Merrill SmithHead of Business Development & Support Service, Leisure &
Communities (Chair)
Scott MandsEquality & Diversity Co-ordinator, Leisure & Communities
Elspeth WalkerSFL Manager, Education
Bruce PatrickAsst. Procurement and Performance Manager, Dundee Contract Services
Jane LingSenior Human Resources Officer, Education
Carole RobertsonPublic Health Improvement Officer, Chief Executive/Corporate Planning
Lindsay WrightHuman Resources Officer, Education
Gaynor McLeanSenior Personnel Officer, Personnel
Laura ChristieStrategy Officer, Housing
Allan WebsterWorkplace Chaplain
No / Item / Action1 / Apologies were received from Dorothy Wilson, Joyce Barclay and Val Ridley (Gaynor McLean attended in Val's absence).
2 / Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
2.1 / Accuracy
Allan confirmed that his name is spelt with 2 Ls.
2.2 / Matters Arising not covered in the Agenda
Ref 2.2.1 Dundee House
Scott is meeting with Rob Pederson on Monday 30 November 2009, and will feedback to the group. Allan has briefly spoken about the Peace Room with Rob Pederson and David Dorward. / SM
Ref 2.2.2 Hate Crime Reporting
To be discussed after the meeting.
Ref 2.2.3Government Consultation on Age Discrimination
Merrill has received and returned the report and sent it to Scott also.
Ref 2.2.4 Dundee House Peace Room
As mentioned in Ref 2.2.1
Ref 2.2.5 Loop System
Architectural Services are looking at this. / DW
Ref 2.2.6 Disabled Go
Architectural Services are looking at this. / DW
Ref 2.2.7 Strand Chairs Meeting
Actions from meeting will be fed into Action Plan as appropriate.
3 / Single Equality Scheme
3.1 / To Do List
Scott handed out and explained this document. It was suggested that the draft action plan points be listed with the main Aims/Outcomes (see 3.3).
It was suggested that each item be taken forward through the champions and fed back to Scott.
The Conversation table leaders are to interpret comments on the flipcharts from their subject and feedback to Scott as per Stewart Murdoch's template.
A letter is to be sent out to all event participants before publication of the SES.
Going to committee on Monday 23 November 2009 so this needs to be finalised by Friday 6 November 2009. / SM
3.2 / Actions Required
Dorothy to return comments on final report on Disability Scheme by Friday 23 October 2009.
Elspeth has a summary ready for circulation on Education Schemes.
Carole will be updating the June 2009 report on the Gender Scheme. / DW
3.3 / The Action Plan Template
Layout was discussed and has been changed to have the Outcomes as the headings. Scott and Merrill will work on this issue. A new draft will be sent out and comments etc are to be sent to Scott by week ending Friday 23 October 2009.
Champions are to do a Summary or 'Catch All' exercise with the old actions on the website. / ALL
4 / Role of Core Group
The group will discuss this further after the SES Report is completed. Possibly at the next meeting.
5 / AOCB
5.1 / BV2
Auditors identified main concern - the importance of training on Race. They appreciated that there was a lot of good work done but there was no evidence of this.
5.2 / Briefing to Councillors
This went well. Councillors keen to get involved. Quarterly Newsletter to be sent out.
5.3 / Service Monitoring of Equality and Diversity
To be discussed at the next meeting.
5.4 / Audit Scotland Questionnaire
Audit Scotland published consultation. Scott to respond to questionnaire sent to him and pass it to Bruce and Chris. Laura filled in the questionnaire re Gypsy Travellers from the Housing Departments perspective. / SM/BP
5.5 / Inter-faith Event
Dundee is launching The Scottish Inter-faith Week at Dundee University on Sunday 22 November 2009. Allan, Bruce and Merrill will attend.
The Lord Provost will be having a Conversation meeting with all the religious leaders of the City on Wednesday 25 November 2009. An agenda is to be produced for this event. / MS
5.6 / Change of meeting date
All members are to get back to Merrill with alternative dates for the meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday 8 December 2009. / ALL
5.7 / Venue
Scott is to speak to Laura about access to a suitable venue for the Action Groups to meet. / SM/LC
6 / Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 10 November 2009 at 2.00pm in Conference Room C.
Tuesday 8 December 2009 meeting date to be changed.
7 / Circulation
All above plus Chief Executive, Assistant Chief Executive, Graeme Smillie
T:\E&D Co-ordinator - Scott Mands\Typing\Core Group Meeting 14.09.09.doc