Delaware Reformed Church

March 13, 2016


Prelude Madeline Loewe


Call to Worship Breanna Kruid

Praise & Worship The Praise Band and the Youth Group “Build Your Kingdom Here” “Indescribable”


Opening Prayer

Children’s Story Jennifer Kruid

Hymn “Desert Song”

Congregational Prayer

Scripture 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5

Message “The POWER of the Cross”

Worship in Tithes & Offering Kaleb Smit & Matthew Kruid

Doxology & Offertory Prayer Madeline Loewe

Hymn “Days of Elijah”

Benediction Levi Andernacht

Closing Song “Days of Elijah”

Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here!

If you are a visitor please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering.

Birth-4 Nursery is available beginning at 9:15 and throughout the service. Serving in the nursery today is Linda & Marilyn.

Please welcome Jean Volkers as our guest speaker today.

This Week:

Monday: Consistory 7:00pm

Tuesday: Living Stone Prison Church 4:30pm

Wednesday: Youth Group 7:00pm

Children's Ministry Offering: The initial chicken challenge has been met! In celebration, the CHICKEN DANCE will take place in the fellowship hall this morning right after the lights flash for Sunday School. Feel free to join the kids in celebrating the $745.98 that has been given to provide 37 flocks of chickens for needy families!!! “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7. The Heifer International Project will continue through March 27. Keep up the cheerful giving!

A very special thank you to everyone for your prayers, food, cards, and visits following my recent back surgery. It is wonderful to have such a caring church family. – Joel Westra

Thank you to everyone for thinking and praying for me during my recent angiogram. Special thanks to Larry Bruns for taking me to the hospital for the procedure. - Wayne Gedstad

Individual giving statements for the 2015 calendar year are available. If anyone would like to receive a statement of their giving to the church for tax purposes, please contact Jonathan, Joel or Nate.

Prayer Force: Please remember our Delaware children in your prayers, let them know you care.

Offering Report
General Fund / Building Fund
Offering Received / 3/6/2016 / $3,170.25 / $320.00
Budgeted Average Weekly Offering / $2,692.31 / $748.08
Difference / $477.94 / -$428.08
Fiscal Year-To-Date Summary
Received Offerings / $29,403.54 / $2,135.00
Budgeted Offerings / $26,923.08 / $7,480.77
Difference / $2,480.46 / -$5,345.77

Women's Ministry Service Project: The service project for March and April is baby items for the Alpha Center in Sioux Falls. Needs lists are posted on the bulletin board.

The Union Gospel love gift for March is creamed soup. Please give creamed soup or if you prefer, cash, to Rhonda, Marilyn or Barb P. Thank you!

Children’s Ministry Opportunity: Could you handle 10-12 preschoolers and teach them a Sunday School lesson? We have two very capable teachers doing just that but they could sure use a helping hand. We need one more person to share this volunteer position on Sunday mornings. No prep, just show up and serve! Talk to Jo, Tara H or Tara D if you would be willing to help.

Children's Ministry News: Delaware VBS will be June 6-10 with the Sunday School Picnic to be held on June 12. Worthing VBS will be held August 1-5.


Fellowship lunch for Sunday, March 20th is Jill & Anita. Praise and Worship is the Sunday School Choir. Children’s Sermon is Krystil Smit. Nursery is the Loewe family. Usher is Larry Bruns. Projector is Paula Loewe. Guest Speaker is Rev. Mark Volkers.

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, March 27th is Lynnette & Janell. Praise and Worship is the Delaware Family Singers. Children’s Sermon is Jo Westra. Nursery is Rebecca & Sharon. Usher is Dave DeVries. Projector is Brian Dangel. Guest Speaker is Rev. Mark Volkers.

Bulletin information should be given to Lisa Westra at 605-366-1037 or by Thursday at 9:00am.