October 21 2015 – 7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Lorron M., Laurie M., Sandy G., Randy G.,Dale A., Jason K., Al K., Carl B., Scott C., Gary L., Brenda L., Jim B., Dan S. and Ray H. Also present was Steve Olson, PF regional representative.

Welcome: Steve Olson, PF regional representative was introduced and welcomed to the meeting.

Meeting to Order: Chairman Dale A. called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. at Sidelines.

Minutes: Motion made by Sandy G., seconded by Lorron M. to approve the September 2, 2015 meeting minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Sandy G. distributed the September 30, 2015 Treasurer Report. The report gave an itemized list of disbursements for a total of $18,036.07. The disbursements were for the banquet, youth hunt, membership payment to PF, food plots and a donation to Yellow Ribbon. The balance in the PF account is $30,494.65 and in the Peoples Bank it is $33,869.40. Upon a motion by Al K., seconded by Dan S. the report was approved. Motion carried.

Banquet Report: Banquet committee member Jason K. led the discussion. The consensus was that we had a very successful 2015 banquet. Sandy G. provided a handout that showed banquet deposits of $38,237.58 and expenses of $21,649.92. The revenue above expenses was $16,587.66, however, when including PF membership expense of $2330.00 the amount is $14,257.66.

Considerations for the future included

-Rethinking the last chance gun raffle. People were ready to leave after the gun corral.

-Early gun raffle, start earlier and definitely have raffle sales at the County Fair.

-Registration sheets for the banquet should also be ready to distribute at the County Fair.

-Food was a homerun.

-Cake was a great idea; we should continue to have dessert.

-Have a women’s raffle table.

-Come up with a plan for table sponsors.

-Membership in PF part of attending banquet, spouses, significant others would still be meal only. Eighteen and over need their own membership.

-Work with PF and Kevin K. to obtain special order guns to add to guns that Kevin K. is able to obtain for the banquet. Start earlier on guns.

-Dave O. and Jason K. will take care of prizes, but will not be banquet committee chairs; Laurie M., Sandy G. and Brenda L. may take the lead.

-Be good to have a person other than banquet leadership to organize and track sponsors and donors and related parts to this.

Dalbo WMA Land Purchase: Steve Olson explained that a strip of land is needed to connect parcels at the WMA. Dale A. explained that currently the connection is abutting corners. Lorron M. moved, seconded by Dan S. to authorize $5,000 to purchase the connecting land. Motion carried.

Youth Hunt: Carl B. thanked members who brought their dogs and helped out at the Youth Hunt. Twelve kids hunted. Special thanks to Brenda L. and Jessica H. for the excellent meal that was enjoyed by everyone there and to Mike Bergren of Pheasant Ridge for hosting the group and giving the chapter an excellent price on the birds. Carl B. recommended we give a gift certificate for a gun, rather than an actual gun. Safety was discussed and it was decided that members would bring extra guns to use in case any of the guns planned to be used were unsafe. He also mentioned that he would do the youth activities for one more year, but would like someone to help and then take over.

Top Gun Competition: Lorron M. reported a very meager showing, but that people who were there had a great time. They will reconsider date and perhaps try it earlier in the summer.

Habitat News: Lorron M. said that he and Dale A. worked one field and planted rye at Becklin Park, however, the disk could not handle the second field. Also, discussed tax implications on land put into conservation programs which seems to be a barrier to a number of land owners. This area needs clarification.

Website Proposal: Laurie M. shared a mocked up website for the chapter. She and her colleague, Karen Vossler did an actual website and made copies for members to look at while Laurie explained the site’s features. It was a very impressive start that included pictures of the activities the chapter has done. She also compared costs of using the company National PF makes available to chapters and one that she and her colleague would be willing to head up. Discussion ensued. Dan S. moved, seconded by Jason K. to authorize establishment of a chapter website ( and e-mail account for an upfront cost of $218.95, with a yearly renewal fee of $129.95 and administrative costs of $250.00 per year. Motion carried. Members thanked Laurie M. for stepping forward and beginning this project.

Meeting Adjourned & Minutes: Upon motion by Scott C., seconded by Al K. the meeting adjourned at 8:55. Minutes by Ray Hoheisel.