1 bill for $50 for two members as well as the $250 for Get Set what does member mean Institution/organization or people?
Can we consolidate the two bills $50/250 into one bill?
End of year balance was $3670.02. Expenses of the $3000 for the Get Set publication, lunches and $38 for PO Box.
Motion by Tom to send mail to DESE to Heather’s attention and do away with the PO Box.
Will $50 dues per organizationcover the bills that the commission has?
We think we are alright but we will watch that and evaluate that after a year.
Andy states why not bump up the dues to $75.
Chris Mitchell needing to leave wanted to add: contacting the organizations on letterhead to see if they are still supporting. That would give us another $300, would we consider appropriate additions to the commission.
MSTA isn’t on the member contact list but is on the Get Set publication that organization needs to be present at some meetings.
If those of you who are in the school buildings want this publication (Get Set) in your school just call the ACT Midwest office and we’ll get you as many as you want.
Put in the Digest to get the Get Set support for publication to get more support. / call Karla Gable to find this answer out for definite
Yes: consolidate to one $300 invoice.
Motion accepted
It was decided to wait and watch it for a while and see if $50 is enough before it’s raise it.
Heather and Tom will do that by the next publication.
Tom will follow up with MARE.
Challenge Grant
Kelli - DHE / Challenge Grant: it’s a federal grant that we have received to target under privileged areas to get them into college. We’re working on developing a web portal to help families see what is available to them in higher education. There will be a set of material available for them as well as for classroom teachers.
Sub-grant for non-profit organizations. The purpose is to provide the outreach to MO families. In May we had 27 applicants for the grants, 9 were awarded.
The average award is roughly $100,000.
Kelli will email Heather the organizations that received the grants.
One proposal was starting with younger kids having a mentor in the field that tracks along and helps keep them on the right path.
Grant information emailed from Kelli to explain in more detail:
Question: What were some of the proposals that were approved?
Answer: The proposals are summarized in a May 7, 2009 press release on the MDHE’s website, under News Center then News Releases. The following is an excerpt from that press release. $100,000 is the maximum grant amount.
A St. Louis-based program called College Bound received the maximum grant amount. Since its creation in 2006, College Bound has helped 80 students attend college. "College Bound's role is to meet our students where they are and be there for them, whether that means filling out applications, providing a meal, or driving them to visit a college…”
Other recipients and their awards include:
  • The Missouri Association of Student Financial Aid Personnel -- $2,000 to organization and perform college financial aid outreach and training to students, families and high school counselors in the state of Missouri.
  • College Summit -- $80,000 to work with high schools to build their college-going culture and capabilities.
  • Southeast Missouri State University -- $100,000 to develop sustainable, targeted college planning and financial literacy training for K-12 students and families in the Cape Girardeau Public School District.
  • St. Louis Internship Program -- $51,845 to provide internship opportunities for St. Louis Public High School students that are in financial need.
  • The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis -- $98,000 to help low-income students with college planning, individual advising, FAFSA completion, debt management and financial literacy.
  • Poplar Bluff Technical Career Center -- $100,000 to provide career awareness to middle school students, financial literacy counseling, financial aid assistance and mentors to low-income students and their families.
  • Missouri State University West Plains -- $99,173 to encourage academic preparation for middle school students, and provide campus visits, financial aid and mentors to low income students from area schools.
  • University of Missouri -- $100,000 to support, sustain and expand the activities of its existing Missouri College Advising Corps
Tim Hopkins provided some additional information about the College Bound request: College Bound requested $100,000 from the CACG. This organization mitigates the challenges faced by low-income students by providing a rigorous seven-year action plan during which students and families – who would not have benefited from enrolling or completing postsecondary education – gain the tools and resources to apply to and attain degrees at colleges and universities. College Bound provides weekly classes on “college knowledge” ranging from admission requirements, types of post secondary schools and study skills to application completion, scholarship research, essay writing, career exploration, financial literacy and standardized test preparation.
Question: What reporting will be required of the subgrant recipients to determine success/accountability?
Answer: The subgrant recipients will be required to submit an annual performance report to the MDHE in March 2010. The report will include success measures such as the number of students that matriculate to higher education and the number of students that complete the FAFSA as a result of the projects funded by the subgrant. The MDHE will use the information from the March reports to complete a federal annual performance report in May 2010. The federal report will also include information about the MDHE’s other CACG initiatives (the web portal and the financial literacy information).
Specifically, subgrant recipients will be required to:
  1. Describe the progress that their project has made towards accomplishing the objectives of theirproject for this reporting period as outlined in their grant application.
  2. List their objectives and indicate what activities have taken place, the quantitative results of those activities, and actions required (what, if any, changes do they intend to make in response to the results that they have seen).
  3. Coordination
  4. How did they coordinate CACG activities and services with other programs in their region that assist students in preparing for and graduating from postsecondary education?
  5. Services provided to students
  6. Information for students and families (postsecondary education benefits, opportunities, planning, financial options, and college preparation.
  7. Outreach activities
  8. Assistance in completion of FAFSA or other financial reporting form
  9. Ethnic background and gender of students served
  10. Provide the number of high school seniors who received services as a result of the CACG.
f.Provide the number of high school seniors who completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).Question: Will there be another round of proposals and, if so, when?
Answer: The current awards, including those awards that will be made from the 10 pending mid-year applications, are for one year. Beginning in December, the MDHE will accept applications for subgrants for the second year of the CACG. The applications, which should be available from the MDHE website, will be due January 29, 2010. New applicants are encouraged to apply.Current recipients will have to submit a renewal application that will be shorter than the initial application. Renewal applicants with strong performance indicators are likely to receive a second year award but this is predicated upon approval by the external evaluation team that consists of representatives from secondary and postsecondary education.
Projects: / Second Life*: College fair
This needs to be researched more to see if the interest is there before we take the time.
Maybe MOACAC could lead this research on the list serve.
*Second life is having a college fair in the internet environment.
Regina will email Bart (and Bragg) what she sent out explaining what Second Life is and he will put it out on the list serve to see what the general thought is.
History of the Uniform Transcript:
Lots of discussion at our last meeting.
What is our thought now…where do we put our resources at where this is concerned?
Is there a movement already out there that MSCRC can support?
The movement is already happening at the college level. Maybe our approach is to see if there is movement at the secondary level that we can latch on to and bring to MO, possibly on a national level.
Karen Goos will do some research and let the commission know what’s actually out there now. More specifically she’ll look into what standards are out there and the exchanges. (SPEEDY) then email Bart and he will distribute that information to the Commission.
Other Business: / Send the Commission the most recent copy of the By Laws…get with Karla to make sure we have those.
Next Meeting Dates : / December 11, here at the James Kirkpatrick Building from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Any thought to a conference call instead of having 3 meeting a year so as not to have folks have to drive so far and then maybe meet face to face once a year.
Majority seems to favor the face to face meeting to webinar but is willing to try one maybe in Dec.
Are these meetings meeting the needs of you as members needs?
Yes! Everyone sees the importance of this commission. We are here to help the kids in real life so anything we can do or learn from each other is a vital.
Make the meeting program to have Second life or the electronic transcripts up on the big screen as a hands–on meeting. With all this virtual information we need to be up to speed with where the kids are today.
If members that can’t be there can we have a conference call inside the meeting so they are at least involved?
Heather will check into that availability with the Buildings services.
Adjourn: / Meeting adjourned by Bart at 1:44